Do you have good systems? Checklists, charts, planners. Don’t procrastinate on setting up systems. The time you invest to set it up will quickly pay off. Without systems I could never keep up.
Here are some systems that work for me:
– Kid Charts: The kids each have their own charts on our fridge that list their chores and their school work each day. This makes it easy for all of us to tell what we’ve done and what’s left. It took a few minutes to create the charts but saves lots of time and energy.
– Cleaning Checklists: I have cleaning checklists for each room that include daily and weekly chores.
– Menu Plans: I do weekly menu plans, usually a month at a time, and then create a shopping list based on the plans. This way I’m sure to have everything I need to feed everyone and I don’t have to rush around at the last minute figuring out what I can cook. I use my crockpot several times a week.
– Daily Schedule: My daily schedule is flexible but I know generally what hours I can work, when we need to do school work, and what time dinner will be ready. The day goes much smoother with a bit of planning.
– Shopping List: I have a list on my fridge and anytime we run out of something or I notice we’re low, I add it to the list. This is everything from cereal to super glue. Without this list… well, it’s important or we’d never have ketchup in the house. It’s a small thing, but it saves me a lot of energy because once I write down what I need, then I can stop trying to remember it.
– Planner: Everything goes in my planner. Work projects, follow up notes, steps to get to specific goals. If I need to do it, it gets written down. I also keep an online business planner at Basecamp for work tasks to complete when I need to collaborate with clients or my assistants.
What systems do you have? If you need some inspiration, these are websites that have been helpful to me:
– – fabulous filing system and office organization
– – the Organize Your Home course rocks and is super easy to follow, includes lots of great checklists to help you get and stay organized
– – start here if you’ve got messy house or clutter issues
– – menu planning tips
– – free printable chore charts (just google “chore charts” or “homeschool chore charts” for more links)
Get your systems together! Just knowing you’ve got a plan and have things written down will help you to relax and feel like you can conquer your day.
Super Hero Tip #1: You do have an inner Super Hero and when you find her and let her out, you can feel confident about who you are and what you’ve accomplished (even if there are dishes in your sink).
Next week, watch for Super Hero Tip #2, and learn about Super Hero Support.
Hi Michelle
I love that Super Hero concept! It’s very true – with systems anybody can be organised.
I am living proof with the twins!
Thanks for the link :)
You’re welcome. Thanks for sharing such wonderful info/resources. :)