10 Things You Can Do in 10 Minutes Each to Move Your Business Forward

I’m writing this from the airport at 7:03pm.  My goal is to be done at 7:13pm and schedule this post.  I’ve got 30 minutes until my plane boards and I can complete three small tasks to move my business forward.  Here are some ideas:

1. Write a quick blog post and promote it.

Jot down some random thoughts about something helpful for your readers.  Try a top ten list (like this one!) or top 5 list.  You can polish it later and use it as an article, in your newsletter, for a podcast, in a video, etc.  Take time to tweet your post and add it to your Facebook status.  If you’re using Networked Blogs, it will tweet/update for you.

If you feel overwhelmed at the thought of posting in 10 minutes, check out Michele Scism’s 10 minute blog post ideas: part one and part two.

2. Write a few thank you cards or emails.

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Twitter Tips – 5 Types of People to Follow on Twitter and How To Organize Them

Twitter is a great way to network and connect with people online but it can get a bit overwhelming once you’re following more than a few people.

Here are two ways to make it easier:

  • divide your connections into the five groups below
  • create Twitter lists to sort their tweets

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Tools to Make Social Networking Easier

Do you love networking and connecting with people through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other sites but find that it ends up taking far too much time out of your busy day? Do you wish there were a way you could update all your profiles at once, automatically share your blog content, and make it easier for others to share your website on the social networks? Good news–you can!

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