Does social media work? Check out today’s guest post by Debra Jason!
How Social Networking Builds Relationships
I had a wonderful call today with a colleague who I met via social networking. Before I hung up with him I wanted him to know that I was smiling. When he asked “why?” my reply was “it’s amazing how the universe works sometimes.”
Of course I was happy to speak with Steve, but the reason I grinned from ear to ear was because I have never met him face-to-face. We “met” because of social media, had a conversation or two on the phone, and now are beginning a new business relationship.
While thinking about this as we concluded our call, the smile was also about the other professionals I have met via Facebook®, LinkedIn®, or Twitter. They’re folks I don’t think I would have met otherwise. And, each initial introduction wasn’t about selling ourselves or getting business from one another.
I thought about the cycle that brought us together and found it worth sharing in this post as a means to inspire & encourage you. It went like this:
1. Connection #1: I attended a Webinar and the presenter displayed a testimonial on the screen. The person quoted in that testimonial was from Colorado, where I used to live. So I sent him a tweet. He tweeted back and soon we spoke on the phone a few times. While the initial connection was Colorado – not business – we now have a working relationship where I’ve assisted him with writing content for his coaching Web site, sales flyers and more.
2. Connection #2: During one of those phone calls, the Colorado coach suggested I check out another professional online. He didn’t know him personally, just recommended him for his expertise. So I followed through. I began to follow that person on Twitter (he’s in Ohio) and attended one of his Webinars.
We eventually connected over the phone trying to resolve an issue with a download of a file. However, the next thing I knew we were talking about my writing business and he asked for my feedback on his sales page. Then, we continued to talk and since then, not only have I written content for another one of his sales pages, I also recorded a module as a guest speaker that he’ll offer in one of his future webinars.
3. Connection #3: While writing content for Connection #2?s sales page, I attended another Webinar he presented. During that session he described the success one of his attendee’s achieved – that was Steve. I e-mailed him with a simple congratulatory message. He then tweeted me and another conversation began, which eventually led to a phone call and another. What started as a friendly conversation is now growing into a partnership. We’re talking about the many ways I can help Steve with content writing for projects he currently has in the works.
It was during today’s call that Steve said “Debra, you’re a gift. You’re so valuable.” and I smiled and thought “the universe does work in strange ways sometimes.” It’s what inspired this post because I don’t always understand how it happens. Maybe it’s “karma” or the law of attraction and you might say “yeah, right,” but then things fall into place. So, perhaps neither concept can be ignored.
Do Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn Work?
The questions many people ask me about social networking are: “Have you made money doing it?,” or “How has it boosted your bottom line?” My response is usually not about making money, but making connections.
I cannot say “I made $10,000? or “I landed an incredible $50,000 account,” but what I can say, is I’m building new relationships. I’ve connected with fellow professionals around the country who I may have never met otherwise. And, it’s kind of been a snow ball effect – one led to another, which led to another – and I live on Kauai where we don’t even have snow!
So that makes me smile. And, it also makes me grateful!
In addition, the above stories are only 3 examples in my experience. In the last several months, I have connected with a variety of other colleagues who I have developed new relationships with. The purpose of our phone calls wasn’t about making a sale. It was just about establishing a deeper connection. I know I’ve used that word “connection” a lot here, but it seems to be the best word to describe the rewarding experience.
What’s your social networking experience been like? Are you just posting Tweets, LinkingIn or following fans on Facebook or are you smiling because you’re building relationships along the way? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Debra Jason is a seasoned copywriter with 25+ years of experience in the field of direct marketing. A recipient of the Rocky Mountain Direct Marketing Association’s “Creative Person of the Year” award, she started her business, The Write Direction, in 1989. When you’re struggling to find the right words to express your passion, Debra converts your ideas into words that transform your prospects into loyal, raving fans. She may be reached by phone at (808) 826-1846 or contact her via her Web site at Follow her Fan Page at
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i am not sure what i am doing
there are some relationships
one a little connection to my work
others are more friendships
that.s good
but i am impatient
i would love to have more relationships the same way you have them
i sometimes think i am doing it all wrong
they say: ok not so much about me me more about you you
i am not really in twitter – it confuses me
facebook yes – but the fans don.t inteact
blogging – good – some seem to read and some comment
offline life friends think i am putting to much effort on it – “you spent to much time on blogging” :P
yes and i am re-commenting
maybe i am expecting to much????
It does take some time, but I think Debra shared great advice — choose one to focus on that you enjoy and build from there. :)
Hi Michelle and Debra
I love the way you have written this post. It’s really interesting, easy to read and inspirational.
I’ll “Like” your Facebook fan page too, Debra.
Thanks for giving Debra the opportunity to do this one, Michelle.
Your friend across the pond
Glad you’ve connected with her, David.
@David thanks for not only “liking” my fan page, but posting your comments here as well. It’s so nice to read that you found it inspirational.
I’ve really enjoyed connecting with folks face-to-face that I first met via social networking (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) – Michelle is one of those people. It brings the relationship to a whole new level.
@Helen, Sounds like you might be a bit overwhelmed. Take a deep breath and then consider taking some time to focus on one thing at a time. You wan to enjoy what you’re doing.
Thanks Michelle for sharing this post with your peeps. Much appreciated.
Have a great day.
Happy to have you here, Debra! Thanks for sharing this post. :)
Debra, (via Michelle)
I do connect with people via social media too, but I quickly try to convert my new connections into telephone calls. For me, it seems like I can develop a relationship quicker and easier via 1 phone call than several weeks or months in Social Media.
I love Social Media for meeting people, but nothing replaces the good old fashioned telephone.
Don’t you think?
Yes, @Jeff. I totally agree with you. Just yesterday I spoke with 3 different folks (via Skype) that I met via social networks. One was in Canada, one in Rhode Island and one in Italy! Speaking on the phone takes it to another level. And, better yet, meeting face-to-face takes it even higher.
It’s such fun.
Keep up the good work.
Social media has opened up an entire new world for me. If it weren’t for an online circle of amazing women that I joined, I probably would never have quit my job and started a business. Powerful? Definitely!
Social Media is powerful way to build new connection if you approached with loyality and honesty. On the other hand it’s a great source of spamming as well so it’s our decision what we want to achieve.
I’ve build few friends through social media who helps me out in my profession, It’s feel great when you find so talented and valuable person through social media. I personally feel social media is a great invention by human and works like wonder.
Hello Michelle, Your post about social media/network is very reliable and interesting topic because most people now are getting involve in social networking tools just like me.
I have some amazing blogger friends! There is no such thing as online friends being less “real” than live friends.
i think social networking is the best media for online marketing activity too
The relationships which come from the initial connections accomplish so much more if the focus isn’t on sales. Sales will began to happen naturally if there are enough connections… Social media provides an almost limitless channel to start new connections!
Well look at that! I see the previous commenter was from Ana, and I found YOUR blog from a page on HER blog, related to ComLuv enabled blogs. Now that’s what the Internet is all about isn’t it.
And now I’ve increased my Social presence by G+’ing, Tweeting, following you too!
Thanks, Bruce! And Ana’s list is great — I’ve discovered lots of new blogs through it. :)
It’s true that in Social Networking builds a good relationship. Personal or business relationship.
Ana proved it, she found her blogger friends …
Joseph, Bruce, Ana, and everyone – it sounds like we’re all in agreement on social media and its value in building relationships such as the ones we’re all making by connecting here. Thanks so much :)