Breaking open a fortune cookie… rolling the dice… hoping we’ll “get lucky”..
Too often we do that in life and in business. We wait for our “big break” or winning lottery ticket.
Shift your perspective a bit:
“I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” Thomas Jefferson
“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Work hard. Be prepared. That’s something you and I can control.
So, if you were writing your own “fortune” to go in your “cookie” for this week, what would you write?
Here’s one from me to you:
Leave me a comment and let me know what YOUR fortune cookie would say!
Spread the Love
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Debra Jason says
There is love in your heart. Let others know how much you appreciate them. It’s easy – a little smile or “thank you” goes a long way.
Michele Bergh says
What you wrote is exactly what I’d want to hear! How did you know?!?!
Harleena Singh says
There is no substitute for hard work, and the more you work the better you and your work become.
Mine might be…do your best and God does the rest. :)
Thanks Michelle :)
Robbie Schlosser says
Thanks, Michelle.
You make a good point, urging us to apply our energy toward things we can control. Last January, on Friday the 13th (maybe a lucky day, right?), I blogged a similar notion.
I suggested that dumb luck has very little to do with any good fortune. Instead I urged us to learn to create opportunities from whatever comes along. Read it here
Flora Morris Brown, Ph.D. says
My fortune reads, “Aspiring authors are looking for the wealth of guidance and reassurance you offer. Step out in a bigger way where they can find you.”
Bart Nash says
If I could write my own fortune this week I would write I can now accomplish anything in my Internet marketing buisiness because I have learned from the best of the best
Robbie Schlosser says
Hey, Bart,
Thanks for connecting with me on Facebook just now. Nice that we can have a conversation here on Michelle Shaeffer’s blog.
I’m really enjoying your blog about learning blogging and maintaining your website. Besides your two primary coaches, and Michelle of course, who else are you relying on for solid information and advice? I count easily over a dozen myself — see them on one of my Pinterest boards.
Linda Ursin says
Mine would probably say something like “Sometimes even the strong need to rest. Relax, they’ll find you eventually.”
Diana Lesire Brandmeyer says
Mine would say– I know the plans I have for you so don’t worry. –God.
Diana–from the blog challenge
Peggy Lee Hanson says
“You receive all you’ve worked so hard for.”
Dana says
Mine would say,”Go shoot some videos for you daily vibration shidters! You are helping women heal, grow and go after what they want in life.”
Tia Dye - Military Wife Theology 101 says
Mine would look like Diana’s! God is preparing me, I just had to pay attention. Even finding you and your sharing spirit!
susi says
I would love mine to say. Learn to be you. And trust yourself
Melinda says
“All things work together for good for those who love God and are called accorrding to His purpose.” Something I need to remember this week.
Thanks for a great post!
Mel Midegs says
Fortune Cookie: ‘Everything is looked after… just go ahead and do it!’
…So I did :)
Linda Bartosik (LB Miller) says
Mine would say:
Do not be defined by what other people think. Do it your way, with conviction and confidence.
Alana says
Make sure that the people you love know that you love them.
Wade Balsdon says
Thanks Michelle, that is kind of you. My fortune cookie (for me) would say “The right doors are opening up for your business, hang in and you will achieve all of your goals and dreams”
Maris King says
Hi Michelle, that is actually very meaningful for me. My fortune cookie is “The secret of success is consistency of purpose”. Great passion and consistency is the key to success.
Paula D'Andrea says
There is only room in your mind for
what you want in your heart
Adalia John says
Michelle, your creative genius is unstoppable – business as it relates to a fortune cookie.
My fortune cookie would say ” reflect on your success from the past, trust your intuition and allow it to guide you like it did before.”
Elena Anne says
Love the Jefferson quote. It’s true, luck does seem to shine upon those who are willing to work for it. ;) I think mine will say: You are successful in all areas of life and your enthusiasm inspires others. Don’t forget to maintain balance and take time out for yourself.
Lorie says
Nice Post. That preparation meets opportunity quote is one of my favorites and is so very true in EVERY aspect of life.
Adeline Yuboco says
What a coincidence to see this message, Michelle. That’s been the same thing I’ve been told by a lot of people all week. Maybe it’s trying to tell me something.
Neil Butterfield says
Mine would say “press on and fight the good fight.