Are secret fears holding you back from jumping head first into blogging? Don’t let them! Blogging is nothing to be afraid of and it can do amazing things for your online business. This is part 5 in an 8 part series to help you bust through your blogging fears!
Writing blog posts is only part of a successful blogger’s task. The other part is to get out there and let people know about their blog.
Promotion doesn’t have to be a time consuming task. You just need a plan.
Decide what methods you’ll use to promote your blog. Choose 3 or 4 and write them down. Then each time you add a new post to your blog, do those 3 or 4 things.
There are many promotion strategies that can be automated so they happen every time you post a new entry on your blog, without any extra action from you (such as using Twitter Tools to send your posts to Twitter, NetworkedBlogs to send your blog to Facebook, and ping to tell the search engines you’ve shared something new).
Be consistent with it and you’ll see results.
You know, this was my biggest fear but then I was spending way too much time on some days and completely nil on others.
I have this little alarm set. I set around 45 minutes each day to promote blogs and visit other blogs and do it religiously those 45 minutes without any other distractions and stop when the alarm goes off. Its like you have to be motivated and determined that it is necessary and make it a routine. On and off makes it all the more tough! :)
Great tip, Hajra! Consistency really is the key to getting results.
Do you think SEO is the best way to promote a blog? Link building etc?
Hi Loldri, SEO is a good way to get traffic. I’m not sure I’d say it’s the “best” way to promote a blog because it really depends on the blog, the blogger, and the community. :) It can’t hurt to learn SEO and build traffic that way.
On my own blog, while I do get steady traffic from the search engines, my most engaged visitors (the ones who comment and share) tend to come over from other blogs I interact with, and the social networks like Facebook and Twitter.
I am curious, how do the people you bring in from Facebook and Twitter find you? Are you finding and commenting on other peoples feeds and they are seeing it there, or some other way?
I share my posts on my own Facebook fan page, and then in several groups that allow sharing of blog posts. As far as building connections, I do comment on other people’s feeds, but not generally with links to my blog.
Miss Schaeffer,
I am really putting all I have into my blog. I look forward to the e mails and helpful hints that you provide. Thank you for taking the time to help. I recently went on disability, so I can’t afford any of the classes that you are giving, but the second I can afford them I will sign up. Thanks Again,
George Kuchenmeister
Hi George, I appreciate that and am glad they’re helpful! I also do lots of free webinars and teleseminars so you may want to check those out. :) There’s a series I did last week over at (just click “Free Webinars” on the menu).
I was never challenged by this fear. When something is really important to us, we shift our thinking and find time. As with any fear, embrace and keep your eyes on the top of your Mt Everest.
That’s great, Adalia. :)