Ready to rock it on Twitter? Try these tips and tools!

And if you liked the infographic, check out Twitter Success Strategies–it’s got all the info to make these tips work for you (including step by step videos) and more:
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Hi Michelle
I have read a lot of blog posts in my online career, but this has to go down as one of the very best. There are so many great ideas and so much valuable information.
Please keep supplying me with this kind of value.
I hope you’re having an awesome day
Your friend across the pond
David Verney
Thanks David. I realized after I got started that might be too much info for one graphic. LOL
Thank you so much for sharing this, Michelle!!!! I love it!!!! I am printing it up and putting it up on my wall where my “office” is supposed to be in our room LOL The infograph is a great idea in itself!!! And you have this mapped out perfectly for those of us that really haven’t utilized Twitter as much as we should!! You rock, as usual!!!!! Adding Twitter Success Strategies to my “wish list” ;)
Did it print okay, Kimberly? I can post a PDF version that might print better. :)
And I like that wish list. :)
It printed up prefectly, Michelle — LOL of course after I ticked the “fit to paper” in my printer options! HAHA I have a new HP printer and I am still fumbling around with the settings! UGH But it printed fabulously! And, for now, I have it in my binder’s cover — it’s one of those cool Avery binders with the clear plastic pocket on the cover that I can put stuff in ;) Once the office is back into balance, it will be put on the wall ;)
I am the one you see on UBC fb page (Alessa). I am the half of our blog that handles facebook. Tammie handles Twitter and it is a mystery to me. I found this helpful in giving me an idea of what Twitter can do and she will find it informative too, I’m sure. Thanks.
Hey Alessa, teamwork can be an awesome thing! :) Michele & I do that with UBC – I’m on Twitter much more, and she’s on LinkedIn much more so we each do promo in those spots. Glad this was helpful.
Hello Michelle,
Priceless information! You should never apologize for your affiliate links … you tend your garden because you want to enjoy your results: fruits, flowers, veggies or whatever. Your garden is your audience and Michelle you give rich, practical content … one of your many rewards from the Universe is money. Money is just another tool, another resource for you to take care of you and your family and you so deserve it. It’s the law of reciprocity and you practice it well and I’m sure the visitors to your blog honor that.
Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge. Continued success in all of your endeavors!
Thanks, Adalia. I’ve been including little notes here and there about my Twitter product since it just launched and is getting great feedback so far. :) You’re right – it’s just another tool and it’s okay to accept that.
I think you did an awesome job creating your first info-graphic. I love the “share cool stuff” section. You commented that you wondered if it was too much info for one graphic. I don’t think so. You have it organized really well (so it’s not overwhelming) and having it together gives people an all-in-one resource.
Thanks, Leanne — that’s helpful feedback. :)
How do you do it? I mean how do you find the time??? LOL. I can barely get out two blog posts a week and I still have not done my tweet it page (which I keep thinking about every day). Anyways very cool infographic.
Hey Traci, never quite enough time to get it all done, is there? :) The graphic I put together while my kiddos watched a movie. I love my MacBook — I can take it to the couch and work next to them while they play or whatever. That helps.
Very good infographic — does a great job of presenting lots of information quickly, in an easy to use format. This is going in the “Save” file. Thanks!
You know, I’ve been wondering how so many people have all these cool Twitter backgrounds for their profiles. I had no clue how to make one for myself, and now you’ve provided me with some very good resources! I’ll be bookmarking these (along with some of the other helpful links).
A really great roundup of the KEYS to twitter success – another fab post Michelle – many thanks! You should be called the queen of easy speedy resources…in fact I might just have to declare you that myself!
I love twitter, but am lately discovering more and more the joys of facebook!
Very cool! What do you use to create infographics, Michelle?
I made this one in Photoshop Elements.
Michelle, you are the # 1 Twitter Hitter in my book, from showing us how to tweet, top tips, cool tools, and how to get all the twaffic! LOL.
Love it, love it, love it…I’m gonna use this to share with people who say they “hate” or dislike twitter. Easy to follow, great tips, and cool design. You go girl!
Great! I love infographics and you’ve packed loads into this Michelle…
Not much to add. I thought I was using almost the whole Gamut of Tweeting tools and strategies, I see there’s a few more I have to tinker about with and get to know…
Thanks Michelle, Nice work – this one certainly screams out to be well shared!
Nice, concise infographic, Michelle. I use SexyBookmarks as my blog Twitter link and notice it pauses and asks people to let it use their account for a list of activities. Wondered if this is a turn-off for users and if anyone has experienced indications of reluctance or a better sharing button?
Hi Astro,
I agree that being asked if you want to give your account info can be a turn-off.
I am pretty happy with Simple Social Sharing at the end of each blog post and Slick Social Share Buttons floating on the left side.