When you’re working from home, some days can feel like… you woke up, worked hard all day, and yet somehow none of the key items you needed to complete got done!
If you struggle with days like that, it might be a sign that you’re not quite prioritizing the those key items in the right way…
So here are 9 simple tips to help you increase your focus, stay motivated, and get the right things done FIRST.
Which of these strategies have you tried? What works for you? Leave a comment and share!
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Very helpful info for everyone working online,
Thanks Michelle for sharing !
Spot on Michelle!
And while I’ve certainly consistently used at least three of your
nine spot on suggestions, there are several I’ve yet to check out for
But I can see how extremely practical they are and how they will certainly help prioritize our daily activities, so that we can consistently accomplish more!Thanks!
Best advice is to ditch your phone. Give yourself cell-phone free work time. Set the phone in another room, out of sight, or to airplane mode while you work. I have to stay away from my phone when I’m doing my weekend cleaning and making dinner at night. Otherwise I just can’t resist checking all my apps.