- The three key questions you MUST ask before you put any time or energy into attracting traffic to your blog
- The six filters to run any traffic tactic through to be sure it’ll be worth it for your blog
- Exactly what motivates readers to share and how to work that into your blog content
- My best “top secret” strategies for creating the right kind of content to get traffic, get shared and get noticed
Plus, as you watch and fill in the worksheets, you’ll:
- Understand just how many options you’ve got for driving traffic to your blog
- Eight different types of traffic to look for and dozens of ways to drive traffic within each of those categories
- Learn how to know which tactics will work for you–which ones reach your audience and support your long term goals
- Create a blog post promotion plan (steps you follow every single time you post)
- Create a long-term blog promotion plan (your overall strategies for promoting your blog)
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