I’ll be honest. It takes something pretty darn awesome to get me to spend money on a plugin. I’m not against paid plugins, but there are just so many good free ones that I don’t usually find one I want to spend money on. In fact, I can count on one hand how many I’ve purchased personally (Premise and Scribe).
It was love at first site with CommentLuv free. The first time I commented on a blog that had it, I fell head over heels. What an awesome way to thank me for commenting–by linking back to my last blog post and featuring it with my comment. *swoon* That’s a blogger’s dream! All the effort we put into writing the perfect headline and writing thoughtful comments in rewarded.
So not only did I buy CommentLuv Premium as soon as it was released, but I was anxiously waiting. I couldn’t wait to grab it!
Check out the video to see why:
Click here to view the video on YouTube: http://youtu.be/nWgQGfDqEtw
I’m still tinkering with some of the settings and deciding how I want to use it but here are some of the super cool features:
- It combines multiple plugins into one so I was able to delete several other plugins I was running. Fewer plugins mean my blog runs faster and it’s easier to keep things up to date. I no longer need separate anti-spam, TwitterLink ID, top commenters or some other plugins.
- It gives the option to incentivize commenters — do follow links after X number of comments, or an option to choose from 10 recent posts after they share a post on Twitter, Facebook, or G+. (This one I haven’t decided what to do with but it’s cool to know I can play with that and see what happens.)
- It unlocks cool features for me on other blogs I comment on that are running CommentLuv.
CommentLuv is offering a special sale since they’ve just launched the plugin and it’s $40 until October 4th, 2011 only.
Yes, this is an affiliate link. You can help keep the lights on at my blog. Or if you really don’t like affiliate links you can just go straight to http://comluv.com to purchase it. Or, you can also check out the free version here if you aren’t running it yet at http://comluv.com/download/ The premium version is only on sale for a few more days though, so grab it quick!
Oh, and here are two very cool lists of blogs that have CommentLuv enabled that you can comment on and get links back to your blog:
- http://www.trafficgenerationcafe.com/commentluv-enabled/
- http://www.earningdiary.com/blogging-tips/80-commentluv-enabled-blogs-list-with-their-pagerank-pr/
And I’ll be back later today with a post that isn’t promoting or selling anything. So forgive me for this commercial, and stick around.
Decided to comment just to test it out! Wow! It’s cool how the stuff doesn’t pop up until you start typing the comment. I’m guessing this is just for WP since Blogger’s version is Intense Debate. Thanks for talking about it so I could see it in action!
Hi Anna, I don’t know too much about how it works, but the free version is available through IntenseDebate on Blogger blogs. :) http://comluv.com/download/commentluv-blogger/
Sounds fabulous! Going to try the free version for right now ($40 is like a billion to me right now) and can hopefully upgrade in the near future. Excellent advice as usual!
You’ll love it, Dena. :) Or, your commenters will!
Looks good–more versatile than Akismet.
Definitely. It’s got a lot of very nice features. :)
Good move Michelle, and great review!
I’m in love with this plugin too, it goes way over and above the call of duty and gives you full power with a few essential blogging tasks, namely spam filtering, traffic generation, social proof, attracting comments and backlinking.
It is far and away the best plugin released this year. It’s helped my blog already in this short time and I’m still digging through the possibilities…
I recommend it to every blogger – it’s well worth the $40.
It sure is. I was blown away by all the features they integrated into it – very cool.
I am currently using the old CommentLuv plug ins, but because of the reviews that i’ve seen on this new CommentLuv premium I might as well try it also.
It’s really nice, Julie. If you’re thinking about it still the sale price is good for a few more days before it goes up (and they’ve added some cool bonuses over the last couple of days).
I had to get it as soon as I saw it on someone’s site – cool way to spread the luv ;o)
Definitely. It’s got a lot of very nice features. Thanks for talking about it so I could see it in action! Excellent advice as usual!