Photo iprole @ sxc.hu
Stuck on what to blog about next?
I’ve been brainstorming ideas for blog topics as part of the ultimate blog challenge and since I had more than the 31 I need I thought it’d be fun to share them here.
If you ever get writer’s block when you need to write for your blog, ezine, articles, etc. feel free to use any here (and bookmark this page). I hope these spark some ideas for you if you’re stuck.
50 Great Title Ideas for Your Next Article or Blog Post
- Why I Blog
- My Love Affair With…
- Interview with (someone who’s no longer living – you make up the answers you think they’d give)
- A Charity You Should Know About
- If I Ran the World
- 5 Books You Need to Read
- The One Thing I Do Every Day
- If Keyboards Could Talk
- My Favorite Thing About Facebook
- The Coolest Thing I’ve Found in Google
- The Weirdest Thing I’ve Found in Google
- Why I Don’t Write Poetry
- If I Were Writing a Screenplay
- Cover Story Dreams (if you were on the cover of a magazine which one would it be and why)
- A Turning Point
- Thoughts Winter Brings to Mind
- Creativity Lessons from Children
- What My Popcorn Maker Taught Me About Demand in Business
- Playing Devil’s Advocate with the Voices in My Head
- Technology I Can’t Live Without
- How I Overcome Challenges
- The Biggest Goal I’ve Achieved So Far
- What I Do When I Fail
- If I Were My Mother I’d Tell Myself…
- What I Wish They’d Invent
- What X Will Be Like In 10 Years
- Business Tools Worth the Money
- My Favorite Free Tools/Resources
- What’s on My Desk Right Now
- Top 3 Favorite YouTube Videos
- If I Could Only Visit One Website Today…
- Best Bumper Sticker I’ve Seen Lately
- What I’d Do Differently if I Were (Insert Big Brand Here)
- The One Thing I Wish I’d Known Before…
- The 5 or 10 Websites I Visit Most Often
- Things I’ve Learned on Twitter
- How to Reinvent Yourself
- Childhood Plans (What I Wanted to Be When I Grew Up)
- If Space Travel Were Here Today
- A Business Product That Changed My Business
- One Person I’m Glad I Met
- My Favorite Quotes and Why
- Lessons I’ve Learned in Business
- A Tale of Two Clients (Talk About What Makes a Great Client vs. Not-So-Great Client)
- Inspired Creations (Share Favorite Creation if You’re Artistic)
- How to Know You’re On The Right Path
- Intuition and Business
- Where to Find Support for Your Ambitions
- Dreaming Big Enough
- Learning to Relax… Take a Mini-Vacation…
You can get more ideas for coming up with content at www.simplestorming.com
Even More Awesome Blog & Article Title Ideas
I did a Google search and found lots more posts like this one! So here are several hundred MORE ideas you can use. You’ll never be stuck again.
- http://www.chrisbrogan.com/100-blog-topics-i-hope-you-write/
- http://thefuturebuzz.com/2009/02/16/blog-post-ideas-generate-buzz/
- http://www.seoptimise.com/blog/2008/09/50-blog-post-ideas-for-business-blogging.html
- http://www.ihelpyoublog.com/20070316-101-great-posting-ideas-that-will-make-your-blog-sizzle
- http://marluckmarketing.com/540/50-blog-ideas
151-blog-post-ideas-to-blast- off-your-blog/?
- 106
You write a must-read blog!!!
This is an AWESOME list Michelle!! I just love it and have printed it out to put in my notebook so that I can have some great ideas at the tip of my fingers as I sit down to write!
You are always so helpful with your blog tips, thank you and please keep up the good work!
Thank you, Helen! :)
I love blog posts like these! I keep meaning to make a swipe file with them but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Hmmm – wondering if I have time to do that today?
Swipe files are a great idea. I’ve got some printed copies of content brainstorming worksheets I keep handy. Makes it a lot easier to get started writing.
Thanks for sharing such a comprehensive list – I have no excuse now…
My Favourite is no. 24 – If I was my mother I would tell myself…
I’m still trying to work out the good advice ha ha
LOL Yes, that could be a fun one to write about
They’re great – thanks, Michelle!
You’re welcome, Angelika.
Oh, these give me a couple of ideas . . . thanks for posting them!
Yay! Glad they sparked some ideas for you, Leanne.
Thanks Michelle – it’s always nice to have someone else do some of the creative heavy lifting!
I agree, sometimes it just helps to have a jumping off point to getting our brains going. :)
Superb! What a treat and thanks a heap! And I really appreciate the inclusion of additional resources. Way cool. :)
I kept thinking I shouldn’t run out of topics for a year with those links. LOL
P.S. LOVE the new look in your header — Sweeeet!
Thanks, Melanie. :)
Thank you. I appreciate this because it’s always practical to use these “templates” when you’re brain stuck . I have a massive collection of swipe files and fill-in-the blanks for almost anything marketing or advertising related (emails, sales letters, blog posts, articles, ads, landing pages, etc:)
Brain stuck – that’s a good way to describe it. I think we all hit that point sometimes and just having a few ideas (or a whole file full of ideas) can get us un-stuck again.
Hi Michelle,
Thank you for sharing these 50 ideas. You are great at sharing lots of information and and useful content. I love your blog too.
Have a great day,
Thanks, Cindy, I appreciate that.
Every blogger should read this post! If they can’t get their writing juices flowing from your list, maybe they should rethink being a blogger! LOL
LOL Hopefully at least one suggestion would spark a good idea for someone. :)
mwhahahahaha #5 If I ran the world… As my FB status regularly has World domination plans this will fit right up my alley. Oh so happy now. Thank you Michelle!
Brilliant list, thanks Michelle particularly like #46
And I’d bet you could write a great post for that one. :)
Lol.. I laughed at some of them. Thank you for sharing :D
With this list, I will be set for the year! Many of them also have an opposite you can write about too. For example, #20: Technology I Can’t Live Without – you can turn it around to be Technology I Can Live Without )and talk about those gadgets that just do not make sense to you!)
Again, thanks for the list and the extra resources.
Be Well.
Great tip, thanks Paul!
Great Idea, Michelle! I hope you don’t mind, but I linked to your site in two of my recent blog posts, including this page of blog topic ideas. I needed these to get my creative juices flowing this morning! :)
I appreciate the links, Janis. Thank you.
Thank you Michelle, I was just going through your free report last night to come up with more blog ideas. I’m loving this blogging challenge – thank you!!
Isn’t it great? I find writing more often actually helps me with brainstorming more ideas and it’s easier than writing less often.
Hi, Michelle — This isn’t really a comment — although thank you for your post. Very helpful!
Just wanted to let you know that at least on my computer (the vertical Shares pop up on your blog makes it impossible to read the article. I had to print it out to read it.
(And now I can’t read the left hand side of what I’m writing because of the shares pop-up. Is there a way to suppress it I’m not discovering?
Thanks. Loving the Ultimate Blog Challenge!
Hey Carol, thanks for letting me know. I’ll see if I can program it to hide that on narrow screens.
Congrats! You have some great suggestions there. Here’s a good addition for your list, if I unashamedly say so myself. I originally posted this in September 2007 and reposted in 2009: 52 Blog Topics for Artists – Get Started Now! http://x.co/blogtopics. It continues to get steady hits.
Thanks for sharing that link. More blog ideas are great!
Thank-you so much for these blog ideas, Michelle. Every so often I get that empty-page syndrome and I’ve got a copy of this on my hard-drive now for any future relapses. You blog is always worht the visit!
Thank you, Jeannette, I appreciate that. :) Glad it was helpful. :)
Exactly what I need today to get our blog up and running!! Thanks Michelle :)
You’re welcome!
I was draw a blank on what to write about and this article helped me out a lot, wan to truly engage my readers and not bore the to death your tips really helped me out a lot thank you so much,I do have a mission but I also want my readers to have fun at the same again thank you
Thank you
Angelique Deleon
Thanks for letting me know this was helpful Angelique. :) And that’s a great reminder — we do want our readers to enjoy our blogs.
Wow-wee! I finally came across something longer than my grocery list!! LOL! :)
Thanks, Michelle.
A post doesn’t get anymore content-rich than this!
LOL You’re welcome, Melanie.
I am always having writers block on new ideas. Once I have a topic I can usually make my way through it but that topic idea block gets me every time. Thanks for the list of great ideas.
You’re welcome. I think a lot of writers just need that idea spark and once we’ve got it we can write like crazy. :)
Awesome post, the one i was looking for. It really helps me by giving me a direction for my new posts, am sure i will visit this page every time i get stuck with the topic for my new post. Thanks.
Hi Praveen, glad this was helpful. I clicked over to your image sources post the other day – great ideas for finding non-stock images, thanks!
You are absolutely right! I will never run out of ideas with these lists! I want to print it but I guess I’ll save a tree (bookmarking now!) :-)
LOL The trees appreciate your thoughtfulness. :)
Hey Michelle! First time visitor :) Great article and I will sure bookmark your website as well as the others you shared at the end.
I could write for years with these. I LOVED the interview one with a dead person lol creative!
Joshua the ZamuraiBlogger
Thanks Joshua, that one could be fun.
Bookmarked as I certainly need ideas at times. Thanks Michelle.
Glad it’s helpful, Jim.
you have shared really useful information . thanks for being so generous
You’re welcome, Rinkoo.
bookmarked your site!
Awesome Ideas. thanks for sharing.
thanks, i like these ideas.. i’m gonna use them definetly
Just starting….
Amazin!!.. Thanks for such nice ideas..
Hi Michelle, I just mentioned this post in my latest blog as part of the UBC! Really helpful for coming up with ideas…
These are great, Michelle! I found myself actually writing the first couple lines and an outline for each topic as I read it. :-) I will definitely use some of these!
I just found your blog post and I love it. I have fired up a new love for my blog again. After going back and forth with what is going to best for my website I have decided to keep it. I know plenty about the Industry I like to post about but getting catchy titles was drawing a blank for me. The second a read through the first fie I knew exactly where I need to be headed. I’m going to save this page(bookmark) and refer back to it, when I get stumped. Thanks Michelle for sharing a great post!
Bookmarked, copied, saved…this list is now handy for those tired-brain moments I frequently have during the summer.
Great titles! You’re amazing!
Awesome list of ideas Michelle. It sparked different ideas for me. Yeah! I have a nice list of new ones to work on.
Michelle, I just came across this great post! Even though I am reading almost 2 years after you initially wrote it, the content is still relevant to what we are doing today. Thanks for the great ideas to help me get into action around the Ultimate Blog Challenge.
I can work with this. Love the title ideas.
I checked the human box. But, I haven’t brushed my hair yet so who knows if I am or not? OOPs! is this on line?
Wow Great post,, I will definately use one of these in my next post..
These are really some great ideas! Thank you for sharing them! :)
Nice list of titles… I’m sure I could use a few of them myself… thanks for listing them
very nice post :)
I would love to write this “The Coolest Thing I’ve Found in Google” on my blog. I am sure that it will be fun and will be writing a lot.
Thanks for sharing Michelle. Your blog is a great place for inspiration, motivation, and great ideas. – Be blessed!
Was just linked to this site from Ultimate Blog Challege! This will be my new ‘go to’ site. LOVE the list and comes at a time I am Ultimately Blog Challenged (pun intended). Am bookmarking your site for many many future visits. Hope when I figure out how to do links i can link this post to my blog. Thanks so much for sharing so openly your ideas and research. :)
This is awesome! Thanks for sharing. Lots of good ideas.
Lots of good ideas thanks
your blog is a great place of inspiration
thanks for sharing
Hi Michelle,
I’m really grateful your happy to share more great ideas. You mentioned “blog challenge”. What is this? Do I need to “sign up?”
When will your next challenge be starting?
Thanks again.
Great resource! Love the topics and will use them as inspiration for my blog. I am in the initial stages right now…but so excited to get out there!
Thanks for posting :)
The tips you mentioned here are really awesome and it will help great to new startup or blogger. Thank you so much for great sharing.
Thank you so much! I am just beginning and I was completely stumped on what my title would be and what I would blog about that would catch attention.
I am either going with
How to reinvent yourself or Inspired Creations since I am an artist just beginning as well.
Again this was so helpful!
hi,very goood,thank for sharing
Thanks for sharing such a great article with lots of information keep up the good work keep writing great stuff