They’re everywhere – from 1 hour long telesummits to quick less than 30 minute teleclasses, to video spoof summits and day long web video summits. So what’s the deal with these? And why should you care?
Learning by telephone (teleseminars or telesummits) or by web presentations (webinars or calls that stream online) is fantastic because you don’t have to travel anywhere. You can listen and learn from your home with your favorite beverage, snacks and even relax in your pajamas if you’d like!
While live training and events rock, many of us can’t drop everything to fly across the country and attend events. So learning by phone or online is a great alternative.
Why do coaches, consultants, entrepreneurs and other professionals offer free teleseminars?
What’s in it for you is the opportunity to learn great info from home. What’s in it for the hosts and presenters is that they’re able to show you a taste of what they know and how they can help you – and to listen in you sign up for their mailing list so they can stay in touch with you. So they’re very motivated to be sure they share real, helpful information with listeners to showcase their “smarts” and help you. They’re building connections with people who are interested in the topics and areas they can help with. Don’t let that deter you though, you can always unsubscribe later if you want to. But if you’re interested in the topic they’re teaching about, you’ll probably love their newsletters!
Give it a try!
If you’ve never attended one, it’s easy! You can find directories of upcoming teleseminars and other online learning opportunities at:
Three really important rules:
- Don’t just sign up for any random teleseminar because it’s free. Know what goals you’re working on, what topics you need help with, and which speakers you enjoy learning from. Watch for teleseminars that match those goals.
- Make it a point to listen in for 1-3 “gems” of ideas or resources and *write them down* while you’re listening so you don’t forget them.
- Take action on those 1-3 “gems” within 48 hours.
This way you’re investing your time wisely and taking action to move forward on what you’ve learned.
And whether you’re new to teleseminars or already a fan, here are some to check out!
What Successful People Know: Learn the Mindset, Habits and Actions that Actually Work From Five Successful Entrepreneurs. Powerful group of entrepreneurs in this line up – November 1st through 5th.
Your Path to Success: Discover, Create, and Live Your Own Path to Success. November 1st through November 12th, one speaker each day at 4pm EST. I’ll be speaking on the 9th.
One more to check out – I’m offering a free teleseminar about using Twitter for business next week, October 28th at 4pm Eastern. I’ll be recording it so you can listen later if the time isn’t good for you. Just let me know that you’d like the call in info, recording, checklist and slides:
I will be looking forward to the teleclass Michelle. I really enjoy reading your blog.
Candace Davies
Thanks, Candace! :)
Michelle, I’ll be there for your twitter course. Looking forward to it, Kathy
Thanks, Kathy.
You’re welcome.