Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Always do what you are afraid to do.”
Easy for him to say, right?
When our fears are staring us square in the eyes, we tremble, shake, and slowly (or very quickly!) back off. It’s hard to face our fears and step forward into them.
Brendan Francis said, “Many of our fears are tissue paper thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them.”
They’re both right. Our fear makes things seem so much bigger and scarier than it really is. If we can just be brave enough to take one big step, we can get through them.
I’ve been avoiding getting back in front of a video camera. I’ve done a couple in the past and I know they work for generating traffic and letting you *see* me instead of just *read* me. And I’ve got 8,000+ views on my YouTube channel so you’d think I’ve got it figured out. I don’t. I love screencasts because I get to hide. My channel is mostly screencast tutorials.
But as I was networking on Facebook tonight (surfing Facebook always counts as networking, right?) I ran into a post from Shivie Cook where she shared her very first video without a recipe to share. This is the second time this week that someone’s shared a “first” video (thank you, Terri Z for sharing your video bio). It was like one of those lightening strikes in the brain where we watch someone else do something and realize if they can do it, we can do it, too.
So I fired up my MacBook and recorded the video for DailyBloggingIdeas that I’d been procrastinating. And I immediately uploaded it to YouTube and embedded it on the blog before I got all self-conscious and changed my mind (do you do that, too?).
It feels good to have that done. It was scary but I survived.
And when I popped back over to Facebook, I saw I wasn’t the only one who’d been inspired to get in front of the camera by Shivie’s post.
Next time you’re facing a fear, don’t just think about how great it will feel when you step through the tissue-paper. Think about how great you’ll feel when you realize there are others behind you who just needed someone else to break through the tissue first and show them it could be done.
Go conquer a fear. I know you can do it.
This is very good Michelle! Thanks for the encouragement and for being vulnerable to share your journey as you faced your fears. I too have been afraid to do video and know I need to. I needed this little push right now. There are so many things that are new when you are starting an online business and it’s easy to pull back or put off when if you just do it, like you say, it won’t be as bad as you think.
We think we protect ourselves when we shrink back in fear but actually we hinder our own growth. Thanks for this perspective.
Good writing and good insight.
Keep up the good work!
Sharon Gibson
“It was scary but I survived.” Yep. You did. Informative video :).
I love shooting video. I need to do it more often. I’m going to record more this week. Should be fun. :)
We’ve gotta break the fears and do it! :)
So funny how a challenge or someone getting brave inspires us. I was afraid of video for the longest time. Till I did a challenge with someone. Now I dont worry so much about being in front of the camera. Brava for putting yourself on the line.
Jennifer Duchene
The Home Makeover Mixtress blending lifestyle, laughter and Chic Cocoons™
Thanks for the inspiration and enthusiastic views, Michelle.
I agree we should conquer our fears. Fear is only limiting us to reach our full potentials-if we are scared, we will not be able to do what we want and instead of improving ourselves, we will start living like cowards…
However, my fear is quite unusual for being conquered-it’s being afraid of heights…I honestly think I would die from shock if I was to try out the bungee jump. Just thinking about it makes my blood freeze-maybe I will decide to be a coward in it, after all. :) Or postpone the attempt of jumping for some other, sunnier day.