Now that the new timeline is out on Facebook fan pages, there’s a cool spot you can customize! It’s called the “cover photo” and it’s the gigantic image that shows up prominently at the top of your new timeline layout.
Here’s what I’ve done with mine:
If you’ve already got your cover photo up, I’d love to see what you’ve chosen to do with it. Link to your fan page in the comments below.
If you haven’t uploaded a cover image yet, here’s some helpful info for you.
How to Create Your Own Cover Image:
- Go to and click “Open Photo Editor”
- Choose “Create New Image” and set your image to 851px wide by 315px tall
- Now add whatever you’d like to your image
- Save your image as a jpg
- Upload to your Facebook fan page and set as your cover photo
The Rules to Remember:
- Your image must be primarily an image (not all text)
- You can’t put a call to action on it (such as “click to like!” or “visit me at…”)
- It can’t include your contact information
- No promotions (like “buy this at…” or “save $50!”)
* Check out Facebook’s official rules for the specifics, this is my summary as I understand them.
What Cover Photos Do You Like?
Which Facebook fan pages are having the most fun with their cover photos? Link to ’em in the comments!
Like your cover image Michelle, thanks for the instructions on how to make my own… I’m currently using my website header but when I get time I might try and create something a bit special! :)
Hi Michelle, I used images of balloons and confetti for my fanpage cover. I added the tagline of my site at the top and a font called “Earwig Factory” for the title. I designed the cover in an old graphics program called Microsoft Photodraw, it was part of the Microsoft Office 2000 Suite. I still use this program a lot to design anything from invitation cards to photo frames, etc.
Hi Michelle, thanks for suggesting — it’ll come in handy someday, I’m sure. In the meantime, I don’t know a thousand words, so I selected a simple picture of my band in action.
Hi Michelle,
Although I will change it later, but I put up a cover page for now since I knew that FB was changing. Here it is
Thanks for this helpful information – once again, I had no idea how to populate that large block of real estate. I’ll have to go try out a few things. Thanks so much!
Love your Cover. Presently, mine is naked but I have every intention of covering it in the very near future. Thanks for the instructions on how to create, upload and the reminder of the important rules.
Keep rocking!!
Lovely cover images, everyone! Super tutorial, Michelle, so easy to create a cover image of your own… Just put something up there for now and update it later if you want to.
I love how Mari Smith changes her Timeline cover quite regularly, she now has a ‘Happy Easter’ one that’s really cute!
Our own FB cover image is at Please visit if you’d like!
Thanks for the Pixlr reference – looks like I’ll have to learn how to use it to maximize its potential.
In the meantime, I posted a cover image at – hope to change it every so often as I’m told that’s a good thing to do.
On my personal page, I feature my beautiful golden retriever Ike at
That’s a wonderful site to make the Timeline!
I really never knew about it, and made mine in good old Photoshop. I think Plixr is quite similar to photoshop, even though I haven’t yet tried it, though you do need to sit and work at the perfect image you want for your Timeline. I did take me one full day to get it done to what I liked.
Thanks for sharing. :)
Hi Michelle,
Great referral for making a Timeline pic –
This is one of those things I keep having to push down on my to-do list.
But just from looking around on this site – looks like a pretty easy gig!
Thanks for sharing!
lovely coverpix :)
like your.s much michelle
ok again without comma
Like your cover, here’s mine.
I used to have two pages, one personal fan page and one for my business, but I recently merged them.
The image I used for the other one was
I also have three more pages, and a cover for my profile, but I can’t link to those here.
Hi Michelle
I have recently found your site and bookmarked so I can visit again
I have 3 Facebook accounts But this is my main business one
It’s fun checking out what people are doing with their pics
Cheers Chanel
Enjoy Jewellery
Finally got creative with my cover image –