If you’re on Twitter much you may have noticed others including special characters in their tweets. Here’s a list you can bookmark to copy and paste in your own tweets.
♦ (solid diamond)
◊ (open diamond / lozenge)
♥ (solid heart)
❤ (heavy solid heart)
❥ (heavy rotated solid heart)
♡ (open heart)
☺ (open happy face)
☹ (open frowny face)
→ (right arrow)
← (left arrow)
⇐ (double left arrow)
⇒ (double right arrow)
Δ (triangle / delta)
♕ (White Queen - crown)
♔ (White King - crown)
♘ (White Knight - horse)
♚ (Black King - crown)
♛ (Black Queen - crown
♞ (Black Knight - horse)
© (copyright)
® (registered trademark)
™ (trademark)
• (bullet / solid circle)
« (double less-than, quote)
» (double greater-than, quote)
★ (solid star)
☆ (open star)
☽ (waxing crescent moon)
☾ (waning crescent moon)
♩ (single music note - quarter note)
♪ (single music note - eighth note)
♫ (double music note - single bar note)
♬ (double music note - double bar note)
☎ (solid phone)
☑ (check box)
☚ (left-pointing finger)
☛ (right-pointing finger)
☢ (radioactive)
☣ (biohazard)
✓ (check mark)
Fun Characters for Tweets
Spread the Love
This is just a test comment to see if the two new plugins I installed are working. :)