Have you wondered what shifted for me that helped me to rocket my blog to where it’s at now?
In a nutshell, I started learning to believe in myself, and trust that if I just made the decision to get out there and serve more people no matter how scary it felt, things would work out.
I’ll be sharing more about it on Sunday, April 1st, at 9pm EST when I chat with Shannon, the Creative Possibilities Coach, during the 2nd Annual Creative Women Can Rocket In Business Virtual Summit.
There will be 16 live calls that you can listen to for free and 20+ speakers sharing their wisdom for a whole month. Each speaker offers a wealth of personal and professional experience to teach you how to believe, receive and achieve so you can rocket your business to success in 2012 and beyond.
I grabbed Shannon to answer a few quick questions about the series for my blog readers.
1) What is a creative possibility coach?
I’ve got to answer this by starting with my definition of Creative Possibility which is the potential of your unique personal expression, your innate potential. I believe that when you embrace it you can increase your ability to achieve your purpose and vision easily, fully and joyfully. As a coach and trainer I teach others to access their Creative Possibility in an empowering and transformational way. In fact I describe what I do like this “As a personal leadership expert I teach women (and men) with big dreams and bold goals how to lead their lives, businesses and careers using their natural, empowering strengths and personal archetypal leadership qualities to live in flow expressing their innate potential, easily and effortlessly”
2) You share a lot around creativity and dreams, but also how to turn that into reality through leadership. What’s your three step process for making that happen?
Just 3 steps? I have come to learn through my work and personal journey that a confident successful woman has an intimate relationship with her personal leadership style and with that is able to fully and effortlessly embody her innate potential in the purest and most empowering way. If I had to sum up the journey to get to such an amazing destination I’d say it comes down to Believe, Receive and Achieve. Personal leadership is the right combination of empowering beliefs, an openness, willingness and ability to receive and the right rituals, experiences and support to achieve each and every day. I teach women how to master personal leadership using a very unique system founded on ancient principles that help us to know ourselves in the most incredible way, opening up for us to flow in our expression of who we are, bursting with authentic, graceful, confidence and success
3) What inspired you to create the “Creative Women Can Rocket in Business” event?
With my passion for all things creative and a vision to teach others how to empower themselves by knowing their innate potential and being able to confidently express that I launched the first Creative Women Can virtual event in April 2011 to coincide with World Creativity and Innovation Week. It’s a statement of empowerment and a big encouragement for women everywhere. We are all creative and being creative is a gift that you can’t ignore. This year, with my increasing enthusiasm for teaching women in business – big or small – the keys to unlocking their innate potential and the tools to live it I felt it was time to turn up the volume so to speak and focus this year’s month long event on women in business! The way business is being done around the world is changing. There is a call for new ways to do things and it’s the creative and innovative individuals who I believe will pave the way for this change. So the event will help creatives (women and men!) to learn incredible business strategies and how to harness their right brain magic and it’ll also teach those who don’t see themselves as creative some inspiring and easy to implement tools that will boost their creativity and therefore their business results.
You can listen to all live conversations for free or you can upgrade and receive all of the MP3s to listen to on your own schedule: http://t.co/KMiJrqQr
Michelle, I was so excited to see this when I checked out the link from one of your tweets the other day ;) One of the ladies who is also speaking for this event, I have been following online since 2003 — OMG I know, right?! LOL Jill Badonsky is amazing! I learned about her when I picked up this cool book called 9 Muses and a Body Guard she wrote way back when. I have since bought the lastest edition and just really love the book. So when I saw you and her on this list of great and awesome women, you know I had to sign up!!! I look forward to all the great and inspiring ideas each of you has to share.
Wow! That’s so cool, Kimberly. I haven’t known any of them that long. Just a couple of years for some, but most are newer connections for me. Fun group though. I’m looking forward to it.
What a great idea! It’s so appropriate that you are part of this event Michelle. You have shown us all how to step forward, hone your talent and then share it with the rest of us. We are all empowered and lifted higher by it.
When ancient and modern principles connect with left and right brain activities, magic happens.
Thanks for sharing yourself in this way.
Thanks, Flora. And yes, there’s something to putting together the left and right sides of the brain. :)
sounds brilliant, we all have big dreams and bold goals but lack the determination to see them through, that or we get side tracked or distracted
There are some great speakers who will be sharing more around those topics, Gladys. You’ll enjoy the series.
Hi Michelle,
It’s funny how you can recognize someone’s writing and words, as I read the article, I thought to myself “these are not Michelle’s words … I was confused.” I went back to the beginning of the article and realized you did an interview … so much for scan reading. I look forward to listening to the recordings of you and the other extraordinary women. @grtshoppe mentioned being on the internet since 2003, WOW!!! I have a lot of catching up to do.
Wishing you success with Creative Women Can Rocket In Business Summit and beyond!
Not quite my voice, huh? :) Yes, an interview!
And thank you, I had a lovely time chatting with Shannon about creativity and blogging, and I’m looking forward to hearing from the other speakers in the series.