Is your business being attacked by zombies?
Zombies… those things we try so hard to kill, we’re sure they’re dead, but they just keep popping back up, trying to eat your brains! And since we all know that you ARE the brains behind your business, you need that brain to stay fully-functioning and in your head.
Do you find yourself repeatedly fighting these zombies?
FEET DRAGGERS: they create constant challenges that keep you from taking action (launch that new product, ask others to help promote you, reaching out to those who can help you…)
BRAIN SWIRLERS: they cause confusion and indecisiveness around what steps to take next (such as what marketing strategies to try, what products or services to offer…)
ANXIETY AGITATORS: the negative patterns and thoughts you’ve got ingrained in your head (you’re not smart enough, good enough, talented enough…)
FEAR FABRICATORS: filling you with false fears…
I’ve had my business invaded by all four of these zombies at different times—and sometimes they gang up and attack together.
And I’ve learned that often I can’t fight these zombies on my own. It takes help to squash them!
This week I’ll be sharing some of the “secret weapons” I keep handy to help me shoot ‘em down when they pop back up. Be sure to subscribe to the RSS feed (by feed reader or email delivery – top right of this page) so you don’t miss any.
In the meantime I’d love to hear what zombies you keep finding on your business lawn and what battle plans you use to conquer them and protect your space.
I’m off to go play Plants vs. Zombies with my kids… there’s a zombie on our lawn and we need more frozen pea shooters quick… ahhhh!
Image Credit: cthoman at StockFresh
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I love your article! I also find myself dealing with these exact same zombies – sometimes it feels like a daily challenge. I do my best to fill my inner circle with supportive, loving, and honest people who are not afraid to be real with me. Sometimes that’s all it takes is someone saying “what are you doing?” or “what’s that all about?” to move me forward again. I love what I do and it takes constant work to stay focused since I work mostly by myself and recognizing what is most helpful and making sure I have access to them whenever I need it is the best defense against these zombies.
Thank you, Michelle, for poking a little fun at a real challenge and sharing the creative names for each one. I will view these differently moving forward and am looking forward to bringing out the heavy artillery the next time I need it to kill all the zombies trying to get into my house!
They do attack frequently, don’t they? I use some of those same tools, Michele. An outside perspective can help so much.
It’s all about our own self-sabotaging ways! We are our own enemy. I use prayer and meditation every morning to get me in the right “mindset” to get my tasks completed. Also, I use accountability groups. There’s all kinds of crutches you can use to help yourself get over your own self-created obstacles. I’ve even created affirmation audios to help others with these problems :)
So true! Tell me more about those audios, Martha. :)
that was a fun read. I’ve experience all 4 of those too. I look forward to your “secret weapons”
Thanks, Bill, appreciate you stopping by and commenting. :)
This is a great post, Michelle! What a great and funny reminder to stay focused and not let yourself turn into a stagnant Zombie!! hehe Thanks!! :-D
You’re welcome, Emily. :)
I’ve battled most of the zombies you described and more. It’s seriously a battle that comes your way every week if you aren’t careful.
I agree with an above comment. You have to find honest people out there to come along side you. I’ve joined an accountability group which keeps us moving forward with our goals.
They do keep popping back up, don’t they? Accountability groups are a great tool.
My zombies can sometimes me internal (when I question, why am I bothering?) and external (when others questions – what’s the point of your photography blog?).
I’ve learned to set my focus on THIS MOMENT, on 3 STEPS AHEAD, and on THE END GAME. If I let my brain wander around too much, that’s when I start doubting everything.
I’ll get there. I just got to move!
Great approach, Kimberly. I think about right now and the end game, but hadn’t thought to do three steps ahead. I’ll have to try that. Seems like a good way to stay sane and focused on what’s next.
Hi Michelle,
Nice sharing. I’ll be aware of those zombies. Thanks for sharing this. I am always waiting for your post. :)
Thanks, Andrew, I appreciate that. :)
Super creative post, Michelle – love it!
The Zombie I battle the most and the hardest is the “Lack of energy” Zombie.
Some days I feel like I’m trying to push a hippo uphill. I start every day with enthusiasm and really good intentions to work on business building activities. But once I get home from work, the “Lack of energy” Zombie sits down next to me at my desk. I try to fight him or ignore him but he’s mammoth in stature! And lately he’s been winning every battle. :)
That could be a challenge! I don’t think I could push a hippo down a hill, much less up one. That’s definitely another zombie we’ve got to squash.
Good discription of the things that bog us down. These are things that periodically
rise their heads. One of the things I have’ found that helps to deflate them is to look back at past experiences and use the success of overcoming to assure successand ability to thrieve \
in the present situation.
Excellent strategy Sarah. Knowing we’ve succeeded before and reminding ourselves of that success is a great way to move forward.