How to Get Your Momentum Back When It Disappears

Cartoon rocket space ship

Have you ever lost momentum?  Gone from a rocket ship to… well… a rock? Maybe you were doing great with blogging consistently, then a few days or a few weeks slipped by… Maybe you had a fantastic plan to stay in touch with your subscribers, but something happened and you got off track, and now [...]

Why It's Awesome to Be a Nerd

Heart Strings

What in your life do you really, really love? Sometimes as entrepreneurs it’s tough to find “balance” because we do love what we’re creating in our businesses and the work we do with clients. And sometimes people around us don’t understand that. You’ve got to see this video I ran across on Facebook today (thanks [...]

I Dare You to Do This With Me Every Single Day


Where are you headed?  Are you moving forward? Sometimes all it takes is a little comment from someone whose opinion you value to wake you up and motivate change.  Has that happened to you? About six months ago I had three of those interesting conversations with colleagues within a couple of days, and the big [...]

Three Reasons You've Got to Take More Risks


Do you have those times in life where you feel like you’ve pushed yourself to the limit? This is long and I’m letting you in some really personal stuff. But if you’re afraid to take risks, it’ll be helpful for you. Part way through you’ll find an exercise you can do to help you really [...]

You Can't Change it, So Roll With it...

Bed woman noise - funny

How do you deal with “changes” or “challenges” or things that don’t go as planned? Your computer crashed… website got hacked… someone else screwed up… you screwed up… relationship issues… family challenges… financial problems… an unhappy client… balls got dropped somewhere… Do you get… …frustrated? …annoyed? …depressed? …overwhelmed? Sometimes things happen that we can’t go [...]

How to Succeed When You're Afraid


Do you consider yourself a brave, courageous person?  Are you the type who could base jump or get on a stage in front of 100,000 people without fear? I’m not.  I’m working on it though (not the base jumping, exactly, but the bravery). I loved the movie We Bought a Zoo and my favorite scene [...]

12 Biggest Lessons I've Learned from 12 Years in Business


Twelve years ago I stepped out into creating my own business.  Here are 12 of the biggest lessons I’ve learned along the way. 12. Determination counts. If you’re determined enough you’ll make it work. I started my business with a laptop computer, internet connection, and prayer. I had no start up money. Didn’t know a [...]

Thanks for Sharing Your Magic


Have you been encouraged to “believe in your own magic”? The last couple of weeks, it’s come back to me over and over again.  So many of those who I’ve been in mastermind groups with over the past year, and who I had the honor to meet during Overnight Authority Live and spend time with [...]

What Are You Tolerating?

Two Signs Fix It or Live With a Problem Tolerate or Improve

What things are you tolerating in your business (and your life) that are holding you back from reaching your potential? Take a stand for yourself and the difference you want to make for yourself, your family, and in this world. Stop tolerating the things that discourage you and stop you from moving forward. You will [...]

Are You Waiting to Be Noticed?


Do you feel like you’re standing on the sidelines, waiting for your name to be called or for the phone to ring? Or standing anxiously by your mailbox, waiting for the postman to drop off your invitation to the “party”? I’ll admit, I’ve occasionally felt that mix of admiration with a teeny twinge of jealousy [...]