When people ask how I’ve built a community around my site, how I get visitors to comment and share me, how I’ve built my mailing list…
My answer is pretty darn simple.
Give more.
Create something to share. Share it. Then create something else.
And keep creating and giving.
Feeling frustrated? Don’t give up. Give more.
Focus on how you can be of service to more people.
It works.
Spread the Love
Yet, there’s a fine line between giving more and giving away the store…
Definitely. :) And, the other part of the “giving” equation is the “receiving.”
Your message is like a warm, toasty blanket on a cold night. :)
Reminds me a a wonderful Sunday school lesson …
“Give and ye shall receive.”
And when you think you’re all given out …
Give some more.
My dad taught me a very valuable lesson along the lines of how you’ve built a community of raving fans, Michelle. He said, “For every act of kindness — the rewards will be threefold.” I believe my dad was right!
I love the way your Dad put that, Melanie. And I believe the same thing. I’m seeing it work every day. Just focus on giving and providing value and helping more people and it does come back.
Great post Michelle! I’m a firm believer that you need to “make deposits in others before making withdrawals.” Thanks for being so generous with your wisdom and insight!
Excellent analogy, Tor. Build up that savings account.
i agree with roy – you have to watch that small line between giving and selling out the store.
i love to help and make people happy but now and then we also have to give to ourself.
today i had the pleasure to write a quota for a friend who is establishing a new business … if all works out we will earn money together. told her if she is needing my work to earn money with it, i would like to earn some too … if she wants to make her daughter happy with a birthday card … it is free.
so helping people and make them happy :)
That’s a good example, Helen. :)
And when I think of giving more, I lean towards things that allow me to leverage my time. Like blogging.
This is great advice that actually works. Jim Kukral, a small business marketing genius, says the same thing and does very well for himself giving away his time and recently gave an example of how doing so paid back in a big way.
I think that many small business owners get wrapped up in their daily routine of their business that they don’t think they can afford to give a little of themselves in order to get something else back in return. Maybe it is just human nature to be selfish of our time/expertise, but it is definitely something we all need to consider in order to move ourselves forward, both personally and professionally.
I’ll have to look him up, Marshall, he sounds like a genius I’d like to learn from. :)
It is easy to get so wrapped up in the day to day, and that does prevent us from investing the time and energy necessary to move forward and grow. Great points.
You gotta love a short blog post that’s still full of relevant advice. It’s a good reminder. I sometimes find myself holding back from giving, for fear that I’ll overdo it and have little time for myself, and a whole lotta folks that think I work for free. It’s a fine line that’s worth discovering, because giving feels good and can build your business too.
I think one key for me has been finding ways to give but not one on one. For me, blogging is a way I give, and it’s free, but it doesn’t cross the line into what I offer as my for pay services. Free teleseminars and webinars allow me to give to many people at once and still provide value. Strategies like that. :)
And then there’s the aspect of giving that can mean we give more to our paying clients. How can we add more value for them? Find ways to give additional support that creates a more powerful experience for them and leads to happier clients and more referrals.
And knowing the difference between giving and being taken advantage of is the key. But yes, helping others, offering what you can, might make all the difference.
This is so true and you are the perfect example. You model this everyday – like the energizer bunny of blogging. I also give a lot, much of it in conversations, calls and emails. What I have received is a reputation as someone who really knows how to help others. I wouldn’t do business (or live my life) any other way. It’s way too much fun.
Think positive and expect only favorable results and situations, even if your current circumstances are not as you wish them to be
Always try to improve don’t give up tries. Don’t lose hope. Sometimes mistakes teaches us a lot and gives us good experience. Keep in mind that “Success is failure recycled”.
This post reminds me of a time decades ago when I was the moderator for a chat room on AOL. Every Wednesday night I was online moderating a discussion among 30+ gift basket retailers for about 2 hrs answering their inquiries about techniques, product sources and more. My (then preteen) youngest daughter would stand over my shoulder watching me greet, interact and steer the conversation. Once she commented, “Why are you helping all those people so much? You’re giving away all your knowledge for free!”
I don’t think it’s possible to give away all your knowledge. The more you share what you know that can help people, the more the Universe refills your storehouse of knowledge. Not only that, people are so eager to share with you when you’re generous with them. Besides, who can trust someone in a relationship, even a business one, who withholds?
What we share for free is just the tip of the iceberg. What we offer in our pay programs is a richer, deeper version that is shaped and colored by the personality and energy of our clients.
Yes, there will be people who will take advantage when you are generous, will try to use you, and even try to appropriate your ideas as their own. Flawed humans will always be with us, but are usually consumed by their own evil intent, like the Wicked Witch of the East.
Hi Michelle,
I’ve believed in ‘Like Attracts Like’ for a long time now… meaning what you give, you get in return. So for me it makes sense for me to give regularly.
But one point no one has made is to only give with an open heart. Not give, just for a return but give because you truly want another to benefit.