Seth Godin is one of the few authors whose name appears on four or more books on my bookshelf. I don’t think I’ve ever picked up one of his books and read more than two pages without getting something helpful out of it — usually a kick in the pants to take an action I needed to.
Tribes is very much a kick in the pants, get over yourself and make a difference already kind of book. It’ll challenge you to rethink how you view yourself and the people you’re serving.
This one made me think about how I view myself (can I lead?), how others view me (wait… are you following me?) and how I view who I was choosing to follow as a leader (consciously and unconsciously…).
Here’s how Godin defines a tribe: “A tribe is any group of people, large or small, who are connected to one another, a leader, and an idea.”
Watch the Slideshow
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Listen to Seth Godin on Why You Need a Tribe
Click here if you can’t see the video.
Learn More About Tribes
Follow the URL at the end of this energetic video for a free PDF file that answers many questions about building and engaging tribes.
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Get the Details
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Get your copy here (not an affiliate link): Tribes on Amazon
Have you read Tribes yet? What did you think of the book? Who are you leading? Who are you following?
Chalkboard Photo Credit: iqoncept/StockFresh
One thing I liked in Seth’s interview is his insistence on sticking to the things he is good at and he enjoys most doing — he is good at blogging, but not good at twitter, for example (I can identify with this). And his advice was, Do what you are good at, what you can be #1 in, and get better at it. In other words, find your strength and focus on it. Then you’ll stop “trying” and you’ll start “being” (I say).
…And this is where leadership can begin, of course.
Yes, isn’t it great to hear someone like Godin give permission for us to drop what we’re not good at and then go be great at something we are good at?
Actually, it’s not about getting permission… It’s about listening to what successful people do with their businesses, identifying good practices and seeing what resonates best with you. I mean, I follow you on your blog and I read your posts and I am taking good things, but I would wait advice from you and constructive dialogue, not permission. I believe the only permission we need is from ourselves — ok, and God, not Godin ;)
I like the way Seth thinks. I do agree that you should work with your strengths and not try to be best at everything. We should always strive to be our best. I haven’t read Tribes, but think I will purchase it.
It’s worth reading. Very motivational, and practical.
My first Seth Godin book was Poke the Box – I read it out loud to my husband while we were travelling. (great, quick read)
Then I bought Tribes – I’m not done yet, but one statement smacked me upside the head:
“What people are afraid of isn’t failure. It’s blame. Criticism. We choose not to be remarkable because we’re worried about criticism.”
Godin, Seth (2008). Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us (p. 46). Portfolio. Kindle Edition.
eewww. That one hit home!