“Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone.” ~Robert Allen
The comfort zone is a behavioural state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviours to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk.
– Alasdair A. K. White “From Comfort Zone to Performance Management”
Is your comfort zone keeping you from going after an opportunity, helping more people with your products/services or finding success in a bigger way?
Start taking small steps outside the zone, even just dangle your “toes” outside the edges. Exercise the ability to move out of that little circle and it’ll get easier each time.
You’ll probably find that it wasn’t nearly as scary as you thought it would be. Remember, you don’t have to jump into the ocean if you don’t know how to swim yet — just start with a toe in the water and take it one step, one stroke at a time. Bring along a friend for support if you need to.
What action can you take today to dangle your toes in the water of bigger things outside your comfort zone? Face a fear, reach out and ask for or offer assistance with a project, act silly in front of people, take an action and don’t worry about failure, learn a new skill.
Take an action, big or small, and start getting used to that crazy feeling that comes when you step outside your comfort zone. You’ll need to get comfy with being uncomfortable to keep moving forward in your business and your life.
Sometimes I feel I live permanently outside my comfort zone – and I love it! Thanks Michelle :)
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Sounds like you’ve got the comfort zone thing figured out! :) It’s still a challenge for me, but one day at a time.
I really like this post Michelle, taking time to stick a toe outside of your comfort zone is absolutely mandatory if you are going to live a full and complete life. You can’t grow in your lifestyle or in your business without taking some steps down a path that is unknown and scary. But, as you said, when you look back on any of the things that you thought were uncomfortable at one time, now seem like no big deal. I find it helps to put my attention on the result(s) I am looking to accomplish and with that make a commitment to do whatever it takes to get there, scary stuff and all!
I just love your blog, the colors, the ideas, the personality, the energy, it is all really AWESOME!