No one wants to come across looking silly. We all hate to be the person that others are snickering at.
So what’s the easiest way to “look good” on your blog? Aside from your smiling photo, it’s to make your words shine!
But if you’re like me, and don’t have that Ph.D. in English grammar, some of these slips are easy to make.
Dangling participles are the one I have to watch out for. How about you?
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As usual, great help!!! Thank you Michelle!
George Kuchenmeister
You’re welcome, George. I love that Copyblogger is creating infographics now. Very cool.
Very interesting! Loved the infograph! Because English isn’t my first language, I usually think I am making a mistake. Though I went to an English school, I just feel the need to be careful!
That’s got to be tough. I speak a little Spanish and I am sure my grammar is terrible since my focus is usually just getting the main idea across. I’m in awe of those who speak more than one language and do it well. :)
I feel like I’m back in fourth grade!!!
Your school was ahead of mine, Roy. :) I very specifically remember learning about participles in 5th grade. I can still remember my teacher trying to explain the concept.
Music to an ex English teachers ears Michelle. Too many people don’t pay enough attention to the correct use of their own language. They lose credibility with me immediately. Too pedantic? Probably.
It’s easy to forget that grammar counts when we’re using an informal medium (like blogging) to communicate. But it does.
I can overlook typo here or there, and I suspect we all make those little mistakes now and then, but once in a while is different from just not paying attention. We’ve got so many great resources at our fingertips to improve our skills and learn more about writing. :)
Kinda humorous post! But I love this.. It’s like english 101. Thanks for sharing this.. Great job!
They really put that together in a fun way. Makes it easier to take the reprimand. LOL
I love this infographic, Michelle. For a grammar nut like me, it’s a slice of heaven. LOL!
Every single item is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. English was always my strong suit in school. It bugs the heck out of me when I see these same mistakes over and over in the blogosphere, on article marketing sites, in landing page copy, or anywhere!
Trust me. I’ve made my fair share of grammar boo-boos. And I’ll admit I’m probably a little too much of a stickler when it comes to writing issues.
However …
I think bloggers should strive for … not perfection … but “excellence”. This infographic will certainly help people reach that goal!
Exactly — excellence! And continuing to improve is part of that journey. :)
I enjoyed English in school, loved writing, but I did not enjoy grammar. That’s probably why I have such clear memories of that particular teacher attempting to drill certain grammatical concepts into our little brains. lol
LOVE it! Shared it everywhere! You’re a doll. Your a doll? Ha!
Ha ha! Thanks for the giggle, Jennifer, and the shares. :)
Hi Michelle
What a great way to get your points across, I love the infographic!
I get a little paranoid when I am writing my blog or copy that I have used the correct grammar so this is a great and fun way for me to remember what NOT to do :)
Thanks for sharing
Have a great day
Copyblogger has been knocking it out of the park with their infographics. I’m really loving them.
Yes, this one is worth printing out and pinning up in the office. :)
Loved the infographic Michelle!
Even though I have done my MA in English, I still feel I need to keep brushing it up all the time :)
This is wonderful indeed- thanks for sharing & I’m pinning this right away :)
Wishing you a very Happy Woman’s Day tomorrow :)
Isn’t it fun? I love those “stern reminders” that are in cartoon format–it just seems like a kinder way to remind myself. :)
I agree that this is a great infographic!
I have a mental block with a couple of these. As a matter of fact, I have “Affect” and “Effect”, and how to properly use them, on a yellow sticky attached to my computer. And I still can’t figure it out sometimes. Sigh…
That is a tough one, Marshall. One that trips me up is apostrophes. I want to add them before “s” when they don’t belong and I have to really think about them.
Thank goodness my English teacher isn’t grading my blog posts…
This is informative and refreshing. Those are really common mistakes . Great Reminders!
Thanks for the information you have shared us hereā¦I know this can help a lot for my bussines..
Such an interesting post! Thanks for posting this, I’ve just realized that I’ve already made the most of these mistakes:) But from now on, I’m going to focus more on my grammar:)
Excellent tips indeed! I really love to learn from the well experience one.. I have learn a lot from you and it helps to fine tune my writing skills.. I will always keep that in mind..
Reading Copyblogger and learning from the experienced writers there has improved my writing by leaps and bounds. :)
Thank you Michelle.
Raising the bar for writers is SO important if you want to be taken seriously.
Blogs and articles are a lot more FUN to read when you’re not tripping over poor grammer and trying to find out what the writer wants to convey
oops – looking silly. I tripped myself up :0 …now it’s time to work on my spelling – it is of course grammar not grammer that we are talking about!