You might be thinking… “Hey Santa, all I wanted for Christmas was my content to go viral…”
And Santa’s response? You’re on the naughty list.
Also, I have no idea what makes for viral content… can someone ask Rudolph or my head Elf?
If Santa didn’t bring you viral content for Christmas, try this solid list of DATA driven ways to increase the odds your next blog post will go viral.
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I’ve never tried using brackets, Michelle and I’m certainly going to try it for my next blog post. Thanks for sharing Backlinko’s awesome infographic.
Isn’t that an interesting one? I’ve done hashtags but will definitely be testing out brackets, too.
This infographic is very well made and it reminded me to use hashtags more (I don’t use them as much as I should) and to add brackets to my titles. I will also start using more infographics in my content since they seem to get shared more.
Infographics do get shared a lot, Grace. Definitely worth testing out. I’d love to hear what your experience is testing out these tips.
Top take aways; Placing certain info above the fold, getting emotional and 2,000 or more. Very interesting. Thanks !
Long content that goes in depth to solve a problem is definitely a great way to get people talking about and sharing your blog. Great takeaways, Nancy.
Hey Michelle,
This is really amazing Inforgraphic for this subject and it includes vast mechanism of blog. We should really craft a blog post in such a way that can attract our loyal readers. Creative images play vital role for better success of post, we need to add effective and eye-catching images in our post for long time engagement with audience. Eventually, thanks for sharing your worthy thought with your informative Infographic.
With best regards,
Amar kumar
Hey Amar, thanks for stopping by, reading, and commenting.
I need to get better at writing in shorter sentences. I often ramble on and on and my readers probably get bored which makes my bounce rate be over 90%. If there’s one thing I learned from reading this it’s write in sentences that have 10-15 words max.
Hey Samantha, a great tool you may find helpful is Give it a try and let me know if it’s helpful. :)
This is excellent! I knew of most of the things but I never thought to actually use brackets. I just thought that was something people did to have fancier titles. Also, the time thing is news to me. Does this also apply to sharing things on Reddit as well? Very good information! I am book marking this one :)
Yes, every network has it’s own “best day” and “best times” to post – for Reddit, try this:
Love it! Always looking and wanting to know the STAPLES of what I am writing!!
Understanding those staples is key, isn’t it? Thanks for stopping by Ashley.
Hey Michelle!
Lot’s of great information here! I would have never guessed odd numbers or brackets could be so helpful. Knowing what time to publish was also a big question for me. Thank you for including that one!
Hey Brian, it’s always fascinating to see what the data actually says. Glad the scheduling times were helpful for you.
I never considered the time I post things. I actually normally do it at night and after thinking about it… That makes no sense! Most people read their items in the morning and early afternoon. A lot of people are busy mid-day and evening hours with their family or friends. I am going to try posting earlier in the day and see what happens. It can’t hurt!