You don’t need to know what your goals are, if you’re okay with staying where you’re at and feeling like you’re slowly drowning in vortex of spinning wheels and swirling confusion.
If that vortex sounds familiar, here’s what you need to clarify where you’re at and where you’re headed so you can make PROGRESS.
If you can’t see the video, click here to watch it on YouTube:
These are the questions he asked:
- Do you know your goals?
- Are you passionate about your goals?
- How much time do you spend on your most important goals?
- Do you understand what you need to do to achieve your goals?
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Love how the goalie demonstrates how he has no input on goal implementation ;-)
I loved the little girl’s totally confused look as the coach explained. The kids team was a great analogy, wasn’t it? :)
Thanks for the video you have shared in this post and I think, it really helps for me…
Glad it was helpful, Thomas. Thanks for commenting.
Hi Michelle,
Thank you for sharing this video from one of the best success and achievement masters of all time- Stephen Covey… It was reading his 7 Habits book in the early 90’s that fostered my coaching practice that I have now.
That’s awesome, Sheri. He’s definitely one who knows what he’s talking about and he’s proven what works.
I know my goals. I am passionate about them. Passion is key – I think.
If I didn’t have passion within my business – I think I would be dead in the water. I really enjoy what I do and love helping people learn their own passion in life.
Great video :)
I think passion matters, too, Brock. Without it, it’s hard to stay motivated to do whatever we’re doing to reach our goals.
I agree that we have to know the goals so that we have a purpose in continuing life…
You need to have a plan and that’s a fact, specially when it comes to websites. You can’t just figure out as you go in this business. A serious and plausible plan and some good simple goals will make the difference between success and failure. Somehow I didn’t manage to succeed or fail, donno why, I’m sure I’m doing something right but I’m also sure I’m doing a lot of things wrong.
Goals are important in our life and we have to have always goals for our life’s purpose…
Yes, goals are important. We need to know where we’re going. :)
Goals are one of the things we have to know from the start of our journey in life…
We need goals because those are the only reason why we are still fighting for life…Set goals and live with it…