Can’t be all over the blog-o-sphere like the all seeing eye of cyberspace?
Never worry!
With the 31 Days Blog Challenge, TLC Club, and Blog Tribe, I’ve been on a lot of blogs this week…
Here’s what you might have missed this week but definitely want to check out.
Light Yourself on Fire and People Will Come to Watch You Burn by Melanie Kissell, the Solomompreneur
Do not attempt this at home. Only trained professionals… no, wait, it’s not really about playing with matches. Melanie shares 9 things you need to do to create and exude your brand in a way that gets you noticed by the people around you. Because if you’re speaking but no one is listening…
Do You Do Follow? by Lisbeth Tanz, Your Words Your Voice
Yes! I do stalk my readers! I blogged about it right here. But I might be confused again… I think Lisbeth is blogging about a different kind of following (which I also do!). If you don’t know what “Do Follow” means then you owe it to your blog, and your blog commenters, to check this post out. And there’s a nice free graphic hidden in there, too. Gotta love alerts for free goodies for your blog.
How to Improve Your Grammar by Leanne Chesser, Stay at Home Business Building Blocks
Ever feel like high school English class has gotten a bit fuzzy? Feel yourself slipping back into the passive voice that your 10th grade English teacher kept reminding you isn’t appropriate for every single sentence? Yeah. Me, too. I also write it’s instead of its once in a while. Seriously, who made up these apostrophe rules?! Ah, well, blogging is writing and that means I have to take time to refresh those English rules, remember that grammar counts, and generally try to express myself in a readable way. So Leanne’s post was a good reminder. I can just picture her standing at the front of the class on this one next to the chalkboard. Yes, Ms. Chessler, I will write in the active voice.
Don’t Be Troubled with Date Night Ever Again by Rhonda Neely, Your Christian Marriage Restoration Station
This one isn’t the type of post I usually link to, and might not seem business related. But let’s face it. If you’ve got a terrible relationship with your significant other, that’s going to affect your business. And when we’re so darn busy running our businesses, caring for our families and homes, and trying to remember the last time we ate, sometimes date night takes a back seat on the priority list. Or falls off that list. No more excuses! Here are date night ideas that include freebies. Now all you’ve got to do is convince that special someone to come along. I’m sure you can handle that part.
Self-Leadership How to Transform Your Own Toxic Thinking by Anne Preston, Mind Body Spirit Coaching
It’s so pink! I love this blog. Pink just makes me smile. You may have noticed from my choice of hair color. But hair color aside, this is a wonderful post. Read it and then be aware of how you can control those nagging thoughts that keep coming back and poisoning your success. We all have them… those voices that tell us we can’t do it, it’s not safe, who are we… and Anne’s post will help you recognize and counteract them.
Bonus marketing/visibility tip for you: Wondering how these bloggers got themselves mentioned on my blog? They came out to play in my space! They’re all participating in the 31 Days Blog Challenge, connected with me through the Ultimate Blog Challenge or a Facebook group like #blogtribe or #TLCclub, or just left a comment on my blog sometime that got me to go visit theirs. Except for Lisbeth. She gave me her business card at a live event and hasn’t been able to get rid of me since. See, it’s easy! Now go leave a comment for one of these cool bloggers, or give someone your business card today. You never know what will happen next.
Photo credit: western4uk from
Nicely done, Michelle. Thank you for the mention; that is very kind of you. :)
You’re welcome, it’s a helpful post. :)
It’s Saturday morning here in Southern California, I just grabbed a mug (those dainty little cups won’t do) of coffee, sat down at my computer, and … Wow! What a wonderful way to start off the weekend.
You’re sharing a really cool lesson and message here!
Blogging and joining blog challenges and groups can be great fun but ‘sharing’ the blog love is where the action really takes place. And you’ve proven that time and time again.
Thanks so much for the mention, Michelle! Very sweet of you.
You’re welcome, Melanie. I enjoyed the fire post (and made myself a note to hide the matches if you ever come to visit). hee hee
Great list of posts! Thanks for mentioning me. I giggled all the way through and pictured myself with a pointer at the chalkboard :).
Your post had some great reminders in it, Leanne. :)
This a good list Michelle. Take care and be blessed. Hey I like to be on fire!
Thanks, Marty! Appreciate you stopping by and commenting.
Thanks for the”link & Pink love” Michelle. You’ve got me inspired!
Awesome! :)
Knowledge is definately power and how great to have it all at our fingertips!
Definitely! The internet puts so much knowledge at our fingertips.
Hi Michelle,
It’s great to be part of the groups and I have definitely been on a lot of blog posts lately. The connections are great and although it’s been challenging, it so worth the experience!
My reading list grows too during these challenges. :) It’s great to connect with so many entrepreneurs.
Great list of fabulous information Michelle. Thanks for the mention and I am so blessed that you invited me to this event!
So glad you’re finding it helpful, Rhonda. I know I’ve learned a ton from the workbook.
CRAZY list Michelle. You saved me a lot of time today. Thanks a lot for the knowledge. Carry on!
Really looking forward to making my way through this list and meeting some new bloggers! Thanks for showcasing them.