Do You Really Need Business Goals for 2009?

Absolutely, positively, 100%, yes!!

You need goals and you need them written down or mapped out, and I’ll tell you why (along with four tips to help you do this, so be sure to read down to the end).

You’ve probably heard the story about the rocks and the sand. It’s been told and retold and featured in many publications, but here’s a quick version:

If you picture your life as a jar, and fill it with rocks, it looks full. But you can pour sand in around those rocks and it will filter down into the rocks and all fit.

If you take that same jar and first pour in the sand, you won’t be able to fit in all the bigger rocks.

The big rocks are the important things in life, the big things. The sand represents all the little things. If you let those little things come first and fill up your life jar then you don’t have room (time) for the bigger, more important things.

Without goals, the sand will fill up your time and you won’t have room left! Put the big rocks in first and then everything else will fit around them.

How does this apply to your business and goal-setting? If you don’t have goals set, you don’t know what your big rocks are! If you don’t know what they are, how can you put them first and make sure they fit?

It’s easy to let time tick away while we surf the internet, twitter, or email. That’s the “sand.” Ever notice how sometimes an hour can go by and you realize you didn’t actually accomplish anything? How could you have better used your time on a “big rock” instead?

When you’ve got goals and a vision for your business and your life, you can keep refocusing your time around those goals. For me, one “big rock” is spending time with my children. One of the main reasons I work from home is so that I can be there for them and if I get too busy and let the “sand” of email, networking, housework, and other small tasks take over, I miss time that I could have spent with them. The other things will get done, but I need to focus on that “big rock” first.

“Big rocks” in my business include paid client work, my newsletter, and my marketing efforts. Because I know that sending out a weekly newsletter is one of my goals, I’ve made it a “big rock” to put in my time jar. Each goal I set helps me to identify other “big rocks” and focus on them.

It’s okay to take down time. In fact, one of your “big rocks” might even be taking time for yourself, or self-care (for example: exercise, diet, and health related goals), and that’s great! Don’t confuse it with the “sand.”

Are you beginning to get the idea? You’ve got to have a way to know what’s sand and what’s rocks if you want it all to fit in your jar. We all know how limited our time is, and how hard it can be to fit in everything we need to accomplish. That’s what makes it so crucial for us to know what’s most important.

What Are Your Goals for 2009?

Take some time to sit somewhere quiet and imagine your life as you want it to be. Think about how you want your business to work to support that life vision. Then write down your goals or create a vision board that shows your goals. You may have daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, and/or yearly goals.

- Do you want to spend a specific amount of hours working per week?

- Produce a set number of items or specific amount of sales?

- Learn a new business related skill?

- Start and send out a regular newsletter?

- Improve your website?

- Stick to your marketing plan (or create one to stick to)?

- Take time for yourself and your children?

- Study time management and organization?

Whatever your goals are, write them down, and put them somewhere that you’ll see them frequently so you’re reminded of what your “big rocks” are. It’s the only way everything will fit.

Four Tips To Help You Achieve Your Goals

1) Start small and focused. Don’t set 100 goals for yourself or you’ll get overwhelmed first. Choose just a couple. Once you’ve accomplished those or made them a habit, then set more.

2) Know your motivations. When you list your goals, beside each one, list the reasons you want to achieve the goal and why it matters.

3) Make a plan. Schedule your goals in. Note what steps are required to reach your goal and break it down into a checklist. Use a planner or calendar to stay on top of what you need to be doing. For daily goals, I try to get the most important things done in the morning so they’re finished and before the day gets crazy and things start to come up (“sand” will always show up in your day so accept it).

4) Reward yourself! Take time to acknowledge each goal you complete. I don’t care if it’s as small as responding to all pending emails, getting your kitchen clean, finishing a meal plan for the week, or packing up one custom order to ship. Celebrate every “big rock” you fit in your jar. Realize that you’ve completed something and you deserve to feel happy (no matter how many other things you’ve got left on your list!).

P.S. Want more advice on setting and achieving goals? I recommend this: (It’s not an affiliate link, just a product I personally own and have found helpful in my business goal setting.)

Cool Tool: Vizu Polls

Vizu offers a simple way to add a poll to your website, blog, or MySpace page.

The basic version is free and simple to use.  Polls can be private or public.

They’ve even got a widget available for you to add polls to your Facebook page.

An Inspirational Thanksgiving Gift

On November 27th, the United States celebrates Thanksgiving.

The core focus of this holiday is gratitude. It’s about connecting with family and friends, and it’s about giving thanks for everything wonderful in life.

My friends Jenn Givler and Teresa Morrow were inspired to put together a really neat project in honor of this holiday.

As business owners, we are thankful that we not only get to do what we love for a living, but that we get to connect with other wonderful business owners every day.

Teresa and Jenn asked 10 amazing business women to come together and help them create an inspirational screen saver. The screen saver consists of original, inspirational quotes set on beautiful nature pictures.

The purpose of the screen saver is to help inspire you throughout your day as you work toward your goals. We’re also hoping you’ll feel connected and among like-minds as you read through our quotes. And, we’d love it for you to meet some new people and make new connections as well!

The screen saver is available to you as my gift. To download your copy, simply log on to this web site:

While you’re on the site, be sure and check out the other great women who are part of this project!

The screen saver will only be available until December 12th, so be sure and get your copy! Go to to download.

Here’s my quote:

10 Things You MUST Ask Yourself About 2008

As 2009 approaches, it’s time to look back at 2008 and evaluate your business.  Consider the following questions.  They’ll help you identify where things are working, what needs to change, and get some ideas flowing for making 2009 an even better year for your business.

1) Did you have written goals for 2008?
Did you achieve your written goals?  Or get close?  Take some steps in the right direction?

2) Do you have an overall vision/plan for where your business is going and what it will look like when it reaches that goal?
Are you moving in the right direction?  It’s never too late to refocus your business and your life to help you reach your goals.  But you can only do this if you know where you want to be.

3) Do you have an overall vision for where your life is going and what it will look like when you get there?
Your business should support that life vision, not challenge or compete with it.

4) Did you create and follow a marketing plan and business plan?
No matter how long you’ve been in business, or how new you are, if you’ve haven’t got both then now is a great time to create them.

5) Which marketing methods were most effective for your business?
How do you know?  If you aren’t sure, then one important thing to do in 2009 is learn to track your marketing.

6) What was your best month?  Why?
This may not be the month you made the most money.  My two best months were the month I launched a marketing workshop because it energized me and that carried over into other projects and tasks, and the month I made a big decision about the future of my business and began taking concrete action steps to get there.

7)  Looking at your business from the perspective of your family (partner, spouse, children, whomever is affected by your decisions and priorities) what would they say?
What would they praise you for or ask you to consider changing?

8) What areas did you struggle with the most during the year?
Are there specific tasks you wish you could completely eliminate from your “to do” list?  If so, what’s stopping you?

9) Did you actively participate in continuing your education, improving your skills, and growing as a person?
Your business grows when you do!  Be sure to make time for this in 2009.

10) What products, services, or clients did you most enjoy working with?  Least enjoy working with?
Focus on growing the areas you enjoy and learn to say no to projects you don’t.  It’s your business and your life.

Next week… we’ll continue this series on how to get your business and marketing plans for 2009 ready!  We’ll cover goal setting and business visions, how to create a marketing plan, how to systemize your marketing to save time, with lots of great marketing strategies thrown in the mix.

Cool Tool: Mozy Backup

It’s not a good sign. The blue screen of death on my kids PC.  That spinning beachball of doom (sometimes it means just be patient, other times it means Eudora decided to eat my mail… again…) on my Mac.  Oh no!

I’ve got multiple backup drives, and I use them regularly.  But not every night.  My backup drive saves the most important files weekly, but a crash today could mean I’d lose up to 7 days worth of important email and work files.  And the most recent pictures of my kids, too!

A complete crash could spell minor or major disaster for a small business owner who stores everything from email and website files to financial records to client projects to virtual product files on the computer.  If you only do incremental backups to an external drive like me, or just haven’t gotten around to setting up a backup system yet, this “cool tool” is for you!

I’ve found a fabulous solution to backups (and can sleep peacefully at night).  :)

Mozy!  It’s an extremely secure online backup system.  When I say secure, we’re talking 448-bit Blowfish on-disk encryption and you can even keep your own key. The first backup takes a while as it encrypts and copies everything you’d asked it to, but after that it’s smart enough to save only the new files and files you’ve changed, and it does it all in the background.

You can choose from home or business accounts, and even get 2 GB free! Perfect for just backing up the most important files. Click the logo for more details.

I like it so much I’ve got a MozyPro account!

2GB Totally Free Online Backup! Compliments of Mozy

Survey Results! Answers to Your Biggest Questions

I appreciate everyone who took time to respond to my survey, and I hope you found the free gift at the end valuable in your marketing.  I thought it’d be fun to share some some of the results this week in the newsletter.

About your online presence:
- 75% of you have your own website
- 25% of you don’t have a website (yet!)
- 60% of you have a blog

What are you most interested in?
- Marketing Strategies
- Marketing Plans
- Time Management
- Search Engine Optimization
- How to Sell Online
- Business Management
- Getting Media Attention
- Social Networking
- Managing Your Website
- Managing Your Newsletter
- Publishing Information Products

Lots of great questions were submitted and I’ll be working through the list answering one each week on my blog and in the newsletter.  If you submitted a question, keep your eyes open for the answer soon!

Next week… I’ll be starting a series on how to get your marketing plan for 2009 ready!  We’ll start with a quick look back to 2008, goal setting and business visions, how to create a marketing plan, how to systemize your marketing to save time, and lots of great marketing strategies thrown in the mix.

Cool Tool: Basecamp

For managing projects in my design business as well as working with my VA, I use Basecamp’s Plus version.

Working with my VA: It allows me to easily login and setup to do lists, upload files to share, and set deadlines – then it notifies my VA by email.  When she logs in, she can add in her time tracking for each to do completed.  At the end of the month it’s easy to print out a report.

Working with Client Projects: I’m able to setup a login for each client so they can securely login and view various things I’ve setup including overviews, project milestones and deadlines, files, and to do lists.  They can add their notes and feedback as I work.  And I can track my time spent on the project.

Saves me time and keeps me organized.  Very cool!


Seven Ways to Keep Your Domain Name Safe

Clients and friends frequently approach me with questions about emails regarding their domain names that just don’t “feel” legitimate, and for good reason! Domain name scams are becoming more and more common. These scam attempts are also becoming more sophisticated, less obvious and using unethical techniques that cause the domain owner to worry that they may lose their domain or another company may be trying to steal it. Depending on the scam, they may be after your domain name, your money in transfer fees, or your credit card details for fraud and identity theft.

Fortunately, there are seven easy things you can do to keep your domain name and related information safe, and they only take a few minutes each.

1) Know who your domain name registrar is.

When you purchase your domain name be sure to print out your receipt and keep it somewhere safe. The original registrar is the only company who should contact you about your domain renewal, and their website is where you will go to renew your domain name. One common scam involves a company sending out official looking renewal notices through the mail. If you send in the renewal notice with your payment they’ll transfer your domain to their company where you’ll be stuck paying higher fees or dealing with other problems.

2) Use a secure password as your domain registrar (not something like your name or a password you use for other things).

We all know passwords should be secure. Is yours? If not, go to and generate a secure string including both letters and numbers and update the password you use to access your domain records at your registrar. Make an note for yourself so you don’t forget your password. It’s important to use a different password for different sites. Otherwise, if someone hacks your email account password they may suddenly have access to your domain name account,
your PayPal or banking accounts! Don’t allow that opportunity.

3) Keep your personal contact information up to date on your domain

If your email address changes, update your domain registrar so your renewal notices and other important communications from them can reach you. Your mailing address also needs to be kept up to date.

4) Lock your domain name at your registrar.

Domain registrars offer a feature called “domain locking” that can help your domain stay safe. It’s usually free and will prevent someone from transferring your domain to another registrar without
your permission. It’s simple to unlock later if you decide you’d like to transfer your domain.

5) Consider using domain privacy protection.

Most domain related scams learn your contact information by doing a whois search for the publicly available domains records. Search for your domain at to see what information comes back about your domain. If your personal name, address, and other information is available, contact your domain name registrar and ask them about privacy protection.

6) Renew your domain name early and for as many years as you feel
is reasonable considering the purpose of the domain.

If your domain is your business name and you know you’ll want to keep it for a long time, go ahead and renew it for 5 or 10 years. If it’s a temporary domain that you may not keep, register for a
year but renew early each year you decide to keep it. Never wait until the last minute to renew a domain.

7) Never click the links in an email about your domain, always go
directly to the website of your registrar.

Many phishing emails work by sending out an “official” looking email that links to a website that looks almost like the real one, but it’s a fake site setup to gather login details and credit card
information. You can protect yourself by never using links in email to access websites. Instead, go to your browser and type the real address directly into your browser bar to get to the website.

Taking these seven precautionary steps can help ensure that your domain name stays protected.

Help Me Help You

To help me better focus my ezine and blog on the information that’s most helpful for you, I’ve created a very quick (only 3 questions) survey:

At the end there’s a special thank you gift in appreciation for your time. To find out what, you’ll have to take the survey. *smile*

Cool Tool: JotForm

This week I’m introducing a new feature on my blog.  Each Tuesday I’ll post about a great tool.  Here’s the first!

Ever wished you could add a form to your website to collect information, but felt intimidated by the HTML form coding needed to make it work?

Check out where you can build a free form with drag and drop!

Free video tutorials show you what to do, step by step:

JotForm Form Builder

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