Weekend Inspiration: Be Great


We have the potential to be great.  But our potential doesn’t matter if we don’t live up to it. I was reminded last week that living up to my potential isn’t just a matter of doing it for myself… but for those around me who I can be of service and help to. It’s easy [...]

Blogging Like a Clover: Encourage Sharing


Today we’re on the final leaf of the lucky four-leaf clover for blogs.  (Find all four leaves here: http://michelleshaeffer.com/four-leaf-clover-strategy-for-a-lucky-blog/2011/03/17/) Leaf #4: Make Your Blog Easy to Share & Encourage Sharing The final leaf in the lucky four-leaf clover for blogs is to make your blog easy to share and encourage sharing.

Blogging Like a Clover: Why Should I Comment On Your Blog?


Why should I read your blog? Why should I comment on it? What’s in it for me? If you’re creating great content that’s reason enough for me to subscribe and read. But I read a lot of blogs I don’t comment on.  What does it take to get me to comment and interact publicly with [...]

Blogging Like a Clover: Syndication


On St. Patrick’s Day I shared the four “leaves” every blog needs. Click here to see all four strategies.  Today I’ll explain Leaf #2: Promote Your Blog by Syndicating Your Content. What is syndication? BusinessDictionary.com defines it as: syndication 1. Supply of content (articles, cartoons, stories, etc.) or information (business and economic data, news stories, [...]

Blogging Like a Clover: Consistently Great Content


There’s something wrong with that clover over there on the left. Can you tell what it is? (Go ahead, look, I’ll wait here.) Correct! It’s not lucky. It’s only got *three* leaves. So it’s just like every other clover out there in the field… it blends right in… it’s not the one people are seeking [...]

Escape Your Role


Escape Your Role week is here!  I’m so excited to be a part of this event hosted by Catherine Bruns of Your Wise Voice. Catherine’s blog and website have been so helpful to me personally.  She’s got wonderful resources for helping women learn how to listen to their inner wisdom and make better decisions. Escape [...]

Four-Leaf Clover Strategy for a “Lucky” Blog


Want to bring some of that “Luck ‘O the Irish” to your blog? Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, here’s a four-leaf clover strategy for a “lucky” blog. Leaf #1: Blog Consistently & Share Great Content Leaf #2: Promote Your Blog by Syndicating Your Content Leaf #3: Reward Your Commenters & Interact with Them [...]

Celebrating Genius–in You


Did you know this week is the 132nd anniversary of Albert Einstein’s birthday?  One of my favorite Einstein quotes: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” If you’ve been feeling like that fish trying [...]

On Inspiration, Deadlines & Exploding Libraries


My living room currently looks like the children’s section of a library exploded in it.  And it got me thinking about what inspires us and what it takes to motivate us to take serious, fast action. One of the special “events” of our homeschooling year is the Iditaread.  The kids each choose a musher who’s [...]

All-Seeing-Eye Down for Repairs?


Can’t be all over the blog-o-sphere like the all seeing eye of cyberspace? Never worry! With the 31 Days Blog Challenge, TLC Club, and Blog Tribe, I’ve been on a lot of blogs this week… Here’s what you might have missed this week but definitely want to check out.

If You Could Ask One Question…


If you could sit down with a group of successful entrepreneurs and ask just one question, what would you ask? Next week on this blog I’ll be starting a weekly series featuring an interview with an entrepreneur each week.  I’d love to know what your top questions are so I can make these interviews useful [...]

Weekend Inspiration: Wordle!


Isn’t that beautiful word art?  You can make your own free at http://wordle.net using any words or phrases you’d like.  I’ve used Wordle before for a tag cloud on a blog (there’s a WordPress plugin for it) but I never thought to use it to create something inspirational for myself. Sandra from Reasonable Diet who [...]

6 Ways to Prevent Visitors From Sharing Your Website


Tired of getting traffic to your website?  Frustrated when you see your URL or name pop up on Facebook or Twitter? Never fear!  I can solve this problem for you! Here’s how to make sure it’s difficult for people to share your website. After all, if they want to share it they should have to [...]

How to Add Social Icons to Your Website


There are two types of social networking links I recommend adding to your blog or website: 1) Links to your profiles so readers can connect with you. 2) Links that allow your visitors to easily share your content with their followers and friends on social networks. Today I’ll share how you can add any set [...]

3 Awesome Free Graphics Tools for Entrepreneurs


Looking for a simple, free way to create graphics for your website, blog and sales pages? Check out these three web-based tools. You can access each one online in your browser so you don’t need to download any files or fight through the learning curve most graphics software comes with. Cool Text Buttons & Headlines [...]