Three Deadly Website Sins


If you’re serious about building a website that will attract your ideal clients, here are three “deadly sins” you need to be careful to avoid. 1. Allowing Your Ego to Make the Decisions Is your website focused on YOU or on your customers?  Are you obsessed with “shiny objects” or bells and whistles? Is something […]

How to Share Your Brilliance Without Giving Away the Farm


You want to build your credibility and you want to help people, but need to make a living, too.  So how can you share your brilliance (or your products) without “giving away the farm” so to speak? If you send out all your products as freebies you’ll lose time and money.  If you give away […]

Get Control Over Your RSS Feed


One of the great features of a blog is it’s “RSS Feed.”  That stands for “real simple syndication” – but it can be a little confusing and not feel so simple if you’re new to blogging.  It allows your fans to get notified when you post a new blog, if they choose to subscribe in […]

Are You Rewarding Your Blog Commenters?


I’m sure that if you’ve got kids you’re familiar with the concept of rewarding desired behavior.  It works so much better than other parenting strategies.  Have you thought about applying that in your business?  Are you taking the time to appreciate and thank those who take time to leave a comment on your blog or […]

Find Out What Your Audience’s Interested In


Which direction to go next… Wondering what products to create, what services to offer or how to package them, or what topics to write about in your newsletter or blog?  Here are three ways to find out what your audience is most interested in.

Small Business Lessons from a Mosquito


I enjoy writing/working outside in the summertime–it’s something about the sunshine and fresh air.  Today though the mosquitoes are being particularly pesky and it got me to thinking about why people generally don’t like mosquitoes and the business lessons we can learn from them. 1) Don’t suck the blood out of anyone you come in […]

Bright Ideas for Your Newsletter, Part 2

Blue Screen Robot, Time

This is a follow up to one of the most popular articles on my site, Bright Ideas to Keep Your Newsletter Interesting. If you struggle to come up with ideas for your newsletter articles, you aren’t alone! Many small business owners aren’t sure what to write about. You want topics that will be interesting to […]