Has this ever happened to you?
I had a sale planned for the week of St. Patrick’s day.
The sales page was ready, announcement scheduled for my blog, coupon code setup, email ready to go out. I even had super cute graphics I found to go with it.
And then I couldn’t force myself to click “send” on the email. I sat there staring at the button to set up the email to send and I wavered.
Thoughts were racing through my head…
- What if it annoyed my subscribers and they unsubscribed or hit the spam button?
- What if they thought I was using a holiday as an excuse to run a sale?
- What if I got another one of those emails about how I’m “selling” too much?
- … and on it went in my head…
What if, what if, what if!
And I let it paralyze me.
But I know better.
I know that when I send out a promo email, I will likely lose a few subscribers. They’re not interested in what I’m offering so they’re doing a good thing by leaving my list.
I know that there’s nothing wrong with running a sale on a holiday. Of course we use holidays as a reason to run sales — it’s fun!
I know that anyone who complains about an occasional sales email just doesn’t get that:
- I offer a lot of free resources, including whatever freebie enticed them to sign up for my list, but…
- I am in business and that means I do offer things that cost money, and…
- It’s very easy to unsubscribe anytime.
If one or two promo emails push someone over the edge and they lash out they were probably already having a rough day.
So yeah, my head knows these things. But I lost my big girl bloomers, I didn’t send out that email and not only did I miss out on sales but I missed out on opportunities to help my clients by delivering solutions they want to problems and challenges that are driving them crazy.
There it is. It is what it is. Next time, I’m hanging onto my big girl bloomers, reminding myself that I’m in business and that I’m helping my clients and hitting that darn send button!
How about you? Do you struggle with those “what ifs” running through your head? What do you do to power your way past them and do what needs done?
It happens to the best of us Michelle. I have done the exact same thing. You’ve got me interested though. What was the promotion you were going to run?
This is one of those times where I know I’m not alone, but I’m not happy about it. LOL So I won’t say it’s good to know I’m not alone… instead I’ll say, may we both find those underpants and keep them! ;)
I had a couple new products ready to launch and was going to run a promo with a launch deal on those that included a choice of any other course I offer free for each purchase. I’ll get ’em launched eventually. ;)
Michelle, thanks for another excellent reminder about how often we allow fear or uncertainty to block our efforts toward achieving our goals.
I put off blogging for years because I didn’t think I had anything to “say” that people would want to read. Now I have several blogs in different stages of progress, with comments and followers!
I wanted to go back to school and pursue graduate studies, but put it off for years, partly due to thinking I couldn’t handle it (since I was just an “average” college student my first time around between the ages of 18-22). I finally went back in 2007 and earned my M.Ed. degree with a 4.0 GPA, in 2008, at the age of 50! Now I am working toward my Ed.D. degree, and currently maintaining a 4.0 GPA.
We have to believe we can achieve, and strive for excellence.
Thanks again! :-)
That’s awesome, K’Lee!! :) It’s cliche, but true: we can achieve amazing things when we set our minds to it.
Fear is so good at getting in our way.
I have struggled with this silently for a long time. Just that sneaky self-doubt that creeps in while working on a big project. I wrote a blog post last Friday about it actually.
I think a lot of us struggle silently with it, Erica. It’s tough! The thing that forced me into public confession was my business coach made me promise to share this — maybe as penance for not hitting that send button. LOL I’ll have to swing by your blog again and check it out, and while I’m there I need to grab that gluten free receipe to try.
I suffer with Seller Self-Doubt, also. I try to click Send before it talks me out of it completely. :)
Fast action helps! :)
So does this mean we can expect an Easter sale? Or Cinco de Mayo? Hey – my door is always open if you start to lose your nerve. I’ll happily remind you of all the points you’ve made above as to why you need to get your stuff out there. We need it. Come on!!! :)
Maybe so… and I’ll have to do that next time. If you get a strange voicemail from me about underpants you’ll know what’s up. lol
OMG – I so get this Michelle! I thought I was the only one. I totally hesitate to send anything sales-y in my emails because it seems like every time I do people unsubscribe. But after reading this, I can see that is a good thing, not bad. And that it just makes our email lists more targeted.
Thanks for putting this out there!
You are not alone. You’re in the company of many smart ladies as evidenced by the comments here. :)
Yes, it is. I have to keep reminding myself that. If they’re annoyed by a sales email not only are they not interested in what I offer, but if there’s a need to pitch a fit (instead of just hitting delete if they’re not interested) they’re also probably not the type of person I’d work well with anyway.
I’m on more mailing lists than I probably should be and the ones who send helpful content I don’t mind sales pitches from, sometimes I even buy! ;)
Hi Michelle:
What a clever title for your blog post and I feel you. I had someone send me a nasty email the other day that I gave her ADHD.
I was shattered at first then I got some advice (thanks Lis) and realized that if I can’t share my offerings than those people do need to leave.
I have the what ifs everyday (at least 10 times a day) and sometimes I lose my big girl panties. Thanks to this clever blog post I have set the intention in my mind: do it anyway!
I’ve had similar emails, but I’m pretty sure no one’s claimed I gave them ADHD — yet!
And surprise, I agree with Lis. She says all things I’m too chicken to say. Let them go and they’ll be replaced with visitors who value your expertise.
Hi Michelle,
Wow, could I ever relate to this post! Although I’m not quite to the point of putting sales letters out, I even have the “what if” syndrome on blogging ideas!
Let me share with you what has helped me the most to let the what-if’s float over my head…if I start to think, “but what if nobody is interested in what I am sharing?” Or when prospecting, “what if they just say no or are rude to me etc? What I have started telling my inner self is, “But what if they say YES??” There’s just as much chance that they say yes or stay to read your blog or sign up for your free offer as it is for them to say no. And its like you said, if they decide to reject it, then you didn’t need them on your team. There are many other “fish in the sea.”
Great post and I agree, don’t let go of the big girl panties, we don’t need “pull ups” any more!!lol
That’s an excellent way to approach it, Karlene — “What if they say yes?” Thanks for sharing it.
I am exactly there today! I know I should send out a last reminder for the early bird $50 off but honestly, who can deal with all that?
Okay, off to do the last email now.
Wish me luck!
Good luck! You can do it – just hit send quick. :)
This is happening to me right now! I think I should send a weekly email, a newsletter or even a blog update to my list but I can’t yet get myself to do it because some part of me is convinced it will annoy them.
Maybe I can gear up for a monthly newsletter. I hope.
Oh please do, Jeanine! With the blog challenges and everything happening right now I am not visiting as regularly as I’d like to and I want to follow the closet adventures. Email would be awesome because then I don’t forget. :)
Wow, thanks for the encouragement! :)
Hi Michelle, i just read Lisbeth latest post about asking and so I am here writing my comments with this in mind. You have given so much and it’s ok to ask. I mentioned in Lisbeth post that giving and receiving is a cycle. We are natural givers but when it comes to asking and then receiving, we don’t give others the opportunity to experience the joy of giving.
I struggle with what if’s – I think we all do but the important thing is how do we get through it. I still have many what’s if and just dealing with them one at a time. I have a huge What If that I am working on and know that it’s a huge block for me. So I am taking it one step and day at a time :)
That is so, so true… The giving is the easy part. Thank you for the reminder that it’s a cycle to be open to.