This week’s cool tool is for you DIY web designers. It can be craziness trying to test your site design and code out on different browsers to be sure it works nicely in all of them. Make it easier on yourself and use BrowerShots! Go to and put in your domain name or development URL then choose from 60+ different browsers that you can view your design in. Takes anywhere from a couple of minutes to an hour, but when it’s done you can see exactly what your design looks like in a stunning array of browsers. Very cool.
And a bonus tip: if you work on a Mac and want a quick IE preview, go to and instantly see your site in various versions of IE.
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thank you for sharing this! as a novice web designer (going to school for a degree in software developing– including webdesign) this is going to come in handy and I am going to share this with some fellow students! could have used this in our CSS class, though. HAHA Would have helped greatly with our assignments.
It definitely comes in handy. :)