The holiday season can be a test for any work at home mom or dad. It’s challenging enough to juggle business and home on regular days. The holidays can feel like a three-ring circus has moved in. Thankfully there are ways you can make it easier to keep up with it all.
1) Know and Accept Your Limits
You only have so many hours in your day. If you know you’ve got holiday commitments and things to do, cut back on business tasks that require your time. You can do this by scheduling less or delegating more.
It may help to take a few minutes and list out what the most important things are that you want to accomplish during the holidays. Is it creating memories with your children? Spending time with your family? Whatever your goals are, write them down on a sticky note and post it on your mirror or somewhere that you’ll see it and be reminded so you can stay focused.
Strive to be realistic and know that it’s okay to say “no” to things, or to say “not right now, but later.”
2) Work in Advance
If you blog, write up your blog posts for the holiday season all at once and then set your blog to post each one on a different date.
Complete your newsletter early and have it ready and scheduled to go out at it’s regular time. Most newsletter services make this simple to do.
For Twitter, try setting up tweets through HootSuite (and link Twitter to Facebook if you want to keep up content there, too). Or set a timer for 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night and restrict your social networking to these time windows.
You may also want to plan a sale or other promotion to keep income flow steady while you’re stepping back a bit from business. Be sure to add it to your pre-written blog posts and your scheduled newsletter so you can promote it while you’re off enjoying the seasons festivities.
Michelle, you have some great posts… they are very helpful and inspiring to continuing being a work from home mom.
Have a great holiday season!
Thanks Candace, I appreciate that and am happy to hear they’ve been helpful. :)