Whew! This is post 16 of 30 in my attempt to complete the 30 Day Blog Challenge. I’m halfway there! So I’m celebrating.
If you’re participating in #blog30, feel free to post a “Yahoo!” or “Weeee!” in the comments to celebrate you being halfway through, too! And be sure to either link to your blog or have CommentLuv bring up your last blog post. :)
So, back to #blog30, what I really want to share is how much I’m enjoying it! Sometimes a challenge can be just what it takes to get me motivated to take action – how about you?
I’ve met so many cool bloggers and made connections with people I probably wouldn’t have run into otherwise. I’d like to introduce you to a few of the other bloggers participating in #blog30. Click on over to their sites and see what they’re blogging about. If you like what you see, don’t forget to subscribe in your RSS reader or follow them on Networked Blogs.
- Melanie Kissell – Solo Mompreneurs – great sense of humor around business issues – reading her blog has been great for relieving stress! Alligators, barking up trees, marketing messes, and more.
- Gwen Tanner – Gwen’s Blog – tips and help for creating your own info products (check out this post for a fantastic brainstorming idea).
- Ely Delaney – The Purple Guy – blogs about goals, inspiration, and general business. I liked this post.
- Helen Raptoplous – Moving Your Business Forward – follow Helen’s action tips blog as she reaches 10K/month in income.
- Fiona Bosticky – Abnormal Marketing – helpful information about blogging, social media, and more.
- Jane Lee – Coach Jane Lee – blogging help about audio, video, and more to help you grow your business.
And three I knew before the blogging challenge, but they’ve got great blogs so you should go check them out anyway… :)
- Michele Scism – Decisive Minds – everything about building your own business from blogging to time management to social media.
- Lisbeth Tanz – Savvy Freelance Writers – a mix of inspiration, healthy lifestyle tips, internet business advice, and help for freelance writers.
- Corrie Petersen – Virtual Freedom 4 You – marketing, motivation, and working with a virtual assistant.
And find more bloggers in the challenge at http://www.meetourmembers.com
Thank you so much for the plug! I love the idea of this post and think I’ll steal it. :) I am learning so much by reading your site – you can see the visible changes I’ve made in my website based on your recommendations.
Thank you for being such an incredible resource!
Glad to be a help, Lis. And always happy to share your blog!
Michelle ~
Let me set the record straight once and for all of time …
YOU SHINE! You have magnificent talents and a wonderful persona that draws people in and allows you to share your expertise.
From this moment forward, I will absolutely treasure being included in your list of “cool bloggers” from the 30-day blogging challenge!
Aw, thanks *blush*
I had three favorite blogs in the #Blog30 challenge… Gwen, Jane… And yours!! I try to visit every day, even if not comment in every post. I had learned a lot from you! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Gonzalo, I’m happy to hear that. :) I need to add your blog to my RSS reader to keep up with it. (And brush up on my Spanish, too – I speak just enough to find food and other necessities after 2 years of high school Spanish and a couple of weeks in Honduras – I got very good at saying, “I’m sorry, I don’t understand, please speak very slowly.” LOL)
I too have have favorite blogs that I have retweeted and commented on regularly. There are so many outstanding blogs and bloggers in this group and it’s hard to get to them all. We need to find a way to continue contact…. I see some great JV opportunities coming out of this experience.
There really are so many great blogs participating – I know I haven’t hit even half of them yet with visits. I do hope to keep visiting and stay in touch with the #blog30 participants. :)
Thanks for the awesome mention and for being so active with the challenge. It’s been great to be part of the challenge and meet rockstars like you!
Great to meet you, too! I’ve enjoyed your blog this month and will be back to visit. :)
Glad you conquered. I seriously fell off the wagon :-(
Give it a try next time, Amy! :)