Do you know the difference between a hobby blog and a professional blog that attracts subscribers and builds a business that makes you money?
A decision!
Followed by a lot of focus and smart work.
Here are 10 ways to get serious about your blog and go “pro” with it:
1. Know Your Numbers
How many visitors did your blog have today? How many pages did each visitors look at?
Did you gain subscribers?
Where’s your traffic coming from?
You NEED to know your numbers.
I use CloudFlare, as well as cPanel stats, and other tools to watch what’s happening on my blog.
Once you know your numbers, you can work to improve them and hit your goals… speaking of goals…
2. Set Real Goals
What are your top 5 goals for your blog?
If you don’t know the answer to that question off the top of your head, you aren’t setting your goals seriously enough.
- X posts a week
- X visitors a day
- X comments on your blog
- X comments you leave on other blogs
- X guest posts you’ve published elsewhere
- X sales from your blog
- X emails to your list
- X new clients or team members
3. Take Your Content Seriously
If you want others to take your blog and your content seriously, it’s got to start with you.
What are you publishing? And how often?
You don’t have to blog every day. But you do have to blog consistently. Set your schedule. Then stick to it.
Plan your content out. Here’s one way. Here’s another.
And focus on creating quality content. NEVER hit publish unless you’ve asked yourself, is this of value to my readers?
4. Get a Professional Design
We judge books by their covers. It’s frustrating and unfair. But it’s true.
Don’t give people a reason to dismiss your blog!
Either invest in a professional design, or get a great theme and put in the time to make it look good.
I recently put my brand completely in the hands of a team I trusted. It was scary. But I knew they’d create something much better than I could. They did.
And since my new design went up… I’m getting quite the interesting assortment of emails from companies offering to work with or sponsor me, to invites to guest post, to people who want to JV. They’re taking me seriously.
5. Create and Implement a Promotional Plan
Writing isn’t enough.
You’ve got to PROMOTE your blog, too.
What’s your plan?
If you need a plan, get one here (it’s free, just tell me where you want me to send it).
6. Get Inside Your Readers’ Heads
How well do you know your readers?
Do you know what keeps them awake at night?
What their biggest frustrations are?
What else they’re reading aside from your blog? Or watching on TV?
Who are the voices around them and what do they hear people saying?
If you haven’t done an empathy mapping exercise yet, it’s the one exercise that will rock your world when it comes to understanding your readers and what they need from you. Do it today.
7. Follow the Leaders
You need to be following and reading the top blogs in your niche. You’ve got to know what’s happening in your universe.
Go research who the leaders are and get subscribed. Right now.
Seriously. Open a new tab and go do it.
(But don’t forget to come back here and keep reading.)
8. Stay Consistent
Yes, I mentioned it in #3. But it’s so important it needs it’s own spot on this list.
If you want to be a professional blogger and make an income with your blog you must be consistent.
Consistently hit publish.
Consistently get out there and promote.
Consistently work to make connections.
Consistently mail your list.
Consistently go after opportunities.
Consistently get out of your comfort zone and grow.
9. Don’t Be Afraid to Commit & Invest
I get it. It’s a little scary to call yourself a professional blogger or an entrepreneur who blogs.
But you can’t be afraid to just commit and go for it.
All in.
Give your blog the love and commitment it deserves.
Invest in it.
Buy the tools, themes, plugins… it’s an investment in your success and creating the life you want.
10. Claim Your Mission
It’s number 10 but it’s the most important item on this list.
If you want to “go pro” with your blog… if you want to get serious about getting your work out there…
Then you need to get real with yourself about WHY you’re doing it.
What’s your mission? Your purpose? Your passion?
I recently added this to my sidebar:
What do you know and why do you write your blog?
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I enjoy your consistently useful information in this blog. Yours is one I actually click on when it arrives. This one is especially timely as I prepare to upgrade from Blogspot to WordPress. Thanks Michelle!
I really appreciate this post. I am in the process of rebranding myself with a new website with blog, logo, new social media covers, etc. I have taken a break to learn a new service that I am excited about. I want to to plbe able to help more people because my services were time intensive. Your post gave me a plan to follow.
I just love reading your posts they are so helpful! I am starting to recommit to blogging again and I am excited with this new direction that I am headed. Your tips have been priceless! Thank you so much!
I’m apparently doing most things right. I need to get better at the planning part though :)
Great tips Michelle. I have to say the most important aspect of taking your blog serious is taking your business seriously which requires daily decisions. As you point out, staying consistent is going to help in building brand, audience and paying customers. Thanks again Michelle for bringing so much value to our industry!
LOVE THIS. And just printed it out. You have a way with words that has always resonated with me, Michelle!
And this new, edgy look to your website is SO you! “Girl Blogger Next Door (with an edge!)” :)
Michelle, I just found your blog tonight, but already I am loving all your tips and tricks to get my blog going. I can’t wait to read more, thanks!
Michelle I just love the quality content you share with your audience. It is so valuable and I am grateful to have such guidance. I am looking forward to moving to the wordpress blog in the near future, so can’t wait to put this into practice!
Great post Michelle,
Some great tips in there on how to go pro with your blog. I’ll be checking out some of your other posts as well. A wealth of great content here!
Best of Success,