A couple days ago I posted about how important it is to know your readers — and I like to take my own advice. ;)
As we end 2012 and head into 2013 I’m looking at how I can better be of service to you here on my blog, and how I can support you in achieving your goals.
So here’s what I’d love to know about you:
- Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do? (Yes, link to your website or blog!)
- What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? (Yes, I’m inviting you to brag! And feel absolutely free to add another link so we can find out more about your exciting wins.)
- What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
- If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
Answer in the comments below and I’ll pick out a few of the commenters to do an interview style profile with here on my blog (and share with my list subscribers) over the next couple of months.
Spread the Love
- 30
This year I surpassed the income I made working a 9-5 in the corporate world.
That’s awesome, Brooke! Definitely worth celebrating. Would love to know more about your business and what’s next for you. :)
Congrats Brooke! That’s one of my goals with my business!
Thanks Michelle! What a great opportunity for us all to get to know each other better. Here are my answers:
Q. What’s your business or what do you do?
A. I support coaches and holistic practitioners in finding their voice, sharing their message and getting paid to do what they love – make a difference. And one way I do that is helping them write compelling copy. Here’s my blog http://www.RachelFlower.com – and some free blogging resources.
Q. What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2013 for you?
A. Stepped up bigtime in my business to reach more people and help them step up and get their messages out into the world. I created several courses – some are free – here’s one of my free video courses: http://www.TheMessengerMentor.com. I rediscovered my love for writing – got my blog off the ground (I used to be a freelance writer many eons ago) . Started a new course called The Messenger Code (www.TheMessengerCode.com) and have partnered with web strategists to support change agents in no longer being invisible in the marketplace! Also looking to seal the deal with a university in India where they are interested in a course for entrepreneur women.
Q. What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
Take the Messenger Code System to colleges and universities. Set up a non-profit arm of the business to support coaches, healers and artists in finding their voice and getting seen and heard in the marketplace… so they can make a bigger impact while making money. More speaking gigs too.
Q If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
A. Leading retreats in Hawaii, partneing with women’s organizations and healers’ organizations to support people in getting visibility. Blog training courses (just launching http://www.Bloglikeyoumeanit.com – a course for bloggers to go deeper and explore their creative brilliance)
Almost forgot… I have a book that will be released this year too… stay tuned. It’s about the Messenger Code system …. and I will be interviewing messengers (that could be you too Michelle!) on my radio show to gather some stories to include.
I’m Kimberly and I’m a professional blogger. I started blogging in 2009 and today I’m nearing the 1 year anniversary of Keep the Tail Wagging, which I launched in January as a business.
Keep the Tail Wagging is a premier pet blog that shares dog care tips from my POV (mom to 3 rescues) and I’m building it into a full time business. I want to sell advertising space, be a spokesperson for our favorite pet products, and speak at blogging conferences around the country. Right now, I do affiliate marketing.
The coolest thing to happen to me this year was when a veterinarian from the ASPCA reached out to me to help me with the health pages of my site. I was also named 1 of 5 pet bloggers you need to know on SheKnows.com.
My big dream is to write full time and right now I’m churning out great content like a machine, connecting with my audience, and promoting products we love. I want Keep the Tail Wagging to be the #1 site, a household name, and place where everyone directs new and experienced dog owners alike. I also want to be an influence in the dog rescue world – one of those people who says something that is quoted and repeated – I want to make a difference.
If I could do anything I want with my business it would be to expand it into a corporation with a fulltime staff, office space, and dogs running everywhere.
I’m so excited about 2013 and appreciate this opportunity to get my goals out there. There’s something about writing (typing) it down that makes it possible.
One of the most rewarding things I do is to work with B.R.A.T (Basenji Rescue And Transport). I have two rescues (one is a B.R.A.T. and one was a lost chiweenie no one every claimed). Congrats on being named #2 on that list. :D
Congratulations, Brooke! That’s an amazing accomplishment!
*Who am I?*
I am a 50+ y.o. happily married woman, mother of 4 adult kids, grandmother of one, living in Maine with my beloved and our fur babies. I am also a lifelong learner, currently in the dissertation phase of my Ed.D. degree program, in a dual concentration of Educational Technology and E-learning.
*What is my business/what do I do?*
I am a freelance consultant, primarily for writing and instructional design/curriculum development services. My LinkedIn profile provides most of that info (www.linkedin.com/in/kleebanks). My other business is K’Lee’s Kreations (www.etsy.com/shop/KLeesKreations), for which I make customized products such as quilts, pillows, and bags; my specialty is adding imprinted photos.
*What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012?*
Let’s see – four things especially stand out:
(1) I wrote and published my first book, entitled Fatherly Reflections (available in both ebook and print versions: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008CGWURK) in June, 2012.
(2) I became a first-time grandmother, with a beautiful granddaughter born on 9-12-12.
(3) I made my first business connection on LinkedIn, doing instructional design work for A Pass Educational Group, also in collaboration with Pearson, in September 2012.
(4) I began the first course of the dissertation phase of my Ed.D. journey on 12-3-12.
*What’s the “big dream” for my blogs?*
Well, like I said on Facebook – I want to be like YOU when I grow up! :-) What I mean is, I want to be as successful at blogging as you are, but I know I have to apply all the great tips you and other great bloggers have to offer, and blog consistently!
–Goals related to my blogs: I want to write consistently, provide valuable, helpful and/or encouraging information and reflections, build a good reputation and following, and learn how to actually earn something from blogging.
*What’s the “big dream” for my business/es?*
(1) For my freelance business, I want to become more established in my specialty fields, which include primarily educational writing (I have 1,000+ articles published online, and a majority of those are on educational topics) and instructional design/curriculum development work. I think this connection with A Pass/Pearson will help in that regard. Ideally, I would like to increase my earning power and pay off all my debts (excluding student loans, although that would be great, too) by the end of 2013.
(2) For my “kreative” business, I want to likewise become more established in this niche area of making customized products with imprinted photos. I also want to create an inventory of “ready to sell” products.
*If I could be doing anything I wanted in my business, what would I be doing?*
In addition to what I mentioned above, I want to be much more successful at managing my time and overcoming distraction and “brain fog” so I can:
— consistently blog;
— interact with those who comment on my blogs;
— follow other bloggers;
— and comment on their blogs.
Thank you, Michelle, for all you do and all you have to offer! :-)
Hello Michelle and fellow bloggers,
My have two areas of focus in my “business”:
I’m an adult learning specialist helping teachers and trainers use technology to facilitate learning in their classrooms and design online learning environments. I do this as adjunct faculty in university programs.
I have a small business consulting & training business, Social Biz Local Biz. We help small, local businesses with social media and internet marketing (blended with their more traditional marketing campaigns).
In 2012 I pulled back from building my business and moved from the Pacific Northwest to England. I’m living with my daughter and her three teen children while her husband is deployed to Afghanistan. Adjusting to this change while still keeping my hand in the business has been quite a juggling act.
My greatest challenges are 1) creating content and new programs while also providing client/student services; and 2) working with my clients in the United States via a less than optimal internet connection and time zone differences while finding and serving new clients in the UK.
I’ll be doing the blog challenge in January. I just keep trying to be the most consistent blogger I can be. :-)
Thanks for your work, Michelle.
Thanks Michelle,
Who are you? Diana Lesire Brandmeyer, Christian author,
What’s your business or what do you do? I write fiction and nonfiction books. http://www.dianabrandmeyer.com
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you?
I had two books published!
A Bride’s Dilemma in Friendship, Tennesse
Mind of Her Own
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards? I’d like to interact more with my readers. I’m posting more but I’m still not getting the amount of comments I’d like.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing? I’d be writing and someone else would be deleting my spam mail!
Who are you? I am a lifestyle blogger at http://www.nycsinglemom.com
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you?
Two cool things happened. I went back to work Full Time in a job I love but my blog has begun to get recognition and made 3x as much money as I did in 2011.
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? three big blog accomplishments (1) I was invited to Disney as part of the Disney Social Media Moms conference, 2) invited to a majro Disney premiere in LA and 3) had two major blog ambassadors and were actually paid.
What goals are you working towards? Driving more traffic to my site and writing a book.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing? rehaul my site from top to bottom and hire a VA
1. Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do?
My wife (Heather) and I started a blog for couples in the dating/courting stage of their relationship. We earned our Master’s degrees in Marriage and Family Therapy and do pre-engagement (and premarital – yes, there’s a difference!) counseling via Skype and Google Hangouts (perfect for long-distance relationships too!). We come from a Christian perspective; however, we will work with clients from any faith if they understand we stick to biblical principles. You will find us at http://preengaged.com. The first two weeks of our pre-engagement counseling program, we administer a relationship profile called The PAIR Test. It has been such a success
2. What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you?
On the morning of Christmas day, we got our first book up on our website as our very first product – we have both .pdf e-book and .mp3 audiobook versions. The book is titled: “So, You Want to be a Fiancée? — How pre-engagement counseling can change your life.” It is filled with reasons why pre-engagement counseling will bless your life, why premarital counseling (after engagement) is too late to start the relationship counseling/investigation process, and a lot of questions and discussion topics for pre-engaged couples to work through, and much more! (~smile~) You can find the book at: http://preengaged.com/store. In the latter third of 2012, our client bookings have also significantly increased.
3. What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
At this point, we have loved working with our couples two-on-two; however, we want to be able to serve more people. So, in 2013, we are going to start a newsletter, create more info products, develop a pre-engagement counseling do-it-yourself program, and develop a group coaching pre-engagement counseling program (as well as continuing our personalized pre-engagement counseling program).
4. If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
I (Eric) currently work full-time at another job, so I would love to grow this so I could eventually come home and help couples full time. The biggest issue I think I currently face is gathering new readers – and therefore new clients. My wife and I put out four posts per week (three written posts and one marriage proposal video post) and have consistently done so since we started in October 2010. We’ve been told by numerous people that our content is relevant and helpful to our readers. If you Google “pre-engagement counseling” on Google, you’ll find us near or at the top (and we’re the first service we know of which is dedicated to pre-engagement counseling, not as an afterthought). However, it just doesn’t seem like we’re gaining as much traction as I would think we should. Not sure if my desires/goals are realistic or if we’re doing alright where slow and steady wins the race. So, in short, if I could do anything I wanted, we would be serving more people so that they would choose their spouse well, have a healthy relationship, and drive down the divorce rate – one couple at a time.
Thank you, Michelle, for giving us the opportunity to share what we’re doing so we can bless others!
— Eric
lol Apparently I stopped talking about The PAIR Test mid-stream.
The PAIR Test is an amazing test and because it has been such a huge success, we offer it not only to dating couples, but also to engaged and married couples as well! It has produced a tremendous amount of insight for couples and is unlike any other test I’ve seen! Having the training as a counselor, I’ve seen quite a few relationship tests – and this one is far and above better than all of the others I’ve seen – which is why we offer it! So, if you’re interested in enhancing your relationship and checking it out, go to: http://preengaged.com/thepairtest. See you there!
This is such a great idea for engaged couples, premarital counseling really helped my second husband and I, should be required of everyone getting a license! Blessings to you and your wife and your future!
1. Who are you? What\’s your business or what do you do? (Yes, link to your website or blog!)
I am a SAHM of a pre-school child with two adult children. I am blogging my way through a self-directed healing and recovery process as I find ways to cope with untreated depression and fibromyalgia while working to change my co-dependent ways. I blog under a pseudonym for the privacy of others in my life. Human In Recovery on WordPress – humaninrecovery.wordpress.com.
2. What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? (Yes, I’m inviting you to brag! And feel absolutely free to add another link so we can find out more about your exciting wins.)
I have done three Author Interviews for fellow bloggers who have recently published books; Athena Brady (humaninrecovery.wordpress.com/2012/12/06/athena-brady-author-interview/(, Marc Shelske (humaninrecovery.wordpress.com/2012/12/20/marc-alan-schelske-author-interview/), and Sean Mahoney (humaninrecovery.wordpress.com/2012/12/21/sean-paul-mahoney-author-interview/). This has led to an invitation to contribute to a new online magazine, La belle vie, http://www.labelleviemagazine.com/. My first article will be in the February 2013 editor ion.
3. What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
I’m not currently doing a business, as I am using the blog to help me in my recovery process. However, as I have progressed and as people are visiting and being drawn, I want to grow it into a safe place for others who are also on their own journeys to find connection, resources, and acceptance. I want to build community.
4 – If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
Since this isn’t a business, I’m not really sure.
Good for you Kina. I suffer from Fibroymalgia as well and blog about it. You can check it out at http://fibro2010.com and I will make sure to check out your blog. Good luck and stay warm!
Who are you? I am a mother of two wonderful children and I have a scrapbooking business where I help people learn how to scrapbook and how to use their smartphones for scrapbooking. http://scrappingwonders.com
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? I started Scrapping Wonders and I published my first EZine Article. I am selling products on Londyn Kate http://www.londynkate.com/Seller-Store/Fort-Lauderdale-FL-Scrapping-Wonders/65
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? I am hoping to increase my revenue and my day job so that my scrapbooking business can be my full time job.
What goals are you working towards? I am working on creating more EZine Articles and creating scrapbooking classes for my customers.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing? I would have my business as my full time job and I would have a membership site created.
1. Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do? (Yes, link to your website or blog!)
I am a writer & editor. Over the past couple of years I’ve gotten into grant writing but I’ve also been a magazine writer. I’m finishing up a contract doing communications work for my church and just scored a contract writing grants for a theological education program.
2. What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? (Yes, I’m inviting you to brag! And feel absolutely free to add another link so we can find out more about your exciting wins.)
I learned how to use Adobe InDesign, which is *the* desktop publishing program. I knew nothing about it 3 months ago and now I can do basic publishing. I’m pretty stoked.
3. What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
I want to generate steadier and higher income for my business. I don’t want to limit myself to just grant writing because I would get bored after a while. I need a variety of projects and it’s been my biggest obstacle in trying to establish myself–I don’t know how to sell myself.
4. If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
I would be writing and researching for a variety of outlets and clients.
I don’t share this with the socials. I’m a father of two adult children. I’m also a retiree. Upon retirement I decided to become a substitute teacher and regretted bothering because of the attitude of today’s children. I also returned to university. I’m a student at Montclair State University and have gone in a few different directions since I originally started school at a community colege back in ’72.
While with AT&T I joined Toastmasters International. I’m now a veteran of 65 speeches. I love to get through to a crowd speaking while I throw a little acting into it since I’m also with acting experience. These are gifts the Lord gave me.
Now, that funds are really tight I’d like to make some money as a professional speaker. I have just sent in a video to a speaking bureau and waiting to hear from them and have another waiting for me to apply. I don’t know why I have to wait to hear from this one bureau when the others advise what they’re all about. The only drawback I have is geographically. All the speeches would have to be done in North Jersey. I’m not about to board an airplane.
I’ll be speaking on entertainment, music, education, the military do to a three year enlistment and history. I’m big on history whether it goes back to our founding fathers or WWI and WWII. I am definitely not a stand up, however, I have a way of expressing myself that cracks of a lot of people, especially my son-in-law and the relationship has absolutely nothing to do with it. As far as I’m concerned we have no stand ups in this country. They are either too old or are deceased. Those who think they fill that category today are only fooling themselves. They really need people drinking a lot of beer and shots to laugh at them. They just plainly stink.
I’m forgetting about my two novels. They are for sale at amazon. lulu.com and are really in Europe, as well. You can check them out at danielbeltempo.com
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for the oportunity to post about my business here.
Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do?
I’m Angelika of Angelika’s German Tuition & Translation http://angelikasgerman.co.uk
I don’t think I need to tell you what I do ;-)
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you?
Two things: I wrote my first book, a German guide book about Wiltshire in England, which I’m about to publish next year. I also managed to persuade 24 of my students to guest blog for me to create an Advent calendar http://angelikasgerman.co.uk/blog
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
Another teacher has started teaching a few lessons for me and I would love to get more for her.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
Write more books!
Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do?
My name is Summer Alexander and I am the CEO of Summer Alexander Research a market research company where I provide the information entrepreneurs need to make informed business decisions.
I love working with entrepreneurs in the first (0-2) years of starting a business. Often I find they have great business ideas but could use some help with organizing and planning in order to turn those ideas into profit. I also love helping them make the mindset shift from employee to entrepreneur.
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you?
There were a few:
I was featured on Black Enterprise – http://www.blackenterprise.com/career/mothers-day-career-women-share-stories-of-motherhood/
I was also the Dell Small Business of the week on Manta.com.
My favorite: I was asked to teach a 7 week entrepreneur class to 70 current and future business owners and despite being completely scared out of my mind to do it, I did it and received a 100% approval rating from the class. I was also asked to come back and teach the class in 2013!
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
I’d like to connect with a group of like-minded entrepreneurs who understand the ups and downs of running an online business. I’d like to learn from others so that I can put myself and my business in a position to exceed my income goals.
Currently I’m finishing my book The Effortless Business so that I can use it as a platform for more speaking engagements (which totally scares me).
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
Helping more people and receiving ample income to do it.
Hi Summer,
Congratulations on your achievements in 2012. They definitely sound cool. Getting a 100% approval rating from the entrepreneur class is an impressive achievement. Plus, you faced your fears and the outcome was fantastic. That’s something to be proud of. Good luck with your endeavours in 2013.
Hi Tracey,
Thanks so much for your message! I definitely learned that I was much more capable than I had previously given myself credit for.
Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do? (Yes, link to your website or blog!)
I’m a multi-creative, heathen witch helping women find their true selves my way http://heksebua.com
I also sell my amulet art and other artwork the-same-site/gallery
I run a membership site with tons of info at the-same-site/library
I provide readings and witchcraft related services the-same-site/visenda
and I blog about runes, herbs, tarot and more at the-same-site/linda
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? (Yes, I’m inviting you to brag! And feel absolutely free to add another link so we can find out more about your exciting wins.)
I sold my first painting in June :) It was this one: http://heksebua.com/gallery/harmoni/
Pardon the theme, I just moved all my sites to WordPress, and I haven’t found a good one for the gallery yet.
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business?
To be able to support myself and my child
What goals are you working towards?
Getting clients for my new business venture
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
What I’m doing now, but with a lot more clients.
I’m sorry for adding the-same-site in stead of my URL, but it wouldn’t accept that many links.
Hi Michelle!
1. I’m a wife, mother of two, and a virtual assistant. My primary focus in my business is email marketing, email management, internet research, and customer follow-up. I take on those time-consuming, non-revenue producing tasks for small business owners and entrepreneurs so they can focus on being productive in their businesses. I love helping people!
2. The coolest thing that’s happened to me in 2012 is starting my virtual assistance business, actually getting clients, and getting coaching and mentorship for myself and my business!
3. My big dream is to help as many businesses as I can and be an example to upcoming young women entrepreneurs. I recently started blogging to begin my journey to establish myself as an expert!
4. If I could do anything I wanted in my business, I would already be producing at my target revenue level and serving my target client level. I know I’ll be there soon. It’s going to be another great year (2013)!
Geniece Brown
Hello MichelleThanks for the opportunity to share.
Who are you? I\’m the mother of four adult children and the grandmother of Adorable Jasmine. I’m a certified hypnotherapist, mindset mastery mentor and confidence and solutions coach.
What\’s your business or what do you do? My passionate purpose is to inspire and motivate entrepreneurs who have all the tools in life to be successful but remain stuck, in their personal and/or professional lives, because of limiting beliefs and lack of confidence. I help my clients with confidence, clarity, courage and specific action steps to grow themselves and their businesses. I offer life affirming tools, inspiration and motivation on my blog at http://www.adaliaconfidenceandsuccessblog.com
What\’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? For my online business, even though I need to improve my online presence, I\’ve had people from India, Canada, Texas and other cities/countries connect with me and some have become clients. Local and long distant clients find me through Google for a service I don\’t promote much online(hypnosis/hypnotherapy).
This one has nothing to do with me but I\’m proud. As a divorced mom I nurtured my 4 children to be good citizens of the world and my youngest son, all of 22, became regional manager at American Apparel. I want him to be an entrepreneur but I keep it to myself … shh don\’t tell him anything.
What\’s the \”big dream\” you\’ve got for your blog and/or your business? I’m tired of people near and far telling me I\’m the best kept secret.. I don\’t want to be a secret. I want to stand up, stand out and be heard by more people who can transform their lives with my service. Mindset is key … without the right mindset, you\’ll remain stuck or fall from your ladder of success.What goals are you working towards? Create digital products, a coaching program and other evergreen products that are automated. Build a more niche focus blog at adaliaconfidenceandsuccesblog.
Since I’m been found locally for hypnosis, I’ve decided to dedicate a site to that with the intention of creating and marketing hypnosis recordings. It\’s in infancy here: http://www.hypnosistarzana.com .Finish my two books that have been sitting on my hard drive. My biggest goal is to have a team in place so that I can do more of what I\’m good at and less or none of the things that are time sucking vampires. Start my non-profit F.E.M (financial empowerment movement) for women.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing? All of the above but if I have to choose one, it would be having a cohesive team.
Thanks for giving me permission to be long winded, Michelle.
Thanks for this chance to \”toot my horn\”!Who are you? I\’m a 50-something grandmother of 3 boys who lives in Eastern Ontario Canada with my husband, son and oldest of the 3 grandkids an my dog with the $1000 ear.What\’s your business or what do you do? I hold a full-time job (recently completed 25 years of service) but when I\’m not working, I\’m writing. I blog at Celtic Connexions – My Scottish roots and writing http://www.melanierobertson-king.com/wp02/ where I blog about my heritage, my writing, host fellow authors, and life in general. I also maintain a website Melanie Robertson-King Author where fact and fiction meet. What\’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? My debut novel, A Shadow in the Past (a YA Crossover) was published by 4RV Publishing http://www.4rvpublishing.com/ After years of trying, I finally succeeded. I\’ve been walking on air since September when I met my publisher and editor for the first time… oh yeah… and held my book in my hands for the first time! What\’s the \”big dream\” you\’ve got for your blog and/or your business? At this point, my \”big dream\” might be a bit lofty, but seeing myself at the top of the New York Times and USA Today\’s bestseller lists. As for my blog, develop a large an loyal following.What goals are you working towards?Currently working on the second novel in my series and am hoping to have the first draft finished by mid 2013.If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?Travelling to Scotland where my book series is set to promote it with signings and other appearances. A side trip to Paris with my husband for further research wouldn\’t go amiss either. I was in Paris once in 2003 but back then writing a novel that took place there wasn\’t on my mind at all – and I was on my own (stayed with my husband\’s niece after a trip to Wales fell through). I loved the city and although my French is extremely rusty, I managed and would love to share the experience with my husband.If there are any typos, blame it on the wonky \”d\” on my laptop. I really must get it fixed before I do myself a mischief.
I had to eliminate a URL from my first post and before I realized my Twitter username was blank, I did the biz and it was posted. I’ve added it in the box here so you’ll be able to find me in the great Twitterverse.
Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do? (Yes, link to your website or blog!)
I blog at http://www.byjanet.net/purple – I am a freelance graphic/web designer for entrepreneurs in the holistic and creative arts and heart-based businesses. I am 29 and just starting on my path towards entrepreneurship freedom. I moved from Oregon to Manila, Philippines where I currently live in a poor village while I grow my business.
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? (Yes, I’m inviting you to brag! And feel absolutely free to add another link so we can find out more about your exciting wins.) I recently got accepted as 1 of 15 contestants to play in Prosperity’s Kitchen, an online reality tv style edutainment game for small businesses!
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards? I would love to turn my freelance biz into a full service design studio! I want to be creative director and I want to be a social entrepreneur and philanthropic millionaire.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
I would like to shift my biz model to include more passive income, write books for kindle, etc. The important thing is to always explore and have fun while making more money than I currently do.
Hi Michelle, This is such a great idea! Thank you for taking the time to get to know your readers.
1.Who are you? I am a powerful woman, mother of three, grandmother of two, pet owner, growing CEO, Founder of the largest most people friendly seizure disorders foundation on the planet – National Seizure Disorders Foundation.
2.What’s your business or what do you do? I am the Founder and CEO of National Seizure Disorders Foundation http://nsdf.us I help people through the transition of diagnosis of all types of seizures. I also empower people living with seizures and enrich the minds of the unaffected public.
3.What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? National Seizure Disorders Foundation placed our first pup for seizure service work with a qualified 6 yr old seizure survivor. Find out more about Violet and Gavin or about seizure service dogs in general here: http://www.facebook.com/doggy-dollars
4.What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? To bring peace into the lives of 65 million + globally by empowering the minds of those living with seizures, providing the resources they need to transform from victim to survivor, and eradicating stigma surrounding seizure disorders from every person on the planet.
5.What goals are you working towards? Placing 100 seizure service dogs with 100 seizure survivors, creating public awareness in order to eradicate stigma and fear, forming programs to help survivors and caregivers live successfully in spite of seizure disorder. Altogether the fruition of these goals will bring order to seizure disorder for millions globally.
6.If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?Collecting donations from big business and private philanthropists and teaching seizure survivors and caregivers that they have value and purpose and there is Hope and Peace and Joy in spite of seizures I would do this through webinars, videos, phone conversations, or speaking engagements.
Thank you for being one that helped me share my dream!
1. Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do? (Yes, link to your website or blog!)
My name is Tara; I am Christian daughter of the most-high King, follower of Jesus, wife to a wonderful husband, mummy to one little hunny bunch boy, homemaker, Charlotte Mason homeschooler, blogger and norwex, mannatech, young living consultant. My ministry is The Proverbs 31 Sanctuary http://theproverbs31sanctuary.blogspot.com.au/ it is a sanctuary where I write and document everything about my life as I try to become like the Proverbs 31 woman however it comes, all for the glory of God. My Christian journey started by reading a proverbs 31 book called Pursuit of Proverbs 31 by Amy Bayliss and it changed my life, every day I strive to fulfill the virtues of the Proverbs 31 woman and I just really enjoying writing he he he.
2. What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? (Yes, I’m inviting you to brag! And feel absolutely free to add another link so we can find out more about your exciting wins.)
In 2012 I became a redeemed woman of God; I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior and into my heart and declared to follow Him. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and water baptism. This year has seen me hand held by God out of the darkness and into the light, I am so grateful to have come across the proverbs 31 book that began my journey into becoming a Christian women dedicated to God. I have come so far by the grace of God and my life is to His glory. 2012 will be remembered as the year I was adopted into the royal family.
3. What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
My big dream is to bring glory to the heavenly King. I want to remove the stones in between Him and His children; I strive to bring women especially, closer to Him so that they can experience the grace that I have. I would love to see people inspired by my blog and find comfort in my words. I named it a sanctuary because I wanted it to be somewhere that people come and feel like they can grow in God. I want to see my ministry grow so that I can reach more hearts and soften them for the Lord. I don’t pretend to be all knowing or overly experienced, I just know my life and I write about it from my heart and in prayer that even if one word can help someone surrender their life to the Lord then I am doing something worthwhile, I also desire to help people by bringing information to them, so that it may make their lives easier and for just plain fellowship, I love connecting with people and helping them grow. I also would love to help my husband with relieving the financial pressure of homeschooling and my blog may be able to do that.
4. If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
Write, just write my heart out, I love to write, I love to share my experiences and finds that have helped me. I want to continue to do what I am doing, I find so much joy in writing, and I get so excited when I connect with people on my blog or when they find something that I have written useful and/or inspiring. God guides my blog and it is all for His glory, I love doing what I do, I hope to continue on for many years to come and make some wonderful friends.
He he he, I did not expect to write so much but, like I said I love writing, any chance I get ? Thank you for the opportunity to answer your questions. Tara.
Hi Everyone,
I own a business called Better Business Better Life and have just launched my first ever ebook called “How To Host A Swingin’ Blog Challenge.” You can find it at http://www.hostablogchallenge.com I really want to help everyone grow and strengthen their blogs. I doubled my subscribers when I ran a blog challenge and I’d love lots of bloggers experience this as well.
The coolest in 2012 …well I just mentioned it. I am SO excited.
My goals for 2013 are to finish the companion ebook for the one I’ve just launched, write two more ebooks and launch my new service “Small Business Supremacy.” Of course I can’t want to keep helping lots of bloggers and business owners with copywriting and SEO as well.
If I could do anything it would be my business full time. There is nothing better than seeing people enjoy the benefits offered by business and blogging.
Best wishes to everyone for 2013! Let’s rock it!
Hi Everyone,
I’m a Singapore Mom Blogger who just turned professional. You can find my blog here http://dominiquegoh.com.
2012 has been great and I’ve just blogged about meeting all my goals.
For 2013 I hope to be able to increase revenue from the blog and give my kids more varied opportunities to enhance their childhood.
Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do?
My business creates trivia quizzes for use at events (conferences, corporate training and team-building, fundraising events, celebrations). http://readysetquiz.com
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you?
Ready Set Quiz launched in 2012, after more than two years of planning. For me, that is exciting and definitely cool.
I also came up with a plan to launch a subscription business called Brutal Trivia: for people who want to do trivia quizzes at home (by themselves or with friends/family) and who like their trivia really tough! http://brutaltrivia.com
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
For Ready Set Quiz, I’m working towards having a full and busy calendar of events to supply custom and ready-made trivia quizzes to.
For Brutal Trivia, I’m working towards having a core group of loyal fans/customers who regularly buy the quizzes and grow into a community of like-minded trivia über-geeks!
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
Exactly what I have started doing this year, with a strong and growing customer base. I would love to grow the business to a point where I could employ people to write the questions and supply professional quiz hosts.
1. Hi, I’m Cairn a former professional chef and now an author. I have just published my first book, The Last Prospector, which is the first of a series with a second to be released in a few months. I created two blogs, the primary one is The Light Stealers Song where I write about my journey of promoting my book. The second blog is called Spoon! and it’s a compendium of all my culinary tips and tricks with the occasional recipe upon request.
2. The coolest thing that happened to me in 2012 was writing the first three books of the Song of Solstice series and seeing the first one in actual book form, such a rush! The Last Prospector is a great story and available at Amazon.com.
3. My big dream is for my books to be successful enough that I can just write for a living. My even bigger dream is to become well known enough to be a clue on Jeopardy! Writing the blog is an unexpected pleasure as is watching the growth and diversity of my readers, but the blog’s goal is to get The Last Prospector known to the world. Hopefully, I can get a blog tour rolling in 2013 because 2012 hasn’t been so great for that.
4. I would be writing everyday in much more comfortable chair, going out and promoting my books is also appealing because I just love chatting up groups of strangers. If that was my life, I would be very ok with it.
5. Thank you for asking :)
Hi there, I am an intuitive counselor. I often describe my work as a spiritual life coach, helping women (some men too) discover a deeper connection with their innate wisdom for more clarity and self empowerment. I feel I marry intuition, inspiration, empowerment and clarity with heart based action for real you can see and feel results. Definitely not your average type of life coach or intuitive counselor. My inspirational newsletter is my pride and joy and my blog over at http://www.IntuitiveCouselingBlog.com is where I post my newsletter articles after my e-zine peeps get to see and implement them first. My main website is http://www.DebbieDeupree.com
2012 was very exiting! I opened EPIC “Embracing the Power of Intuition Community” a group geared towards connecting, building community around my passion of helping others find their own true voice (that connection with their innate wisdom) here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/EmbracingThePowerOfIntuition/
– I was very honored to be a participant of Sandra Martini’s group of (12) experts for an annual event she has of free no opt-in gifts: http://www.countdownto2013.com
– I had several challenging moments that inspired and produced so much growth and great content for my clients, very grateful for that.
One of my big dreams and goals for my work is to create the opportunity to share my work on a much bigger scale, workshops, speaking at events around the country, having more classes (live and online) The feeling of sharing with people the treasures they already have in them by connecting with their intuition and how to do this.
The goals I’m currently working on is building community (that’s why I created the EPIC group) a place where like minded folks (people wanting to learn about the law of attraction, intuition..) can come together and have access to myself, resources and a ‘normal’ grounded way of presenting all of the tools and resources that can assist them.
More art! I currently include art as part of an intuitive reading and coaching session. I’m definitely looking at adding more art into my work this new year.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams to be doing exactly what I love!
Hmmm to answer this question I would say that an ultimate goal in this realm would be to create a non-profit (education for children and adults alike and protection of animals) and become a philanthropist.
How wonderful to ask these questions Michelle! THANK YOU!!!
It is very heart warming to read everyone’s posts. How beautiful to be able to feel open and share like we have here. Kudos Michelle for creating such a great space that inspires more and more from your peeps!
My name is Rama Nayeri with creations landscape designs and I design single family residential landscapes using sustainable, earth friendly, organic methods and materials that reduce your energy bills while increasing your property value. I also blog about earth friendly landscapes (www.earthfriendlylandscapes.blogspot.com).
In 2012 I got to help many homeowners kill their lawn and increase their property value. I find it thrilling that I get to help people have better quality (toxic free) landscapes to enjoy with their loved ones.
My biggest dream for 2013 and beyond is to better the environment of this earth that I live in. I believe that I have the power to take this cookie cutter environment and transform it into a more sustainable landscape that does no harm to this earth one home at a time.
If I could do anything with my business I would I obtain an office space that would also be a place where I could hold classes (lectures) about sustainable landscape design.
Hi Rama! Nice to see you here :)
I would strongly encourage you to reconsider your office aspirations. It would be one of the most expensive ways to start – I know, I had an office (and no longer do).
If you want to teach people, just get a good quality webcam (with the money you would have spent on an office) and record yourself! Then, you can create a video series for the people you are trying to teach (which is also replayable versus a one-time demonstration) and sell access to it digitally. The other big win for teaching online is that you can reach a much larger audience than your local geographic region. For instance, if I hadn’t taken my business online (and out of the office), I would have never met the amazing couples with whom we’ve been able to work (international and all over the US).
So, really do consider the office idea and make sure you really need one (versus just thinking of traditional business models only which aren’t as cost effective as the possibilities we have today via technology and the Internet)! Be blessed!
— Eric
Greetings, Michelle! Your blog always gets me inspired to get my own up and running, but I’m still pretty much a newbie to this world!
Q: Who are you?
A: My name is Mercedes, I’m a new mom and an American expat living in Aberdeen, UK. I started my blog, Project ProcrastiNOT, originally to create accountability for myself with my arts and crafts projects (read: finish projects without procrastinating!). However, in the past year it has turned into more of a “mommy blog.”
Q: What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you?
A: Hands down would be the birth of my twins in September! They are my first children and it is so overwhelming and exciting at the same time.
Another cool thing that happened this year is that I began guest blogging at The Bump, which has been a lot of fun.
Q: What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog?
A: Like I said, I’m a newbie. But eventually, I’d love to make money from writing, on my own blog and for others. I want to share my unique situation (mom of twins, expat, etc) with others and help new moms. Someday I’d like to write an e-book, but before I do that I have to figure out what it could be about. I would also like to feel more comfortable using social media to build an audience and as a resource for myself to keep current on relevant topics.
Q: i f you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
A: I’m actually doing it, I’d just like to do it with a little more know-how, a little more savvy, and it wouldn’t hurt to make some money, either!
Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do? I am Alyssa Avant, a speaker, author, strategist and mom entrepreneur. I’m re-branding myself and my business from doing technical services to teaching moms how to build a business or grow a business so that they can work from home.
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? No links necessary for me. The coolest things that happened to me were personal growth, coming to some realizations about my life was the best thing.
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
My big dream is to be able to help other moms stay home with their children and grow a business, pursue their dreams. I am working towards the goal of reaching a specific income goal needed for my family and financial goals of being debt free.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
Mentoring moms.
Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do? (Yes, link to your website or blog!)
Im Debbie, SAHM an 8 month old and working as much as I can on my site and books. http://www.vintagedancer.com
I run an aggregate site for vintage inspired clothing from 1900-1960. I blog about fashion history (men and women) and produce books about fashion history that is practical for people who want to dress in that era now.
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? (Yes, I’m inviting you to brag! And feel absolutely free to add another link so we can find out more about your exciting wins.)
Having my baby in April and retiring from my job forever! I can’t image ever going back to a real job. My website makes enough to let me be home and have the freedom to claim my own success. It has been more of a challenge then I planned thanks to the baby and to google’s black and white furballs but 2013 is looking hopeful.
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
Working towards more profit, more exposure, and even better rankings in the SERPS. Marketing myself/my site is top priority. Making enough so that my husband can retired form his job is the next big financial goal.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
Be what I lack so I can be what I need to be to do even more online. Write more, market more, be more social. Down the line I think having my own clothing line would be very cool too.
Thanks Michelle for allowing us to do this!!!!
* Who are you? I am almost 35 years old, married for 7 years and we have a son, Mikey and 2 cats, Anibel & Mama. I am a work at home mom, which I love, I love to read, listen to music, learn new things, garden, hiking & walking, and spend time with my family and friends.
* What’s your business? I started my virtual assistant (http://virtassist4u/com) business back in 2010 but now I am rebranding my business. I am going to be a Social Media Manager. I am so excited about the transformation and can’t wait until I am ready to start business. I told my husband about 4 months ago that I wanted to be a Social Media Manager and clients just started signing with me for social media. My new name is going to be Savvy Social Media 4U and I am working on my new website and marketing materials.
* What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012? I decided to rebrand my business to do what I love – social media. When I decided that is what I wanted to do, clients started to sign with me.
* What’s the big dream? I would love to see my business grow so I can keep doing what I love and be able to stay home and watch my son grow up.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share what I do and what I love about my business. You can connect with me on Facebook at http://facebook.com/virtassist4u.
Happy New Year everyone!
What an awesome group of inspiring people here. Thanks Michelle.
What do I do?
I inspire you to communicate your message in a way that captivates, compels & converts your prospects into loyal, raving fans – even if you have struggled with how to put your ideas into words in the past.
I offer individual & group coaching as well done-for-you copywriting services specializing in content for brochures, catalogs, direct mail packages, sales pages, Web sites and more. Writing with heart, not hype. http://writedirection.com
If you’re seeking a dynamic speaker for your webinar or event, I also speak on the topics of writing, marketing, and social networking.
What are some wins for 2012?
I was invited as a guest on Coffee with Terry to speak about “The Secret to Connect & Engaging with Your Prospects” You can hear the replay here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/coffeewithterry/2012/12/11/connecting-engaging-prospects-with-debra-jason
I connected with 4 empowering women and we started a MasterMind called the “QuintEssentials.”
I hosted you Michelle on a webinar about blogging and you were kind of enough to host me on a webinar about copywriting!
I landed a new client who had me travel for business, something I always thought be fun and exciting. I had never been to Mankato, Minnesota before!
I finally made a decision about moving. It was something I had contemplated for a couple of years and in 2012 I made the move from Kaua`i back to Boulder, CO
If I could do anything I wanted in my business, what would I be doing?
Making a difference in the lives of those who want to have their own business (i.e. copywriters, graphic designers, etc.), but aren’t sure how to go about it. Helping them with steps to getting started and marketing themselves. Presenting more workshops, webinars, public speaking.
And, I’d be working part time from Kaua`i (in the winter) and part time from Boulder, CO (in spring & summer).
Your questions are thought-provoking and helpful. Have more thinking to do.
Thanks so much Michelle.
Michelle – My name is Tia, and I am a \’seasoned\’ military wife and mom of 2 young children, living in central Alaska. I have been adapting to the changes of military family life for 14 years. A couple years ago I decided to start exploring my faith more deeply, and in doing so find a way to share the lessons I have been learning with others in the military community. First I started Women\’s Ministry Classes, then I started my blog, Military Wife Theology (above), with the intent of sharing what I had learned. Due to my husband\’s deployment last year, his 3rd, and 2 moves in 2 years, it has taken a little time to really get things moving.In 2012 I participated (did not complete, but participated) in the October Blog Challenge, and that was pretty cool! My husband was supportive as I figured out how to participate to my best ability and maintain being a SAHM to a 4 and 6 year old, involved in PWOC Bible Studies, and being involved in my husband\’s unit support system. I learned a lot about what will be a realistic balance at this time for my blog goals and my other responsibilities.
My Facebook Fan page, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Military-Wife-Theology-101/179006785467911?ref gained over 50 new ‘likes’, and I met and connected with many great women with similar interests. I added an occasional “Bugle Call’ to my blog to share the links that speak to me. http://militarywifetheology101.blogspot.com/2012/10/bugle-call-2.html
Michelle, I digest your motivation and advice with long term plans being put into action to grow my studies and blog into sometime more as my children grow and require less of my time. The possibilities are still wide, and thank you for being a guide in my journey! – Tia Sunshine Dye
Checked out your blog and wanted to say that I think God is going to use you mightily Tia!
1. Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do?
I am a new blogger. By day, I work as an HR professional in recruiting and sourcing. And the rest of the time as a blogger- http://www.robincharmagne.com
2. What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you?
Three cool things happened in 2012, obtaining my Masters Degree; traveling solo, and of course starting the blog!
http:/ /www.robincharmagne.com/blog/?p=1372
3. What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
My big dream is to blog full-time and leave the corporate world.
4.If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
I would be blogging full-time, generating significant revenue, and be recognized as an expert on fashion and home decor trends.
Thank you for this opportunity to meet and share with other bloggers!
Thanks for this opportunity Michelle! There are some really amazing people on here. I feel quite inadequate!
Who are you?
I’m Ann-Marie. I’m a 42 year old mother of a lovely 3 year old boy (yes, I’m a late starter!). I’m originally from the UK but moved to sunny St Lucia 6 years ago where I have been working in the hotel industry (Marketing Dept) until a few months ago.
What’s your business or what do you do? (Yes, link to your website or blog!)
I’m just starting out as a Virtual Assistant (http://www.timebackva.com)
I’m having a hard time fining a niche. I know once I find one, it will be easier to get clients but I just can’t decide what to specialize in. I’ve been a Secretary/Executive Assistant for the past 25 years in many different fields, including Education, Travel & Tourism, Medical, Insurance, Manufacturing, etc.
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? (Yes, I’m inviting you to brag! And feel absolutely free to add another link so we can find out more about your exciting wins.)
I finally plucked up the courage to quit my job of 6 years, without having another job to go to or any clients for my new biz. However, my old boss didn’t replace me so she’s my first client and I work with her 2 or 3 days a week! Pays the bills while I find some more clients and I also get a chance to spend more time with my son and participate in school events.
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
I want to really get things off the ground in 2013 and acquire some new clients. I also plan to do more training and become more tech-savvy so that I can expand my service menu.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
Helping as many people as possible to make better use of their time by outsourcing the tasks that would be a breeze for me but a hassle for them.
I’m Nancy Kay- I am a Divorce Strategist and Co-Parenting Coach who provides guidance through separation and divorce.
The coolest thing that happened to me during 2012 was when my blog articles were published on shine.yahoo.com, divinecaroline.com, lifethrudivorce.com and becoming an Expert Contributor for
Divorce Magazine’s blogsondivorce.com
My goals for 2013 include getting published on huffingtonpost.com and several other major media sites, getting speaking engagements and more visibility for my website: http://www.movingforwardthroughdivorce.com
Congrats Nancy, what great accomplishments. I can “hear” the pride in your voice. ~Debra
Thank you for the opportunity to share our passions and dreams. I’m Linda C. Thomas, author of Good Race Vibes: Everything You Need to Know to Feel Good About Race. http://www.lindacthomas.com
In 2012, I published my book. Big dream for 2013 – is to see my book in the hands of millions of readers. And have my most favorite coffee house (Starbucks) carry my book.
I designed a process that gently helps people elevate their thoughts and feelings about race.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Cheers. Linda
Thanks for this very cool connection point Michelle! Love your generous style.
I’m Loralee Hutton and I help coaches and health practitioners reduce their 1:1 client time by creating products and programs she can offer online. My ideal client has a craving to be take a few weeks off here and there & not worry about lost revenue.
I’m launching a new website in January called Her Portable Biz specifically to help with her needs in this area. My current website http://LoraleeHutton.com will be share my interests in (tools, tips, gadgets, marketing strategies and business philosophy) and not specifically targeted to this same niche.
During 2012 I wrapped up 18 months “on the road” and helped me prove my theory that it is possible for me to truly work from anywhere (not always easy, but possible).
Four geeky wins include:
– reducing my Alexa ranking below 500K (although it’s back up again now, for a while)
– breaking through a 2000 twitter following that had previously eluded me,
– having 400 unique visits to my website in one day
– created my first product – an inexpensive website alternative (part Done for you & part DIY) at http://thequickstartwebsite.com/
– generating 1/4 of my income from organic affiliate revenue.
I would love to say at the end of 2013 that I’m a full time blogger, generating my income from valuable programs I’ve created and sell from my site(s). I’m working towards being more courageous, taking more risks related to writing (I’m hoping the focus on my new site will help) Doing so, while house sitting in Italy would be an even crazier version of a dream come true.
Happy New Year! Here’s to all of our big dreams coming true! ~ Loralee
What fun Michelle – thanks for the opportunity to share. It was great to meet you in San Diego last month!
Here goes:
Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do? I’m Cindy Schulson, Founder of Attract Your Niche and I help coaches and other solopreneurs focus, share and package their passion. My website is http://www.AttractYourNiche.com
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? I launched two new programs, Package Your Passion With Ease, and my Membership program, TALI. Both have over 60 wonderful entrepreneurs participating. http://www.PackageYourPassionWithEase.com/program and http://www.teamtali.com
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? I want to do more speaking and inspire more entrepreneurs to celebrate and monetize what makes them great.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing? More collaboration with other amazing entrepreneurs.
Who am I? IndigenUs Turtle Islander; Lakhota Traditional person; in culturally-appropriate green business(es) since I was 5. Creative, strong, hard-driving, live & think outside ‘the box’, raise consciousness & hackles just doing ‘my things’ ;-) – which results in difficulty getting money from any source other than sales to do anything.
The coolest thing that happened to me in 2012? Won lawsuit w a creep we (I & company) had been getting a property from for over 10 years, & got the property according to our original agreement (underline last 5 words) – & built Indian Maid to “within spitting distance of financial independence”.
The big dream for the business? Get our 2nd product – Golden Dawn Chopped Flax Straw products – into their markets so we can expand our business greatly despite the efforts of bigots to keep us (mainly ‘me’) from doing that. Bigotry is a fact of life in the US & in ND it’s a bigger fact. But I am living proof it can be overcome & end-run-over. The bigots “swore” they “would burn me out, would starve me out, would see to it I would NEVER become a success in business in ND” – because I am a well-known, well-regarded Native-Rights activist & I refuse to drop Traditionalism & Treaty Rights as lifeways. (I call ND The Land of Backward & Denial). Um, & I had one of the leaders of the movement against me removed from the State Capitol building & banned from its campus for 7 working days for making such threats in public – when he had ‘big bills’ coming up.
If I could be doing anything I wanted to in my business, I would be doing product creation & testing, & marketing, and leave overseeing the day-to-day to someone I trust to do that ‘right’. (I have someone in mind but can’t afford to hire full-time private contractor to do this yet. Current hires are all very part-time private contractors.) Then Indian Maid would be expanding to get all of its products into their markets, providing IndigenUs People with living-wage jobs & economic opportunitys, all of which contributes to my obaghi (sacred commitment & focus), which is to heal the Sacred Hoop.
I LOVE THIS MICHELLE – THANK YOU! and all of you commenters – love your ambition and stories!
I am just Cristina. I have 4 kids: ages 3-22. I am in the business of using my life and gifts to encourage people to use theirs for God’s glory. http://www.RedeemedWoman.com
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? I found my voice and actually received some amazing feedback from people who I didn’t know were watching (or reading). Especially on this post, a very difficult one for me to write: http://www.redeemedwoman.com/faith/coincidence-i-think-not/
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards? Beginning a speaking ministry and writing an ebook.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
Ministering and discipline women to be, do and want more all for the Glory of God! Oh and start a mastermind group of like minded bloggers!
Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do?
My name is Angela Capinera. I founded Your Mind in Bloom, LLC two years ago. The main focus of Your Mind in Bloom, LLC is tutoring. However, we have found a niche with writing and editing. I wanted an LLC to help increase visibility, protect my family, and make myself reputable. What do I do? The list is often endless. People who know me well describe me as a Renaissance woman. Clients who have succeeded with my help say my biggest strength is the ability to break things down and put them in perspective for them. Also, I have a knack for knowing what my clients need and want in their situation. In the past I’ve also taught adult ESL and dance classes.
My website is: http://www.yourmindinbloom.wordpress.com
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you?
The coolest thing that happened for me was knocking something off my bucket list. I took a class I’ve wanted to take since I was in my teens. I passed and am now volunteering in that field.
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
The biggest dream I have for my business is to have, as Virginia Woolf described it, a room of one’s own. My business is my cell phone, laptop, and car right now. I meet with clients at various locations and email. I just want somewhere where I can shut the door and put all my business stuff instead of having it all over the place. It’s also hard to write creatively at the dining room table. This has been the hardest part.
The main goals I’m trying to work towards are better time management and keeping up with all the people I know and all of their information. Recently I took all of the business cards and pieces of paper I have with names and info on them and threw them in a bag. I’ve been going through very slowly. I can’t believe how many people I’ve met since I began the business.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
I would be writing every day and I would have clients lined up for all my free time in the week. I would have my own space and earn the salary I want.
Hi Michelle,
This is a great idea. I’ve just returned from Deadwood, South Dakota in the Black Hills. My girlfriend and I went there to relax and just hang out after Christmas. We did the same thing last year.
To answer your questions:
Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do? My name is Richard Donahue and my business for many years has been in Information Systems. I work as a technician. About 6 years ago I started studying Natural Health and just a couple of years ago I got started juicing fruits and vegetables. I liked juicing so much that I decided to start blogging about it in 2012. http://www.primejuicers.com
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? My oldest son graduated from college and I received a degree in Natural Health. As far as my blogging goes, just starting my blog, Facebook fan page and Twitter page are certainly near the top of my list. http://www.facebook.com/primejuicers
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards? My big dream is to quit my day job, blog full time and travel while I’m blogging. My main goals for 2013 are to increase my Facebook fan page to 5,000 fans, increase my Twitter followers to 10,000 and increase the traffic to my website 10 fold.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing? I would have people running my website/blog freeing up time for me to travel and educate people on the value of natural health and juicing.
Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do? (Yes, link to your website or blog!)
I’m a freelance writer (aka a writer who needs money).
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? (Yes, I’m inviting you to brag! And feel absolutely free to add another link so we can find out more about your exciting wins.)
I got laid off from my full time job. Time to start taking this writing thing seriously.
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
Big dream is to write something that people will read after I’m dead. Small dream is to make enough money to eat.
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
Get published.
Hi Michelle,
Thanks so much for the opportunity to share and link up with other bloggers!
1.Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do? I’m a wife, intercessor, musician, full-time financial analyst, and now a blogger, who is called to preach. I blog at http://www.fromhispresence.com about how to walk in the manifest presence of God and live a powerful life.
2.What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? I got thrown head-first into leading worship. This is hilarious because I’ve never had any desire to lead worship. God is laughing behind His hand in Heaven at His own sense of humor, I believe. Here’s the story of how I became an unlikely worship leader, and why I think it’s so funny: http://www.fromhispresence.com/2012/10/26/how-i-became-an-unlikely-worship-leader/
3.What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? I want my blog posts to get in the right hands at the right time and help hungry or hurting people. I want to preach and write full-time, and my blog is my platform for working toward that.
What goals are you working towards? I’m currently writing my first ebook, called “21 Prayers that Will Power Your Life.” My goal is to finish and release it by the end of April this year. Also, I want to write for Christianity Today by my 35th birthday.
4.If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
Preaching and writing full-time, with leading worship thrown in (with a team of other musicians). I love ministering the presence of God to people. He’s the answer to everything.
Thanks so much. I’m a new reader here; I look forward to following your posts.
Happy New Year!
Q. What’s your business or what do you do?
A. I show creatives how to find their bliss by seeking joy every day. My current business (I wear four hats: Psychic, author, tech support and social media manager)is focused on coaching people via Tarot on how to empower their lives. http://www.tarotbyarwen.com is my main online business. I’ve moved from Tarot consultations into writing books on the subject. I can reach more people faster with a book than I can with a workshop. Plus the price point of the book is far cheaper than my $150 workshops! So it’s a win-win. I have more free time and still have a stream of income.
Q. What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you?
A. I have released two e-books, built a list from to 200+ (and growing) as well as carried my message of “Seek Joy, Y’all” further than I ever dreamed possible. I also found the world’s most amazing workbook+planner which is really helping me focus on 2012. http://bit.ly/Joy2013. I’m not the creatrix of this! I just hawk it. :D
Q. What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
A. Goal number one is to have “Seek Joy, Y’all” go international. I’ve put out a call for anyone and everyone to do a short video of themselves saying, “Seek Joy, Y’all” however that would be said in their native language. I will compile that for release to help others understand how that simple motto can change their lives.
Q If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
A. I would be on a speaking tour or blogging tour promoting how two phrases can change your life.
1. Seek joy, y’all.
2. You can only control what is in your hula hoop.
I really enjoyed reading everyone’s posts here. I’m off to explore a few now.
I love this! Brilliant way to gain information about your readers while allowing everyone to meet and collaborate.
A Clear Sign is a place where we explore intuition, signs and synchronicity, found at http://www.julielangdonbarrett.com. I am a professional psychic intuitive and medium, so do I do readings and train others to learn how to access their own spiritual teams and how to follow their gut level intuition to live their happiest, most purposeful life.
This year I published Psychic Sparks, a course in becoming a professional intuitive and to perform readings for others. It is a toolbox of many different techniques, designed for everyone. No matter what way your intuition comes in to you personally, this course opens that door. I was really thrilled to get it out into the world this year! http://julielangdonbarrett.com/psychic-sparks-mentorship-program/
I publish an article every week called Thursday’s Post and interestingly, this year I found that the most engagement came from those who are very entertained by the twists and turns of my family life, from an intuitive point of view. Many people have suggested that I write a book so I will be working on that this year (funny how people find your trials and tribulations – read:pain! – humorous! Who knew?)
If I could do anything at all I would continue to provide intuitive counseling services to more and more people – it’s my love and my gift. I love the engagement and helping people take their next step with confidence!
Happy New Year, everyone – may each of you achieve your fondest wish :)
I am a simple soul that is happy with the small things in life and loves to see children smiling. 2. I have learned to cherish every single moment in life. 3. The goals I have for my blog is to make people smile every day. 4. I would make a huge marketing campaign… wait, that is something I CAN do!
I Know I’m late posting here, but any way!
my business is freelance beauty business offering organic facial, eyelash extensions etc in my area.
The coolest thing I did in 2012 was to get the idea to start another challenge and get my community radio station involved and they ran with it beyond any of our wildest dreams. We wanted to turn 2012 into a year of achievement and ran a 5 weeks challenge through November and the first 2 weeks of December. It was amazing all the successes we had.
The best thing that I did for myself was to write an eBook on the absolute basics of skincare to answer all the questions that my clents have been asking me for the last 20 years.
My Big dream for 2013 is not only to finish this book in the next couple of weeks but to write a series of them and to learn to use my blog a lot more effectively to promote it but also to learn better what questions women (and also men) are asking and learn to answer them well and write some good books!
I am a little to reply to this, but that’s cause I’ve been rather busy!
My last guests for the year were here on Christmas Day night.
We built a B&B, which we also reside in, and finished it Nov. 2011.
We started accepting guests in June and nailed up the last pic as they walked in the door!
We tend to live a rather crazy life, with eight grown children and 14 grands, so, building big just seemed like the thing to do! We love entertaining and have guests from all over the country. Our best advertising right now is word of mouth, but we know we need to work at blogging to reach a wider audience.
My big dream this year is to be busy enough to be able to hire a student at the near-by college to make beds and clean! And, of course, to start my blog!
Nan, sounds like a fabulous dream. And it sounds like you’re well on your way. Here’s to getting that intern! Good luck. ~Debra
Thanks for this opportunity Michelle. Here are my responses to your questions:
1) My name is Neil Butterfield and I own a mineral supplement company. http://blog.mineralifeonline.com/
2) I became an USA citizen in 2012. This was a big win for me.
3) To take my products around the world thereby helping people with their health and creating wealth for myself at the same time.
4) This is a tough one. Will need to give it some more thought. Once again thanks for this opportunity.
Hi Michelle, thanks for the chance to show case a little :-)
Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do? (Yes, link to your website or blog!)
What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? (Yes, I’m inviting you to brag! And feel absolutely free to add another link so we can find out more about your exciting wins.)
What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
1) I am a copy writer http://www.contentcafe.co.za and an Herbalife distributor http://www.vitalchats.co.za
2) The coolest thing that happened for me in 2012 was that I made incredible shift in my personal life .
3) My goal for this year is to have an endless stream of Herbalife customers who use the products each and every month and send me referrals.
4) Be able to create true financial wealth for myself and anyone else who wants the same as I do.
God bless you and may all your dreams and goals for 2013 come to pass sooner than you expect :-)
1. Who are you? What’s your business or what do you do? (Yes, link to your website or blog!)
Shel Horowitz, expert in green business profitability/green marketing and copywriting, as well as book shepherd and book marketer. And I had the good sense to hire Michelle back in 1999, before she was famous :-). URLs for the green marketing side in my name link, above and for the book publishing/book marketing side: http://frugalmarketing.com/publishers.shtml
2. What’s the coolest thing that happened in 2012 for you? (Yes, I’m inviting you to brag! And feel absolutely free to add another link so we can find out more about your exciting wins.)
On the publishing side, I took on a delightful client who, among other projects, hired me to co-author two books. Her ideas, my language. The second one, The Money Flow, was just published by Morgan James and made #1 in category last week. You can see that book by googling the book title and Ana Weber-Heber (the blog engine tells me I had too many URLs).
And on the green marketing side, I landed my first real national account: a green-focused auto club that covers bicycles too. I also got to be flown to Hawaii to be a plenary speaker at an international conference.
3. What’s the “big dream” you’ve got for your blog and/or your business? What goals are you working towards?
Building up both my paid speaking (especially internationally) and my internationally syndicated monthly column, Green And Profitable.
4. If you could do anything you wanted in your business, what would you be doing?
Pretty much what I’m doing now, but I’d be making quite a bit more money for the same amount of work. I’m blessed that I love what I do, and it’s diverse enough that I don’t get bored. I have set a concrete goal of making $10,000 per month from the column, and I’m a long way from that now.