When was the last time you felt your confidence waver?
Maybe you were about to step onto a stage to speak… or almost ready to start a webcast… picking up the phone for a sales call… or about to hit send on an important email or publish on a blog post out of your comfort zone…
We all have those moments where we aren’t sure we can be successful with what we’re about to do.
So what can you do?
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* All but 3 of the items on this list can be completed in 60 seconds, or less!
Get Into Action…
1. Clean your desk (or your space) – it’s a small thing but it can make a huge difference in your energy and productivity. When we aren’t getting things done, our confidence takes a hit. So clean your space and get back to productive!
2. Do something you’ve been avoiding – what’s on your list that you’ve been putting off? Avoiding things we know we should do cause us to become out of integrity with ourselves, and our minds start to question if we can be trusted… so take care of something you’d been avoiding.
Take Care of Yourself…
3. Dress sharp – if you’re working from home it’s easy to fall into the “PJs every day” routine. Get dressed up and stand in front of the mirror. Watch how it shifts the way you feel.
4. Stand up straight – yep, posture matters. Stand up straight (or sit up straight). Or try Power Poses.
6. Eat healthy – instead of another can of diet soda, or those m&ms, choose a healthy drink and snack. Your body will feel better when you fuel it with healthy things and you’ll feel better about yourself for making good choices. Little choices add up and you’ll find the more good choices you make, the more confidence you have and the more you trust yourself.
7. Think of a time you helped someone else – take a moment to reflect on a time you were able to help serve another person, how they felt and how you felt. This is a powerful way to shift how you’re feeling quickly. (Take this to the next level and try this strategy.)
9. List the things you’ve achieved – give me a list of 10 things you’ve achieved. These don’t need to be big accomplishments. Just 10 things you’ve succeeded at that you’re proud of. Notice how you feel thinking about those moments.
Shift Your Mindset…
10. Get positive and own who you are – sometimes a lack of confidence happens when we allow ourselves to speak negatively about ourselves. Don’t allow yourself to think negative thoughts. Stop and list out 10 things you like about yourself.
11. OWN who you are – you’re unique, you have your own skills and talents and life path. Don’t focus on the things where you feel you lack (we all have areas to grow and improve), but instead remember you’re a whole being and your positives far outweigh your negatives (especially since you are conscious of them and working to improve). Focus right now on your positive qualities and what’s good about you. You are amazing. Embrace that.
12. Be grateful – look around and notice all the things you have to be grateful for. Whatever your situation, stop to realize you’ve truly got so much to be thankful about.
13. Compliment others – take the focus off yourself. Who can you genuinely compliment?
14. Speak up and contribute – you have ideas and input that is valuable. Share it. You’ll feel better after you’ve spoken up and added ideas to whatever discussions are happening around you.
15. Smile – it’s simple, but effective. Just smile. If you can, smile in a mirror. Be conscious of how you’re feeling and that you choose right now, to shift into feeling calm and confident.
Next time you feel less than confident, try one of these ideas, okay?
And join me today on the “Ready, Ame, Fire” show – Saturday at 11am. We’ll be discussing confidence, self-worth, where it comes from, and how it all ties into your success in business and life. Click here to reserve your seat then join us live!
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Hi Michelle,
I love numbers 11 and 13.
Working with teens and their teams (families and school community) over the last 15 years has shown me the value of being yourself and bringing the joy. I have dealt with everything imaginable- as you could imagine when it concerns teens.
This generation I have grown up with wants to break through. The new American Dream and Real World 2.0 is going to be about daring to dream and go for it. It won’t be about getting a house with a picket fence. The young adults these days want to make a difference. They are going to have to be themselves to offer their own unique gift- and this is what our world needs. That covers number 11.
With number 13 you provide an option when you seem stuck. You can make someone’s day! Bringing the joy ensures good happens right now. We can get so frustrated when it doesn’t go our way and we are at the mercy of life. Complimenting or smiling (15) gives you total control again. You don’t have to wait with delivering good, making a difference in a small, but concrete way.
Thanks for broadcasting these 15 gems for generating momentum when confidence needs a boost.
Hey Donovan, I agreed, the American dream has changed. It’s more about reclaiming your soul as a human being, than it is about the perfect house with that white picket fence.
Great ideas on this post. Fake it till you become it! Thanks for sharing.
Glad you found this helpful, Alecia. I’ve always struggled with the idea of “fake it till you become it” though I know it works well for some. So I’ve found other ways around confidence challenges. :)
These are great!!! 3, 7 and 11 are ones I know have worked for me but I often forget to do them. Thanks for the reminder!
In the blog I selected to be attached to this comment, I give another confidence booster — just talk to yourself about yourself in private like Donald Trump does out loud!! :-)
(Now… to get out of my PJs! )
Love that, Lisa. Of all the things one can say about Donald Trump… the man does not lack confidence!
Confidence basically depends on how you feel about yourself. As an expert, I suggest you figure out what you can do today that will take you closer to those goals – and take those steps. Then do the same again for tomorrow, and the next day, until you reach your goal. It will help you to reach your desired goal and boost your confidence.