This week I took the kids and flew to Anchorage (that’s the “big city” for us Alaskans) where we celebrated my Grandmother’s 80th birthday with her. She’s had a very long life and it was wonderful to spend some time together with so much of my extended family in one place.
Then I got the news yesterday that a wonderful lady I knew online had passed away. I’d known Denise Willms for years – she ghostwrote articles for me, helped me with press releases, and I did website design and hosting for her. She was a wonderful person, full of kindness and she always inspired me. I can hardly believe she’s gone.
It’s been one of those weeks where I realized that life is so unpredictable. We never know whether it’ll be 80 we make it to… or whether we’ll leave the world much sooner than seems fair.
I’m thankful that I can work from home and have time to spend with my family and this has reminded me that I need to keep things in perspective and never put off things that matter, or that can help others in a bigger way. I sat and played Guess Who? with my 5 year old daughter last night for more games that I usually would. And today I’m looking at the projects I want to complete for my business that really matter. Like the book I’ve been putting off because the selfish part of me doesn’t know if I’m ready to share so much of my life. Denise Willms ghost wrote parts of it for me about Managing the Chaos of working from home. It’s time I quit letting little things stop me from getting it out there to help others. I plan to be around a long time, but nothing’s promised to me, and if I want to make a difference then I’d better get the things done that can.
I had this video and a bit of thoughts below saved to post on the weekend, as I wanted to start offering an inspirational video each week on the blog, but this seems like a good time to share it as a reminder that whatever your goals are, however you want to make a difference, whoever you want to help, no matter how big or how small, you’ve got to just go after it.
I’m not much of a true story, pull-at-the-heartstrings type of movie fan. I like action movies, conspiracy theories… but the story of Chris Gardner is an amazing and powerful example of how the human spirit can overcome whatever life throws it’s way. I can’t get through the movie without tears and the clip below is one of my favorite moments. I hope you find it inspirational, too.
I am convinced that we are not on this earth to just please ourselves but to make a difference! Thanks for an excellent post and excellent member of the blog challenge. I have enjoyed it!
So true.
I’ve enjoyed the blog challenge, too. :)
Sorry about your friend’s passing. It sounds like you were very fortunate to have her in your life. How wonderful.
“You are blessed by the beneficent thoughts of your bothers everywhere.” A Course In Miracles
To the success of your new book!
She touched so many lives and will be missed. Thank you.
I know know why we have connected:) I have been holding back on telling my story and even getting a book out that I wrote 20 plus years ago.
Looking forward to seeing you shine
I love the Chris Gardner story and recently watched the movie again
Sound like it’s time to get that book out there! :) I understand the feeling though – so many reasons and circumstances can get in the way.
You’re right that is a great clip from a wonderful movie. I have a number of movies that really inspire me. This is one of them. Every once in a while (maybe even once a day) it is good to let something pull at your heart strings. The great Jimmy V said that there are three things that we should do every day: Laugh, Think, and Let Our Emotions Move Us to Tears. He said that if we would do that we would live a full life. Maybe it is time to focus on living a full life! Life does have a way of happening while we are on the road to success.
It’s so inspirational. One of those movies that really makes you think about what’s possible. Amazing story.
I’ll have to work on that one… I tend to be an emotional person and usually try to avoid it rather than allowing it. Maybe I need to make a little perspective shift.
I’m sorry to hear about your friends passing. We never know when we will be called home. My mom is 90 and is wanting to leave this life to join my father.
Funny… we never know the time frame. Some plead to stay and they leave…and other pray to go and then wake up the next morning.
We’ve had two death in our family this year… and I’ve come to appreciate my family more because of our losses. We are really good about saying, “I love you.” for which I’m grateful.
Sorry I sort of broke down on your post a few days ago, because my grandmother died, and apparently a friendship as well. And reading your post today, so sorry about your friend. Life is short sometimes we forget. But we each make a difference we reach across and around the world and touch the lives of those we know and those we don’t. Life is better for it. Life is beautiful.
~ MJ Schrader