Here’s a great question for us all to ponder:
What makes you remarkable?
Listen in as Seth Godin shares what really gets attention and helps ideas to spread.
How does this apply to your business? Or how have you seen this at work in the people you do business with and the items you choose to purchase?
Spread the Love
Build a massive network of like-minded friends. Give freely and you receive generously. As your network expands your idea expands. This is why wealthy people build networks, build relationships. The more people you make friends with the easier it becomes to open channels of communication.
People get attached to channels but forget what it’s all about: people. Always has been, always will be. You can never possibly succeed unless you develop some sort of network to rely on, for inspiration, for innovation, for support, for cross promoting.
Once your network is down, you are golden. You will never lack.
Thanks for sharing the powerful lesson from Seth, Michelle!
I agree, Ryan. It’s about the connections and relationships, not about what technology is currently in style to create or maintain those connections. :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Loved this! I’m going to watch a few more times and take some notes. After my first viewing – my biggest take away – when it comes to being “remarkable” it’s OK to be the elephant in the room. I just had an epiphany – this confirms what I tell my children and clients – there’s always a positive in every situation, if you’re open to receive.
Thanks Michelle … powerful information
There is always a positive, sometimes it takes great detective skills to find it, but it’s there somewhere. ;)
Seth’s videos are always worth taking notes!
Love the video, Michelle, especially the part where he pointed out that the way to tell if something is remarkable is if someone is drawn to make a remark about it. No matter how good an idea is for you, if others don’t see it as something that is worth talking about, the message will not spread and you’ll just get stuck on the rut.
This got me thinking about blogging. I’ve read so many times that good quality content is the key to getting it promoted. But after what Seth Godin pointed out here, I realize now that good quality content is not enough. Whatever blog post you write should entice people to comment about it and talk about it so that it gets passed around by other people and get you noticed.
Now before publishing a post, I’ll be asking myself: “will this post cause people to remark about it?”