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Life & Business Are Like Surfing


Life has felt very much life surfing lately for me–waves crashing, just when I think I’m on top, water comes sweeping over… or curve balls… or monkey wrenches… whatever metaphor you like for when life changes the best laid plans. It occurred to me that business is like that, too, when I made a comment [...]

How to Blog When You’re Exhausted and Uninspired


Ever sit down at the computer to blog and the words just don’t come out?  Your fingers are poised over the keyboard but the voices in your head are busy telling you that you’ve had a long day, there are a million other things you need to get done and it’s past your bedtime. On [...]

Coloring, Salt, and Elbow Grease


Removing crayon marks from a table isn’t my favorite task.  I have, however, learned a few things from the (repeated) experience. 1.  Creativity can be messy. Just accept it and you’ll find it easier to deal with and less stressful.  Expect that your creativity may be outside the lines, run off the paper, or look [...]

Did I go to Harvard? Did You? Can We Still Succeed?


“Did you go to Harvard?”  What a complimentary question, right?  I had a wonderful conversation and connection with a lady I met a while back. I had to admit I never made it to college. When I decided a did want a degree a years ago and signed up for correspondence classes… I lasted a [...]

It’s Monday. Do You Know Where Your Focus Is?


It’s Monday.  What did you get accomplished today?  I spent most of the day on a ferry.  But on a typical Monday I’ve not been accomplishing as much as I’d like!  So here’s where I go in search of information to help ME, and share it with YOU.  :) Do you ever get that Monday [...]

How to Combat Swirly Brain Zombies


Business zombies don’t just want to eat your brains.  We could stop that with our tin foil hats.  (Right?  Doesn’t my hat protect me from that?) No, they want to turn your brain into a swirling mass of confusion that keeps you from making decisions and moving forward.  Business zombies are very good at this. [...]

Are Your Tools Breaking Your Toes?


This photo is not me.  I’m not a gourmet cook.  I got a crash course in cooking three weeks before I got married and 12 years later there’s still a 50/50 chance I’ll burn the grilled cheese sandwiches. But about four years ago one of my sons got very sick and we found out he [...]

Rethink What’s Stopping You


Has building your own business been tougher than you expected?  There are some out there selling “easy success” if you just follow your passion, or follow the money, or follow their system, or follow… whatever the current trend is. Of course, there’s some truth in that.  Do something you care about.  Make sure there’s financial [...]

Escape Your Role


Escape Your Role week is here!  I’m so excited to be a part of this event hosted by Catherine Bruns of Your Wise Voice. Catherine’s blog and website have been so helpful to me personally.  She’s got wonderful resources for helping women learn how to listen to their inner wisdom and make better decisions. Escape [...]

On Inspiration, Deadlines & Exploding Libraries


My living room currently looks like the children’s section of a library exploded in it.  And it got me thinking about what inspires us and what it takes to motivate us to take serious, fast action. One of the special “events” of our homeschooling year is the Iditaread.  The kids each choose a musher who’s [...]