“What do I feel like writing about?”
The question was bouncing around inside my brain like a ping pong ball…
I scanned through my yellow pad with messy, scrawled notes of blog ideas…
Looked through the swipe file in my GMail…
I didn’t FEEL like writing about any of it. In fact, I didn’t FEEL like writing at all.
And then I glanced over and saw this on my desk…
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Not only was I letting my feelings control me…
Worse yet, I was asking the wrong question entirely.
When you’re committed to achieving a goal, it’s not about how you feel in the moment, but about the decision you made and sticking with it regardless of how you feel.
Master yourself.
Stop asking what you feel like.
Ask yourself, “What am I committed to? Is what I’m doing right now moving me closer to that goal?”
And don’t ever let yourself think, “What do I feel like writing about?”
Instead ask, “What can I share that will serve my readers and help them achieve their goals?”
Flip that question around and you’ll find the feelings will follow – you’ll get excited about writing something meant to help someone else.
Tonight’s 12:30am post has been brought to you by the inspiration from my Onnit nightly vitamin pack and a bit of late night thinking about why I write. ;)
How about you? Are you asking yourself the right questions before you blog?
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This is just plain powerful. So glad I clicked over. Will be changing my thinking from now on.
“What can I share that will serve my readers and help them achieve their goals?” – I think this is key. Even when I ask this of myself I sometimes have a hard time coming up with a topic that someone may feel interested enough to read, but if it is something I am passionate enough about (like I am about my job and real estate in general) I can usually come up with something. If I find I’ve spent a good bit of time thinking with no topic, I’ll just walk away from it and maybe try again the following day. Something will come to mind eventually…
I’m probably not asking the right questions… I do absolutely love this post.
Thanks Joe! So ask different questions then… :)
One question I DO sometimes ask myself: which of the items on my to-do list do I feel energized about working on right now?
Great question! Sometimes starting with the most energizing item on the list helps get you into a mindset that makes it easier to complete the rest.
I love this, Michelle. Thank you! It’s amazing isn’t it, how things turn around when we focus on others and not ourselves? This is how much of life works–especially in my genre of reaching marriages and helping them succeed.
Light bulb moment–It’s not about ME!
BTW, one of the reasons I’m still plugging along in the blogosphere is because of the platform you established for me through the blog challenges years ago. I still have relationships with people I met via your vision for helping US. I’m so grateful you practiced what you’re preaching. I hope you and your family are well.