This week I’m continuing what I started last week with a question and challenge video for you. Are you going to take action? Be sure to leave me your response in the comments below the video!
If you can’t see the video, click here to watch it on YouTube:
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Hi Michelle
A really simple way to help someone else that I always try to remember to do is to RT other tweeps promotional tweets on Twitter.
I’ll be watching this post for other people’s comments to see if anyone has any other great ideas for helping people out.
Have a great day
Your friend across the pond
Awesome. It’s the little things that make a big difference when we add them all up. :)
I have a post scheduled for tomorrow raving about an amazing artist I found who helped me with my new Blogging w/ Gypsy avatar/mascot! I want to see her facebook page grow and help her get some commission work — promise no affiliate links going on with this one :)
we use our blogs for so much now days that it is only obvious to use it to share some one or something awesome with your readers and doing it just to do it! no win-win, no afiliate, no compensation of any sort. Well to do it so you can help that person or site get more exposure! It’s just fun paying it forward!!
Thanks Michelle for a fun challenge!
That’s the filter I run things through before sharing — would I share this if there were no strings attached and no expectation of any gain, because it’s worth sharing and will help people or meet a need? If yes, then blast it out there. If no, then it doesn’t matter if I’m getting $1,000 a click it’s not worth it.
Yes i think it is not enough to have compassion for people in life but we must act on this compassion, to truly help them and in turn, hopefully, help yourself too!
Wonderful things happen when we reach out and help others with no strings attached. <3
Yesterday, during a client meeting, we discussed her personal vision which included selling her business within 10 years. I remarked that her choice, previously made, to shift her target audience from end-users to adv. agencies (she has a team of copywriters) could help speed that process as agencies might naturally want to buy her business for the value it adds where as end users, the former target, probably have no interest. She was surprised and told me ‘I’d never thought of that!’ And with that one statement, not only did I know I helped add a new valuable idea to a client, she made my day! Helping someone see a new angle on their choices and discovering how it can be more advantageous is my favorite thing to do.
That’s awesome Andrea. It’s always so cool what can happen when we share our visions and ideas with other entrepreneurs–they can see possibilities and futures that we sometimes miss, and it’s so valuable. Great job!