The April Ultimate Blog Challenge is coming to a close and I’m just squeaking by. I found this time around more challenging than last time.
Maybe we’ve faced some of the same hurdles this month? Mine were not having enough time to focus on my blog, and going a couple of rounds with writer’s block. I’ve got great bookmarks though and resources at my fingertips for overcoming it so it doesn’t stick around too long. Just long enough to annoy me.
On that note, here are some great resources to help you come up with ideas so you can blog consistently:
How to Blog Almost Every Day by Chris Brogan
14 tips/rules to help you create good content for your blog nearly every day. These are some you may not have thought about yet, especially #11.
20 Types of Blog Posts – Battle Bloggers Block by ProBlogger
Lists, interviews, case studies… there are lots of options for different types of blog posts. Sometimes when you’re stuck you just need a change in perspective.
10 Methods for Getting New Ideas for Hot Blog Topics by Stella Anokam
Stella shares some creative ways to let others suggest your topics for you. Check it out. You won’t be stuck after trying these ideas.
What are your favorite ways to get ideas to blog about?
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Thank you so much for the mention, Michelle. I am honored. And thanks also for featuring post from two of my favorite blogs.
I bet with all those posts, we” learn creative ways for getting a stream of new topic ideas to serve our readers, while armed with the ‘scissors and duct tape’..
It’s a great post — any one of those ideas will bust someone right through writer’s block. :)
Thanks so much, not only for these wonderful resources, but for all your resources, tips and inspiration over the last 30 days. I learnt such a lot from you, as always. Really looking forward to the next challenge.
Heather x
You’re welcome, Heather. Thanks for jumping in and blogging with us! I always have a blast doing the Ultimate Blog Challenge (even the months where it’s more of a challenge LOL).
What can I say – I second what Heather says, excellent challenge!!
Tracey :)
Thanks, Tracey! :)
I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only one who struggled in April! I just had so many other obligations pulling me every which way – the biggest one being the grad course I absolutely HAD to complete by 4/25, since the university decided to no longer allow extensions!
So I had to prioritize, and my grad course, plus a couple of paying writing and editing jobs, had to take priority over my blogging.
I’m signing up for June’s challenge, though! ;-) I set up a bunch of new blogs (revised and new), so I’ll have to choose which one to work on in June.
Sometimes life makes us feel like a piece of taffy, doesn’t it? Streeeeeetching in all directions!
Glad you’ll be back for the next round, K’Lee. :)
Enjoyed the challenge, Michelle, and look forward to doing it again, sometime! I also will be participating in the June challenge with you and Lisbeth.
Those are great resources! Though I didn’t get writers block once I knew what I needed to write about, I did have a few blank spots in my blog plan that I needed to fill.
31 Days Blog Challenge starts again in June, yep! The Ultimate Blog Challenge will be back in July. :) Next time I think I’ll get a bit more detailed in my planning for the daily posts, too.
I can totally relate. I have been busy, good busy but still busy. Can’t wait to give it better go next time around. Thanks, for the blog links great info.
You’re welcome, Lucretia. Busy, busy, the theme of life! :)
I carry around a spiral notebook. It’s a good size and fits in my handbag perfectly. Whenever an idea pops in my head I write it down and whenever I have free time I draft posts.
I also belong to several photography forums (I write a photography blog) and sometimes a chat will lead to a blog post. For example, my mentor challenged me to seek feedback on my photography – I was surprised by what I got (blog post).
And I get ideas for people who leave comments. I love food photography and someone let me know that it was their favorite niche, but it was harder than it looked. I decided to do a little research and ask a couple of actual food photographers and developed a great post.
What’s fun is that one idea will lead to another and another. I always tell people that once they let go of the pressure to come up with ideas and just play around in the social networking world, they’ll see that there are ideas everywhere.
Great ideas, Kimberly! And that’s so true–if we can relax and let go of the pressure, ideas are everywhere. :)