What would your day be like if you could write better blog posts in half the time?
Does it take you an hour (or longer) to write a blog post? Do you sit down to write and end up frustrated at how much time you’re putting into your blog?
Blogging doesn’t have to be that way. You can blog well in less time if you know how to approach it and have a few of these “hacks” in your bag of tricks.
1. Be Yourself & Write What You Know
Trying to blog like someone else usually just causes frustration. Not only will it take you longer, but it will destroy your own creativity and voice if you try to fit yourself into someone else’s mold. It’s okay to “sound” like you!
Part of being you is writing what you know. If you’re blogging about a topic you know little or nothing about, expect it to take a while since you’ll have to research everything thoroughly before you publish. If you pick a topic that you know about you’ll find it much easier to write quality content quickly.
2. Start with Templates and Blogging Prompts
This is a “Top 5″ or “5 Tips” style post. I chose the headline and format before I started blogging.
Here are some free blog post (and article writing) templates you’ll find helpful:
- http://remarkablogger.com/?s=post+templates
- http://blog.ezinearticles.com/category/article-templates
- http://www.fuelyourblogging.com/five-possible-blog-post-templates-to-follow/
- http://www.mirnabard.com/2010/07/10-instant-blog-post-templates-to-help-you-write-articles-in-30-minutes-or-less/
3. Be Inspired by Others
Are you reading other blogs? Choose at least a few successful blogs to subscribe to and read regularly — it’ll help you generate ideas and give you a model of what works that you can learn from.
4. Borrow Content and Add Your Thoughts
From YouTube and TED Talk videos, to infographics, to free to reprint articles, there’s plenty of quality content out there that you can legally “swipe” to share on your blog. Make it your own by adding your thoughts to what you share and you can have an interesting blog post for your readers with just a few minutes of your time.
5. Create a Plan for Your Posts & Use a Blogging Calendar
Instead of brainstorming a new idea every day, try choosing a theme and writing a series on it. If you write 5 posts on the same topic in one writing session, you’ll find it’s usually a lot quicker than if you were to write 5 posts on different topics on 5 different days. Series are a great way to draw readers back and add subscribers to your blog, too.
A blogging calendar can help you get organized. I tend to go old fashioned and brainstorm out my posts ideas on a printed calendar. Here’s how I plan mine (video).
What are your favorite blogging hacks to save time?
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Hello Michelle,
Nicely described. Thanks a lot for all these worthy tips. I usually follow Google Alerts and various others online community that are related to my niche to know the latest buzz in the market. This can also save lot of time. Referring to infographics for article writing is very unique idea.
Hey Worli, you’re welcome and thanks for stopping by to read and comment.
Ideas for blogging are never the problem for me. It’s making the time. I have a fat research folder a book I might write someday called “How to Find Your Next 10,000 Ideas.” But its less of a priority than writing a long-simmering book on the intersection of marketing and social/environmental change. I’m overdue to publish a new one, and that one is beginning to crystalize.
I look forward to reading that book, Shel!
And knowing you… I cannot imagine you’re ever at a loss for ideas. :)
Hi Michelle,
One of my favorite blogging hacks is to begin with a quote and riff off it :-) I’m a quote junkie so there’s no shortage of ideas or blog content :-)
Happy blogging,
So glad to have your tips again – I wish I could write a post in an hour, or even two! ;)
Wonderful advice, though the planning part is the hardest here, since not all are able to follow the plan. Though I think on the whole it can make blogging much easier
I agree. Write what you know and don’t be afraid to be an expert on something you’re not.