Help Your Customers Love You

It’s worth it to do whatever you can to build a business others can become fans of.  Why?  Because fans are LOYAL.

My husband is a football fanatic.  In 11 years of marriage I think the best gift I gave him was tickets to a Steelers playoff game for his birthday.  He had to fly from Alaska to Washington, DC, drive several hours to Pennsylvania, and make quite a trek to get there.  But I’m sure he’d say it was 100% worth it.  And if the Steelers hadn’t won that game he’d still have been thrilled to be there because he’s a loyal fan.

What’s your favorite sports team? Favorite place to shop? Favorite restaurant to eat in? Favorite author or actor? What is it about those people and places that makes you love them?

Take some time to consider what it is that makes you a fan of the companies, products, services and people that you’re always raving about, and then figure out how you work that into your own business and build your fan base.

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What to Do When Someone Steals Your Content

You’ve worked hard on your blog posts, articles, sales pages and other writing, as well as your graphics design, website design, and logo.  They’re yours.  But online many people think it’s “fair game” to borrow and profit from your work. It’s not okay unless you’ve given your permission.

I saw a video online last week from I wanted to share:

Now, here are some tips to help you protect your intellectual property
(since you can’t slap people through the internet…).

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Wiping off the Marketing Tricks Slime…

Last night I opted-in for a free report on building website credibility (it’s something I talk about on my blog so I was curious what others were saying).

I actually feel the need to wipe the slime off me after reading it. It just felt wrong to me, and relied on little “almost illegal” (their words, not mine) tricks to build credibility in the eyes of website visitors.

The perspective wasn’t how to BE credible, it was how to APPEAR credible – and I realize after reading it that those are two completely different goals.

There were a few good, honest suggestions like adding your contact info to all your pages.  But among the other suggestions:

  • Add a live chat box, but add it with the knowledge that you won’t make it active or actually allow customers to contact you with it.
  • Fake testimonials from gurus by making it look like they endorse you when you’ve really just used something cool they said without asking their permission.
  • Buy a cheap ad in Newspaper X and then add “As Seen in Newspaper X” to your sales page.

There’s more but I’ll stop there.  Maybe those aren’t technically lies.  You might change your mind and decide to login to be on the live chat sometime (even though you have no intentions of it).  A guru might like some aspect related to what you’re promoting (but has never seen your product).  If you have an ad in the paper technically you could be seen there.

Do these tactics work?  I’ve never tried them.  Clients probably won’t realize what you’ve done to sway them to purchase.  But do you want to make sales at the expense of your ethics and honesty?
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Is Business Really Kill or Be Killed?

Business doesn’t have to be cut-throat, kill or be killed, beat the competition at all costs. Thank goodness! I’d never survive in that kind of world. And I don’t believe in running a business that way. The great news is that business that care about their customers, their competition, and their planet can be successful!

I just found a great deal on Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green at Amazon and wanted to share it with my readers.  You can get the paperback or the Kindle edition for under $5.

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