Want to go big and get your content and your business in front of more people?
Take a lesson from the Universe and Time Traveling Doctor Who!
Regenerating your content to give it new lives is a great way to make it happen.
<– TARDIS Image © Zir / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-3.0 / GFDL
Check out this awesome infographic from Tea of The Word Chef:
Image by The Word Chef – Branding and Marketing Coach/Consultant
Your Turn!
Are you “regenerating” your blog content? Which methods have you tried, or will you try next?
Spread the Love
Michelle, I am such a fan of Doctor Who! Love the analogy of content regeneration! You rock! : D
Isn’t that great? Tea is really creative. :)
This is a great infographic from the ever clever Tea.
Using my blog content, I’ve created a print book, an ebook, presentation and a webinar. These are not just great ways to extend one product, but also smart ways to generate multiple streams of income. Thanks for sharing it.
Great point, Flora! It’s not just about getting out there more–it can also be a great option to build income. :)
How totally awesome! I saw many “Dr Who”s this weekend during the Dallas Comic Con! And what an awesome post that points out how much we can “regenerate” our current content.
I like this infographic, sometimes less is more. Some good strategies for leveraging your time and creating passive income.
I appreciate you and the information you share.
Love how you used Dr. Who for this!
My new year plan is sharing my weekly articles as weekly blog posts 30 days after they are received by my newsletter recipients. I got this idea from Sandra Martini :)