Are you in a passionate affair with Facebook? In love with LinkedIn? Oogling over YouTube? Tangled up in a covert relationship with Twitter?
Maybe you’re feeling guilty trying to juggle them all and wondering if being faithful to just one social network is better.
It’s okay to love as many as you want.
I love Facebook for networking and marketing my business. And I love Twitter. I’m also on YouTube and I’ve been known to show up at LinkedIn. It’s okay. In the social media world you’re not restricted to just one love. Think “Sister Wives” (but without the threats of investigation by the state) when it comes to social networking.
Everything really is fine.
You can show up where ever you want, even automating and sharing status updates and info between the networks to save time and get seen, and Facebook won’t get jealous or respond with the ever-ominous “everything’s fine” when you ask how things are. It’ll just keep asking, “What’s on your mind?” in your status update box.
So, now that we’ve got THAT out of the way, let’s chat about Twitter. Because if you’re not using it yet, or not getting much out of it, I want to help you learn to love it, too.
Twitter has some advantages over other networks:
- It’s easier to gain followers
- You can quickly reach beyond your own circle of friends
- It’s simpler to use and interact with
- Rapid responses, moves very quickly
Why should you be on Twitter?
Because you can…
- get connected
- be seen
- develop relationships
- build your list
- drive traffic
- discover what matters
- help more clients
Want to know more about it? I’ll share the basics of Twitter plus more on all 7 of the benefits above when you join me this Friday for a free webinar to help you get started on Twitter!
Click here if you can’t see the video above.
Want more info about Twitter?
Here’s a very cool info graphic comparing Facebook and Twitter: Facebook vs Twitter Infographic –
And check out these stats: Twitter’s Growth Stastics from KISSmetrics Web Analytics
Don’t forget! Free webinar this Friday — get started on Twitter!
I am a big Twitter fan too. It is a quick easy way to keep track of what other bloggers are doing. Plus I get some pretty good traffic from Twitter.
Your videos are so fun!
I do too. Most days I get more traffic from Twitter than Facebook. It’s great way to keep tabs on people I want to be connected with or get to know better.
And thank you! The new video is Lou Bortone’s fault (ha ha). I attended his awesome Video in a Day class over the weekend and he introduced me to which I used along with the video editor in his membership program to create the Twitter one in this post. If you’re looking for video tips I highly recommend him — is his membership site and there’s a free level that gives you access to the video editor I’m using.
Love the analogy, Michelle. No ‘affair’ here. All legitimate and they all have facets that make them unique in their own way. You’ve done a quick summary of each in a fun way. My post was tomorrow is on Twitter, but from a different angle. Nice job as always.
Twitter rocks. I love learning/reading more about it, so I’ll have to make sure I stop by your blog tomorrow. :)
Somehow twitter isn’t working really well for me. I prefer facebook and LinkedIn any day. Maybe I haven’t used the right strategies or whatever but I am still finding it hard to tweet along!
It’s different enough from Facebook and LinkedIn that I think it can take some adjusting to. I barely did anything on Twitter for about 6 months after I signed up because it just seemed weird. lol Now I love it though.
I think that LinkedIn is more suitable for promoting yourself or your business, because it is a professional site, while Facebook is ment for socializing, the way Twitter is. I find the latter quite confusing and annoying to be honest…
A lot of professionals really like LinkedIn. I think it’s definitely got it’s place, and some distinct advantages if you’re looking to build professional connections.
I found Twitter really confusing at first, but once I jumped in I found it worked great for driving traffic to my website and building connections.
Love your catchy titles, Michelle! And it doesn’t stop there! Excellent educational material. Thanks!
Thanks, I’ve been working on title writing and am glad it’s working. :)
Hi Michelle,
Had to stop by and read this post because your title really got me! LOL. I love awesome, attention getting titles like that.
I also love Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and do check in with LinkedIn from time to time, as well. It’s definitely a great mix!
Thanks also for the link to the infographic on Twitter and Facebook. Great stuff!
Hey Deb! Thanks for stopping by. :)
Aren’t those infographics cool? Such great statistics and details. I just found KissMetrics the other day and they’ve got tons of infographics on their site.
Michelle, I think it’s good to have a hand in all those pies, although LinkedIn and I are still casual acquaintances and I sometimes neglect my relationship with Twitter.
Here’s what I want to know. How did you make your video? I made one recently using movie maker and cinchcast and after 3 tried, I still think I talked too slowly. Several more than that with the “movie”, trying to match pics to voice, and it’s okay but going forward, I would like more resources.
Got any upcoming posts about video resources? Especially for those who don’t want to be on camera?
Hey Jeanine, I created the visual part with and then downloaded it to my computer. I pulled up the presentation and used Jing Pro to record my voice as I walked through the presentation. Then saved it and uploaded to YouTube. :) I use Jing for most of my videos. Works great!
Hi Michelle Shaeffer ,
I love the social networking sites a lot.I am on facebook and twitter both.I feel both are really disparate.
So there’s nothing like to choose between them.They complete my virtual life.
I agree, Steven — they’re very different. Each have their own benefits. :)
Excellent educational material.Thanks for your sharing.I’m also a big fan of Twetter and Facebook.It’s an important part of my life.Am I addicted it?
You’re welcome, Haley. Thanks for commenting.