Mystery of the day… is that a dog or a dinosaur?
Can you tell? Or does the costume fool you?
How about you? Are you doing what you’re meant to do and being authentically you?
As someone who’s spent much of her childhood hiding behind one mask or another… it’s not worth it and it doesn’t work. You’ll just be miserable trying to fit into whatever mold it is you’re trying to fit into.
Be you. Whoever you are. Don’t let the voices in your head tell you you’re not good enough just like you are, or that that it’s wrong to share what you’re really good at. And don’t let them stop you from working constantly to improve yourself and get better at what you are good at! (And if you manage to get those voices to shut up, please share how.)
Stand up for yourself. Don’t try to breathe fire if you aren’t a dragon. Don’t be pressured into commitments, projects, or anything else that isn’t the right time or right fit. I know, easier said than done.
Just try every day to be a little more true to YOU. Leave the costume behind. Because people will see through it anyway. Don’t fake it.
But if you want to wear faerie wings, dress like a dinosaur, go sky diving or whatever else floats your boat–then go for it. Just don’t do it to fit in or be like someone else.
Because you’re awesome just like you are. And you can build your business around that.
P.S. This idea about authenticity inspired by Leanne of
Melanie Kissell says
Leanne’s philosophy is one we all should adhere to in simply (and soulfully) being ourselves. Trying to be like someone else or something you’re not takes TOO MUCH ENERGY.
It’s just so much easier and a lot more fun to let the real you shine through! As a matter of fact, it’s effortless. :)
Michelle Shaeffer says
So true.