Do you ever feel like you’ve got to learn the same lesson over and over?
Yeah, me too.
Exercise today? No! I’m too busy!
Stop working long enough to cook and eat a healthy meal? Whaaaa…? That takes too long.
Organize the mess of files on my desktop? I don’t have time! So, I’ll spend 15 minutes searching now… and again tomorrow… and later tomorrow… when I need something…
That “too busy” comes back to bite ya…
Because we’re too busy NOT to stop and do those things now.
Exercise helps me feel better, deal with stress, and boosts my creativity. I always, always feel happier and more energetic afterwards (even on the days that it seems I have to drag myself into gym clothes). How can I afford to skip that?!
Say it with me, “Stop the crazy thinking. I’m too busy not to stop and do the smart things I know I need to do.”
Still don’t want to take care of yourself and invest in the structure business needs? Then do it for your family and your clients. Our families and clients deserve the best. Let’s take care of ourselves and our businesses so that we can deliver that.
What have you been too busy to get done? My challenge to you: MAKE time to get it done this weekend. It probably won’t take as long as you think, and you’ll be glad you got it done.
And if you’ll excuse me, I need to get myself out of this desk chair and over to the mat to get my Insanity workout done. Now.
Your turn: what lessons in things you need to stop and do seem to keep popping back up?
You’ve been peeking into my head, house and desk :-)…but I got several blog posts done today…the rest can await manana
Timely post @Michelle. Just today I was talking to someone about making sure I take time in the morning (BEFORE I get on the computer) to do something to nurture myself.
Right now, I’m participating in a 21 day meditation challenge. I have to admit, the meditation is delivered to me via email. However, I have NOT checked other emails when I log on. I just load the day’s meditation and do it.
Tomorrow will be day 15 and each morning I’ve been faithfully tuning in and meditating.
Thanks. ~Debra
ACCK — this is me. I am actually sitting in gym cltohes I put on this morning but never made it out the door!! Now it’s getting dark. This happens about 3x a week. NO MORE!
Lynn, Debra and Lisa all commented on aspects of your blog post that resonate with me.
Unfortunately, as humans, we need to repeat some lessons over and over until we get them. The one about stopping to do what we need to do first, is one that pops up even when we think we’ve gotten it.
As Lynn said, it’s as if you’ve been peeking into my head, house and desk. Yikes!
As Debra shared, it helps to participate in something such as the meditation challenge, even it is delivered via email (as long as we resist the urge to check the other 100 emails at the same time. Right Debra?)
Like Lisa, if I don’t exert strong discipline, I can find myself still in my walking clothes long past my walking time. (If I turn on the computer even for the most innocent-sounding task, I’m doomed.)
You hit the nail on the head when you said we must MAKE time to nurture ourselves. Only by making it a high priority will it get done. Once done, of course, it benefits all the rest of our endeavors.
Thanks Michelle.
Nice wake up call Michelle. I think it is too easy to get caught up in life and forget about living a quality life.
Whoa! That is a nice kick in the butt. Yep we all are too busy :) Don’t have the time to stop at anything! That’s a smart excuse indeed. Thanks so much for this eye opener Michelle :) We all need this.