In the past year, I’ve blogged an average of 26 times per month, or 6 days a week. This blog has been around for a couple of years. And I get all excited about blog challenges, plugins, WordPress updates, and bloggy things.
So you can safely assume a couple of things:
* I like to blog. Either that or I’m just really stubborn.
* I’ve had lots of practice coming up with blog post ideas and brainstorming over the last year or two.
* Sometimes my perspective is that of someone who’s been blogging a while and has a system in place, than that of a beginning blogger.
* I’m listening when participants in the various blog challenges remind me of what they’re struggling with (getting setup, plugins, themes, ideas, traffic, interaction…).
And that, my dear reader, has led me to a couple of conclusions:
* I want to share more of my ideas for bloggers. But not just here at because this blog is about more than blogging and I don’t like boxes so I’m not going to make it just about blogging. It’s the bigger picture of building your business online that I want to blog about – marketing, networking, tech stuff, inspiration, balance, all of it.
* I want to re-discover the fun start-up phase where I get giddy over choosing a theme, discovering which plugins I need, building traffic and and audience from zero–both because it’s a blast and because I can better relate to you when I’m reminded of where you may be at.
And with that, drumroll please…
I invite you to check out my latest project, Daily Blogging Ideas!
Each day I’ll be posting a blogging idea prompt. So you can subscribe for daily inspiration. Or bookmark the site and when you’ve got writer’s block just pop over and find an idea you like.
There’s also an opportunity for YOU to get featured on this new site by submitting your own blogging idea prompt on the “Submit an Idea” page.
This is a great idea, Michelle! I’m glad you thought of it, can’t wait to see how it goes!
I’m excited about it, I’ve had a lot of requests for something to continue with the daily ideas so I think this will fill that need.
Good for you, MIchelle! Look forward to joining you at Daily Blogging Ideas! Wishing you UNSTOPPABLE success!!
Thanks, Julie. :)
I am impressed! 6 days a week all year long! Very well done.
I like your new site and hope to be a contributor. And I will be spreading the word.
I’d love to share your blogging ideas, Sheila. :) And thanks for sharing the new site.
Very cool. Michelle! You are truly a wonderful and positive influence on a whole bunch of people out here in the Blogosphere…(is that even a word?)
Thanks for all you do!
Rock on,
Thanks, Mike. I appreciate that. :)
Blogging 6 times a week! Yikes! No wonder you are so successful…new to your site, but gonna sign up for your feed….
Thanks, Raymond. It’s been fun and challenging, but worth it.
What a fabulous idea, MIchelle; I am sure it’ll take off like hot cakes.
Thanks, Ana. I’m excited about it. If you’ve got time, send over some ideas — would be happy to feature them. :)
Awesome idea! I usually just play around on the blogs of others and see if I come across a post that I haven’t discussed yet. I usually get lots of ideas this way.
I have also played around with the Google Keyword Tool, and came up with many that way as well. :)
Good tip – I always forget about using Google keywords for brainstorming post ideas. I need to do that more often. Good starting place for building a post that will get traffic.
I just ran out of ideas to blog about and I think this has to be the thing for me…definitely!
Hey Hajra, glad to hear this will be helpful for you. :)
Cool! Congratulations.
This is a great idea to start a blog and you have a large market online also. Very creative idea