Isn’t that a great idea?
Too often we doubt ourselves. We set big goals and then we talk ourselves out of reaching them. We imagine all the things that might go wrong, the situations we might not navigate successfully, or the chances that we might fail at what we set out to do.
Rise to the challenges that come your way. Know that even in the moments when you’re sure you’ve fallen and failed, it’s not the end and success is picking yourself up and getting back into the fight.
Don’t limit yourself by buying into the belief that you “can’t” achieve something. Surround yourself with people who will cheer you on–not push you down.
“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.” Mark Victor Hansen
Consider this your Monday pep talk.
That is inspirational, knowing ones limits is actually bad, if you do not know your limits, its even better!
Good rallying thoughts for not only Monday mornings but any day of the week when self doubt imposes its ugly head which invariably it always does! Knowing we are not alone is half of the battle and that we can depend on others who have gone through the same thing and come out the other end offers us the knowledge and trust that we can do it too.
Trusting in not being perfect is so important. A business plan that just states “do it,” is better than slaving over a process for weeks trying to make it perfect .
Anticipate there will be obstacles and say to yourself ” I look forward to them and I will jump over them,” to get to my goal.
There’s a quote that says something like “Eventually those who think they can, do!” Funny how we can accomplish amazing things when we don’t realize we “shouldn’t” be able to do them. :)
Absolutely agree Michelle!
Loved the quote image…it said it all I guess. :)
We often have doubts and fears that are set within our own mind, which is why I think it’s so often said…”it’s all in the mind”!!
Whenever we want we can turn those doubts, fears, and negativity to positiveness. All it takes is giving yourself that much needed push to move out of your comfort zone and achieve what you think is the impossible.
Thanks for sharing and reminding all of us about it. :)
Thanks for the pep talk @Michelle. You’re a great role model. ~Debra
This is so true, Michelle! Thanks for the pep talk! I am so grateful to be surrounded by such amazing mentors, teachers and friends! Thank you!
Awesome post Michelle. Impossible is nothing. Thanks for sharing this inspiration with us.
You’re welcome, Wade, thanks for stopping by!
Your post is so inspirational. I like the bit that says that we don’t need to wait until everything is perfect because it is never gonna be. That is very true, and the best thing to do is to take a step towards making the condition that we are in better, even though it might not turn out to be perfect.
Strive for excellence instead of perfection. :) That’s my mantra when it comes to all those things I want to keep working on until they’re “perfect.” Or, as Seth Godin would say, “have the guts, the heart and the passion to ship.”
What a refreshing bit of advice Michelle! I agree with this 100%. Forget doubt as you cannot design a life with doubt.
This is so extremely important and essential to success. Too many folks think that successful folks are lucky, perfect or completely confident. What they don’t realize is that we all experience doubt, fear and uncertainty, except that the successful ones step out in spite of it.
Mark Victor Hansen’s quote should be our mantra: “Don’t wait until things just right. They will never be perfect.”
Thanks for these reminders.
I agree with Gautham A S that not knowing your limit is a good thing. On Ted talks Caroline Casey shared her experience of becoming aware of being legally blind at age 17. She was told she was blind because she was insisting on learning to drive.
From an early age her parents decided to treat her as if she was a seeing individual. NO labels or limitations for their daughter. Powerful, amazing story that affirms we are only limited by our thinking.
It’s worth checking out, as a matter of fact Michelle; you did a post on her talk.
Thanks for the inspirational thought.
I so wish surrounding myself with people that encourage me was that easy. Not one soul in my life gets what I am trying to do. I am so alone. OMG just to talk to someone in the flesh about it would be so awesome. I can see the eyes glazing over every time I bring it up to family and friends. I have tried the CYBER friends on different forums and all I get are lunatics with horrible sites responding. I need a cheering squad!
I feel your pain Susie.:-) You should think about opening a group on Facebook that supports your cause. I know that I could benefit from it. Nothing worse than speaking to people who do not see the light.
Hey Wade, Thank you for coming to visit me on FB. Yes it is very painful at the moment but this will pass, it always does. I tried the FB page thing and 5 or 6 people joined, but nobody commented or shared anything, I was the only one so I gave up on it. If you hear of a support type setting like that please let me know. Have a great day!
Nice post to read and a good quote to read as well. I think there is no limit for any thing at all.
Very Inspiring Quite Sarah, I would also like to quote my favorite lines ‘Anything is possible but not everything’, try to achieve the impossible but not everything in the world
Hi Michelle,
You have explained well who I really am about having a belief “Can’t achieve something”. That is me to be honest. But your words are very inspiring to me. I really love this quote “Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect.” by Mark Victor Hansen. That is very true. I hope I can change this mindset in time though it’s never really easy.
Love the image, and I can only agree. It is often said that the reason more people are not successful is their fear of failure. And the quote is spot on – things are never “just right” to start a business, have kids, etc., etc. Sometimes, you just have to jump right in.