With this post, I’m caught back up on my quest to complete The Ultimate Blog Challenge (I figured I’d better, since I’m co-hosting… *grin*). 9 days and 9 posts to go and then we’ll celebrate!
Coming up this week on my blog watch for articles on why you should be using a link shortener, how to use sending cards to build your business, the top 5 mistakes new work at home moms make, and ways to stay focused when you’re working in your home office. No “theme” this week other than generally helpful tips for those of us working from home and building our business online.
On a personal note I took time out this weekend to pamper myself a bit and redo my hair colors. (See photo at left.)
And blog wise I’m so excited to be starting the 31 Days Blog Challenge tomorrow!! I picked up 31 Days to Build a Better Blog a while back but never successfully made it through the book. This time I will. It’s always easier when you’ve got support and accountability. I won’t be blogging every day but I’ll be focusing on making this blog better so I can bring you, my wonderful reader, the information, resources, and inspiration to get your small business moving forward online. If you’ve got a blog (new or old) or have been thinking about starting one and want to get off on the right foot, I invite you to join Lisbeth Tanz and I as we guide the group through the book.
If you’re participating in either blog challenge, I’d love to hear how it’s going for you or your thoughts – hit the comments below and share what’s on your mind!
Ultimate Blog Challenge was my first time participating in a blog challenge. I’m sad that I waited so long to engage myself and my blog in one of these. It has been rewarding on so many levels; increased traffic, stronger community, motivation and better writing (I think).
I would definitely do it again and recommend it to others.
I love it for the same reasons, Angie! :)
I have done the 31 days to a better blog challenge…in fact I did it last summer at the same time I was doing the 30 day blog challenge. It was well worth it. I learned tons and it helped me to write my daily blogs and be more effective.
Hope you get as much out of the challenge as I did….and I encourage every one to do the challenge.
Awesome, great to hear that, Sheila. I’ve started a few times but never made it through so I’m looking forward to that.
Hello from Montana:
So glad you got one behind too. I am doing my second blog post for the day. Yikes. I really appreciate you for doing this. It has started me on a habit, that I used to do now and then, but now do daily.
Enjoy your posts and the encouragement.
Judy Helm Wright
Thanks for networking my blog.
Yep, just gotta keep going! It’s so much easier once you get in the habit.