Two questions I get asked often are…
1. WHY did you share THAT on your blog?
2. What’s the biggest thing you’ve learned from blogging for years?
The answer to both?
There is power in vulnerability.
It’s what allows us to connect with others and to touch the lives around us.
I’ve shared many things here on my blog and from stage that others have told me I should hide, or be ashamed of.
Mistakes I’ve made.
Times I’ve failed.
Things I’m not proud of.
Moments I wish I hadn’t been through.
But know what sharing those things led to?
Others reaching out to me…
To me realizing I was not alone…
To seeing others inspired who were where I once was…
Take time to watch the video below and really consider what it means to be vulnerable and why it matters.
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Interesting,,,,,,view point ,,,,Michelle,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GREAT post
I have watched this video from Brene Brown a number of times and I love what she says about “leaning into the discomfort of the work.” So many times we avoid the uncomfortable things, but those are the things that often have shaped us. Thanks for sharing.
thanks for sharing..
What a really cool post Michelle!
Prior to this I’d never really considered and or totally realized just how much potential power there is in being vulnerable!
And you’re so right, sharing part ourselves while experiencing being vulnerable, lets us connect to others are a much deeper and far more meaningful level!
Thanks so much for sharing that video as well, because I absolutely love Brene’s quick wit!
Michelle, The Brene Brown video was so thought-provoking. I think it addresses the reason that yours is one of the main blogs that I want to read when I can find a minute or two in my hectic schedule. I think it’s that you have taken the risks to be vulnerable with your readers. You share the things you should have done differently, as well as, the things that worked successfully. Thank you for always sharing honestly with us, as well as finding wonderful resources for us, like this video or infographics that help us better connect with others.